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Vidyamandir Cla,ses: In now ling ForY01Jr SU<'U' ..


SECTIOlli"- 1

Ablockofm.m l kg is pl.xt<lonaroughbcl'izontal surfx e

=ted b)' a light ltnrli ~sirli O\'er two smooth~!~·• u
sbown. Anolhefb!ockoflkg is conll«ted10tbtothffendof
lbc ming. Th, xctltr.ation of !M blocks is: (cod!icirnt of
fiiction µ - 0.2)
(A) 0.8g (B) 0.4g (C) O.Sf

A pzticie morn from the point (0, I) to lbc pou:t (1. 0) .iloo,g a ltnight line u sbown. lf oue of the
fuf=~gonthe;,~";is F -( 3i-4j ) X,lbcwork~ (in Jwln) by i is eq,Rlto:


(A) -7 (B) 7 (C) -1 (DJ )
la lbc figure sholln, ;,art BCD is lenticireular TICk. A block is rdcas.ed from poiit A Th, block can

(Al lr <':½R (B) h<':¾R (C) h,:.lR (DJ /, ,:.JR

Twob!ocksA:mdBcf~:?m:mdm, inpttti,,:,l:j-.,,,connrrudbyam:ossks,
and inextensible string. The n1K>le system is ,uspeo:l& by a awslel, ,prul8 as ,hown
in~f:gin. Tbemagnitlldl:,of;icctleratiooofAalldBimclediate!y~erlhe,lrillgis


(A) g.1 (B) fa

(C) g. (DJ 1-1
Abl<>d:isdr.i.ggedanam,c,od!pl3m,Tiithihe helpofaR¥Wbicbmo,-c,
with a \"e!ocay \" as !lbown infig..-e. lliehorizonbl ,·elocity oflhc block is

(A) (BJ iiiie

(C) nine (DJ

CodeA I P•ge2 JE.EMain- 4I JEEl024

Vidy•m;indirCla-•: lnnovatingForYourSU<ce$,

inside sumo, dcscnbts cin:ul:ar motion in ahaiZllr:tal plane al a beigll oflOcm:ibo\,:,!M vrrt<:<. Its
ve!ocil)•inm 1, is:(g•9 .! mr)

(A) I (B) u (C) 1.4 (D) 1.6

I tg biod< collido,s "ilh a borizomal u-.:,ightl~• ,pm!! of furee OODStilllll 100 Nim, ., shown in the
fi81Jle. ThelilockcOC1pmsestbe,!)llrliliy0 .4mfromlhe~llposilioa.Aswminglhatlhec«tlicitntof
tmetie 8-iction boefwttn !be blodt wl the llorizont.11 surface is 0.9. the tpttd of the bloct. a !ht illlt.lnt
ofcollisioo is ~•!}' (& •10 m 1')

(A) 4.8m11 {B) 5.6ms (C) t.4m 's (D) 5. 8m's

A small particle ofnws mis tied to i manlen thrnd and the other end oflhe thread is ti.W ii ;i point
The particle is ~leasffl ftornren \\;th the ming bmgligbl m.;ii::q: :an angt, 9:Jo" with the

""''"" •"""u Th<~d°"'oo""''K""''""°'""='°"'"'"""""

(A) ( l )g (B) (./i- l)g (C) (D) (2 - ,/i,)g

A""",·ofmassmispro~kd,·erticallyupwith aspttdv0.lfitpuscslhfOUJ!hlhepoimofprojcction

\\i!baspeed7,lhewort.d01ltbymresistance is:

(A) ZttO
10. A sba,rpUIISroKiasmw1hfixNhcmi'!ii=of00111R.J-ksbrafurmrcst0111.Cllf\-msm0001,..rx.,

0flleigbt ( 4 ) •00\-elllehfflwphere~~zgle 8 awtiichhelea,·esthebemdpbereis :

(A) 00<-l(f) {B)

CM-!* (; ros-l(¾) (D) co,-I["i7J]

CodeAIPagel JEEMain-4I JEE 1024


Two blocks

(A) umr
Vidyamandirt:la,..,s: ln110Ya lingF0rYourSua:Hs

coonected by

1. massless string tbrough an idel.! pulley as 1b011ll. A torce of 22N is

1 m1r (q 2m'•· (D) 2.2m1r

ll. Two sm.illblodsA ao:IBbaYirlg=2Qand lkg respcctinlyart kepi on a rougbtumtablc that i•
rotating at ;ID uoknDWll ooomDI qwr speed. The dilUnce ofblod:s A :md B from Center of tbe table
arer..: • 2Scmandr., - 50cmrespectinlr,1111creascocfficieal0ffhctionforlheblocbareµ..: • 0.4
& i.i - 0.9 respectinly. Tbcforeeoffriction011B,,!Aisoalllt1-etgc ohlippmg,11illbc:
(A) 27.V (B) 8.V (C) 24S (D) 16.\'

13. Two b!ocks A andB of!DliS 2 kg 2nd 3 q rnp,ctively are lnmJ! from a ma.sleM pull(:,· llffllg a
ma.slcs, ,triq,;. The pilkj· is ""p,nd,d from a ftxtd ceiling by motber masslcs, string. A1ttt the bloch
are r,leased, the tm1ioo {in Newl<ln) in the ming rormettmg the pulkJ· to the ceiling~
{g - !O m/,l)

(.-\) 16 (B) 24
.fl. (C) 32

A partidc is mosing in lhe X-Y p!:aoc. Its momeotum as a timcrian of time is gi,-.n by
p(1)• Acos(oll) i • B •in(<o>t)}. HcreA,Baod "'areroosbats. The Dd fon:c~antheparticleat

1 -~11

(A) ~Mli-½Boj (B) - ~Aroi - ½Broj

(C) ½Ao>i +f Bej ll)) - ½Aroi+ ~ B<o>j

15. Ap:,rticloelproj«:t<dfromtbc:ground:atacertainaagkftomtb<hcrizootal.Thrn,th<imbotaneow
pow<rd<lir <red totbe~lebyth<tor~ofgra\·ity is
(.-\) Positindu'ougb0111thepMticle"1tligh!
{BJ Positi,-edurillglhe upw~rdjoomey, :ind 11eg:ath-e duri!lg the OO'l,11\\-.rdj oumey o!dlep;n;tide
(q N,gatin during tbc: upward journey, :ind positi,.,doringtbe <1m,11war djoumey oflhep:,rtide
{D) N,gati,-e1hrougboul!hepatide's tligh1

CodeAIPife• IEEMaln•• I JEE2024

Vidya mandirCla-s:lnnovatlngForYourSucc~s

16. A dwnof leng!hlbanp wi!hits lwflcogthmngi.Dg. It Uhookedai:eud A. r-owas hool< i,, rei<as<d it

t.llls. Tbe1peedofd:.ainasi!tlr.!ls comple1e!yofflhetableis ·

" '"
(,\) # {B) ./2,i (q M
17. ==-
In the grl·m situation, what is lhe IIIZIS of block A
sotharblockBrcmaiw,taliODZ)· "ithre.pcdtolhrw:all"
The coefficifflt of ftic:tioo is µ ~ween wan and block. All

(q M;"'
IS. Gn-mafurce f - 3r'i+1J}. Thewod:donebythisfum :a.s thepaniclei,displacmfmm (l ,2)to
(2, 3Jis
(.-\) (B) 151 (q (D) 11J

19. The potttllial mug;· ofiwticle of mass O.! kg w::nillg aiooa the x-a.>ci, i1 gi1-m by l'•h(.- -4)1,
1111eft:risinm11R. ltcanbecoocludedlhat :
(,\) tbepaniclei1 actedupon by acomtan1ftm:e
{B) tbe~klei1in 1tableequilibriumit:r •2
(Q the particle i1 in wuuble equ,:librium at .- . 2
(D) tbepanide i1 in1tableequilibriumat :r -4

20. !.bll ofth~ block B is"' and that of the ,1ffly is 3m. Whm the block is r~lu sed ftcm rtst ftom the top
of ~wtdg~determinethe tmsiooincordCD!lttlkdtoboldthe\\·tdge ftomlllOl1fll!whikBisiliding

(,\) 2mgme (B) 7"cos8 (Q 7",m2e (DJ 111g1m2e

Thi< Secllon w nLllin< F..., (OSI Numrric.! Valur Tl'P" Qur51iDM. The, an<W<er to each qur <tion is • NUMERICAJ.
VALUE . foreachque <tion,eettertllt,~numerial value olthea......,r. lf thea,uweri> adecimalnumerical
valu,,thenroun<klff t hoVlllue taTWO~ecimal placo,clftheamweri>anlnl"ll<rnluo, thendonat add«eroin
the do<im•I place<. In tho OM~. de"°! bubble fM fi'•i//nfcrp,nitlW volu ... HO""Wr, fcr11egat/W vo!u~•, G ti/111

sbownbyAisS.V, 1eadilJishol.•ubyBwillbe _ _ .V

Power supplied to ,pmic!e of mu,2 kg •Ties "itb 11111e ;is P-f rr. Hererisinsecond. IC\"elocity

ofpanidea 1-0 is ,• -0 . Thn·doci:tyofparu,::le•time 1-2s "illbe_(inm1):

Blod:A of mas, 4 kg is up! onJIIIO!h,rb!ockB ofrmss 6 kg. which tt:ffl on mlOO!h fiDa" (r,fe, figure)
'!kcotffic:imt of ftiction bem'tt:11 biods.f and Bis µ - 0.6. The ID3.'timum , ·ahr offure,, "F' rut
c:mbeapplied toblockBsotb:nthtteisnoslippingbtm'ttllthcblock., is 1511Nemom. Tbe,-:UU, ofn

Ablockofm:mltgis5U!lpcndm\-.rtically byaiidr"1,pringofspringcoostam
!OONmas>howo,aidlhe~CDdofthcspriqisfi.vd. The block is released
fromre-st1111a:L!Mspriogisinitsutunlit,:glb. The1~locityoftheblockallttil
twmo1-eddc111ubyadiS1aDCe!Ocmis _ _ m 1.(1 •1 0ms 2 )

A bob of pendulum oC mass'" c;m rome m" compute 1·ertic"1 cucle. It is 111-en a speed of ./fii at
bonooi most point as sbo\1u The mmimumtensim ill the stnng inthecitcularpatb isx"tl, where ,:


Th~ <ectlon cont1ln• 20 Multiple Cholce Quntlonl. Ei ch ll'JHllon i.., 4 choices (A), (BJ, !CJ ind (D), out of which

Atmosphencpl'esturesr«ordtdinditl'ermtcitiel areasfollow,:
C1tlts ~lnal.l B11111lon Delhi '-lumbal
p ill N/ ml 1.0l xlo' U xto' 102xto' 1.2\ xlo'
Coo.,,·e ~and m.arktbe pbceitwhichliquidllill boilfusl_
(A) Shim.l.t (B) Ibnplor• (Q (D)
\\'hichcurnill figuttrrpr=tslhe cun-eofidtalgais?

(A) BoPly
,- C~D-
- E~F- A~B-
An open ,·eud .a 27"C is hta!e<I uttil 3 8~ oftbe :air ill it bas btto e,cpelltd_ Am1111in11: th.a !he ,·ohm•
ttmainscoruwu_alrnl31e!he kmper2\re:ltwbichth-,~sclwa.s~e<I
{A) 307°C (B) 107"C (Q -ISO"C (D) 207"C
(A) Only(a) (B} Only(b) and(c)
(C) Only(l)ill>d(b} (DJ (J),(b)aDd(c)

conditiom cftm,pcraurc :ao:I inns=in ISO s«. Cak:ulac,-.,urdcmity ofllllkno\,11
w a u rn M • m
Atwbnt,rnpera 1nw0uldN,molc,cuJcs!m-., =a,~cspttda.COmnltctll,sat200K_
(A) -7l'C (B} 200'<: (C) 700' C (DJ 273'<:

CodeA I P~ge7 JEEMain - 4IJEE 2024

Vidyamar>dir Cla,....s: lnrM>YalinJI For Your StK1~..

v, . oo«L v, . ~«1
Tom w!tich statemei:t is(aR)c«rfct in giseous
(I) Thfmn.imumdeosityof11asis0.l gmml.
(Ii) Thfdel:1i1yofliquidC'Oi ill gmlat60,tm.
(W) BDrepmm11-ipoor~ofCOi
(i\") T'hf<:Olllpreuibilityfactorofg;,sat27 'C is~""i)"flnslhml
Whichof lhefoliowifll!is-c«rtct"'
(A) Only(i} (B) (i}:md(il.) (Q (i}.(il.):md{iii) (D)
8. Among tbe followi"!';-=
L PCl,islrigcml.bip)\\MCZifiis~p;-r.amid.11.
IL BondqkofBFiislnslhmth.aofBCh
m. Allcarbooatomstm-ewnthybridisatioa111prop;-t1e(Cili<)
(A) l .t:Ilaily (B) 11.t:IDonly (Q !only (D) !!
Thfpolmtyot(i) SF, r.d (il.J SiF, resp«t11-ety aR?
(A) (iJNonpoW"(iiJPo!ar (B) (i) Pobr (ii) Noopolz
(Q (i)Non poW"{ii) ?-,onpobr (D) (i}Pobr(il)Polar
I O. ~!mwhichtypeofo1~isttSp011.<ibltfor n - chancterinSi~KbondofH,SiN"CQ?
(A) (B) (Q 3d.'"l +-2p:r (D) Jcl:t ..- 2drr
ll . Whichoflhefoll""iD,: is increasingbondordd'
(A) C2<NO<Hej<Oj (») NO<C 2 <:0j"<Hei

(C) Hej<Oj"<NO<Ci (DJ Hej <:Oj"<Ci< 1'0

ll . Thes,:twbichlw.illth,planar,~iesi•
(A) IJ . C01,XcF4.XcF5 (BJ C01 . SF4,CIF_i, BrF1

(C) XeI4 . H20, Xe04 , PF3 (D) 1c1:;,1a;.col,XeOi

13. Thepn-p:i:bond is preseutin

(a) Xe03 (bJ soi- (c) S01 (d) CiH;

(A) Only(d) (B) (c)m:l(d) (Q (a).(b)md(c) (D) {a).(b).(c)m:l(d)
14. Assurnin~2s - 2pma.ingisNOTop,rati,·e. lhe~nr:tic spte~=<Zll!lhefulloningis
w fu Q (D)

CodeAIPage8 JEE~ln •41JEE1024

15. Afterundemmdin@theusen1onandreason.cboosetbecorrectoption.
Asmtlon: In th!: bOlldinji molecular orbit.,! (MO) of Hi. electmn dtmity is increased bttl\"ttn the

Ru.wn: bondinj! MO is w,1.+'1',1.. 11-flid:t show, drstructin inll:rmmce oftbe c ~

(A) Anen,oo and Rtuon are correct, but Reason is not correct upwiatiw for the Asmtion
(B) As!ffl!OII and Rtuon are correct wl RtiSOII is the con:ect ""l)lmaiol: for the Assertion
(C) ~ionisine,:nect,R.ew,ni1 CO<Jt<:1
(D) As!fflioniscorrec~ R.easoois incorrect
16. ~ t h e following gas,,s i n ~ oobofcritiral t rmpt:ra\R.
(A) lk<fu<N, <0,<CO,<H..-O <hll,
(B) lk<H,<N,<O,<CO,<Nlt,<H..-0
(Q fu<lk<N:,<0,<CO,<H..-O<hll,


(A) ~Xrepresentre.ilgumdgraphYrepresemideal
(BJ X represent ideal gu md gr3Ph Y represent real g;u
(q Bodlgnpbsbelongtoideilg;u
(D) Compressibility factor of gu X-1 Y is lm man I
l '- Wbichoftlxfollo"ingnaiemem:arecmect.~Hi1110lecule?
(a) HOMO cfH,H<o;, (bJ Bondtnerg}"Cf H, is4380kJmcr'
(•) BoodlfflgthofH,_ is74p:n (d) H,_i,<!wnagnetic
(A) (~).(b). {c)and(d) (B) Only(~).(b)3M(d)
(Q Only(b).(c)aod(d) (DJ Only(c)>OO(d)
l.9. ConsidefState:m,nt,;-lmd2
Sm , mm t-l: Dueto H-bondUl1;\boilingpointof HF ismoretbanthatof l:l,O
Sca!Omm t-2: En,rgyof H-bond,.ri .. Ihm 10 - !OOUmor'
(A) Sutemcm- liscon«t;S1:umrnt-2isincon ect
(B) Sl:ltem<nt-lisinc<xJect;Scacmcnt-2iscorra:t
(Q BOlh iiRCO!Rct
(DJ BOlhiiRinrorrtct

CoMA I Pa5e 9 JEEMaln•4 IJEE2024

Vldyamandl1Classes: ln nov11tln11ForYourSucce n
20. The ,-01ume1 oft,,_.o ,·essels at lallt temperature are in the ni:,o of2 : 3. One 1·e11el coo.taiw H:: and
O!htr:-:: at 600 mm and 900 mm respectiHly. The final~=• "'ben tile)· are «innected togetbet it:
(Amime that N: andtf::r9Clto fmn NHJ)
(Al 620 mm (B) 760 mm (Q 780 mm (D) 800 mm

Tim Se<tion contoln• FNe (OS) Nurneri<al Volue Type QuestioM. The a ""wer 10 .. ch a ue!li<>n 11 • NUM~ IU(.AI.
VAI.U( .Fc, ..chaue,ticn. entOfthe<cn-ectnumerlu l •o lu,0f t h,on,wer.lftN!•n•w., 1, o decimol...,rneriul
,,.i...,. th,n ,.,..nd-cll th• ••fue t o TWO decm>I pla<e•. If the a nswer ila an lntecervalu•, t h,n de not add zero in
t N! decimal plac ... In tho OMR, do ""'l,.,bb/o 11,o @,ign for po,;ri,,,, ..,.1,.,_ Ho_w,,, for negatt,,, ""lu«, 9,;g,,
fflOU/dbebubb/od. (E>ample:6, 81, l .<;O. l.lS,O.O!I)
L Tb,JR5sureof a l:4minureof dihydrogenaoddioxygenmcloscdin a ,·~isonemnosim,,tt. n..
panialpresrureofdioxy~rnis x x !0-1. V>lue ofx is _ _.
Def~howmany of the follcn•lD!! statcmems art mr :a vay high pressure fir arc:algas
(a) Comprnsibilityractori,lntlhaol

(b) Comprnsibilityfactor,·arinlillearlywithprnS1R
(c) Mo!ir ,..,tumeoccupied by ps is more • compartd to icleat ps :a simi!ir pressure and

(d) Ga islnscompmsible•~etoidnlga.

(e) Comprtssibilityfacroris~1'ffl byZ - l +'ii

Toedip,ltmm>mtof HBr is 1.6 x l0-JO Colouml>-meserandmkr-atomicsp31'.U18is IA Toe ¼ iODic

The 1Wllber ofpanma,gnetic sp«in amougthe following is:

0:, CO, N~ C!O,_ BaO:, CO:
S. Numbero!mo!«ule 1 m0Qi~lollol\lD!!ba,·ingnoo-ucudipokmomemis:
Oi.SOJ.SF,.SFo. H:S. CS:.SO:.H.-0
VidyamandirCLasses :ln novatingFor Y<1t1r SUocess

1f IO-A....V.'s : <>,., <1 2, <>,. 0 ;1 0-G.M.'s:g1,g1, .... g 1~ and !(J..H.J./.'s ,\ , /t: ..... ,\ 0 arc in=tcd

~WttndltllUUlben2md3.Th~ , Jr"•J
[L"< L-
,_, ,, . 11;
x(l1-l2 l,ol \;sequa.1 10
(A) 2S (q 625 {D) 525

Considers. - ¾.. *•·· ··•4,,~: 1. S\lllofinfillite tennsofthisserieswillbe

(,\) S'2 (BJ 11,S (C) l (DJ J
if<1, "1, <l:: ,····• "::•,bare inarithmeticp!ogm1iooand,i,g1,t2, ... ,f:,,b~ingeometric

progresiooandhtsll'.elwm.ockmeanofaandb,Wll~• <IJ•" 2• - 1 .
'·'•-1 equ.i
....... + " • •""· 11
t1t1. f1t:,-1

(A) 211h {B) i (C) ., (DJ

Let <1i,<1:,tJJ, betmnsofanAP. lf:::;::::::::~ •f- p,oq, tbm equals

(A) 1
{B) t
(DJ *
5. Therumof3/+8 • ~ • up1011tenmisequa.lto

(A) n- 1 {B) -;;S (D) ,, .. ,

6. If A1,Ai:~ , G: andH1, H: bttwoA1'l's, G1'fs aodH.\f1 insl:rtcdbttwccntwoqumtitics, lha,lhc

,.iu. of..Q&_is

(AJ :::;: (BJ t:=~: (Q ;::;: (DJ t:=::

(AJ 2n~1 (ai - o?, ) (BJ ;:j(o?, -af )
(C} ,;S(a:'•~.) (D) 2nn•l(..,'+<i,, )

CodeA I Pi18e11 JEEMaln•4IJEE2024

Vldyanwndir Cl,Hs.H: Innovating For Your Success

lfo, is ~ comp!excubtlOOl: ofumly, thcosin{(.,' 0 +.,"),.- -f}-

(,\J "Ji (C) I (D) ff
If z•½, lbon 1he value oflbe product (l•z) (l+z1 )(l+z' )(t+:' ) (1.. z:" ) is ,qua! to


["El 1.. .:.
{D) -1

{A) I (Q

J (B) 0 (D) '

II. •w..t>·, \\tiertuand\'artrealnumb=, lhmuis

(A) -I (B) I (Q 0 (D)

13. Toe,~ of i::::::::~: is

(A) cosO - iJtnO (B) ws98 - isin98
(q stn90-tr'"90 {D) stn0-1,'"0
(A) Rt(z )•O (B) /111(z) • 0
((') Rt (z) >0. ,'ill (z) >0 (D) Rr(z )>0,/111 (z) <0

H. Ru l p.rtof/is : (8ER)
(A) e'"°' -{cos(sin8)} (B) ,l-"' 1 -{cos (cos8))

((') ,t-"' -{sllr(cos8)} (DJ ,I"' -{Jin(:si~8J}

CodeAIPa5el2 JEE Maln-4IJEE2024

Vidy.imandlrClasses: lnr10YatingforYourSuocess

17. lfzand 1<·are1woDCO-zerotomplexwmbensuchtb.l l:><·l•l and ari (z) -.:rt {"') • f. !hen:!\,' is

(A) I (B) -1
'" , (D)

Ifn , z,:iru!ZJ,u..-. m-op;;iir,ofronjug:,1erompkuunben,thenari(;.-) +arx (7,")equ.a1s:


(A) 0 (BJ -f (C) T (D) .T

19. Iflzd •lzil• - -•1:,[•l.lhffl l 1( 1 :;;i•. ·_·_·_·_::z;ll i1equ.altc:

(A) (B) "

'" ,

TM• Section cont•ins R.e (051 Nu,.,..rk•I V•lue Type Quutlon1. The 1nswer to ..<h Question d • NUM EIUCAL
VAl.U E. fG< e1<h Que,ti!>n, eoter the correct numerl<II 01lue of !ht 1n1wer. ti the 1n,wer Is • declma, I numt ~CII
v1lut, then rouncl-off tne n !ue 10 TWO dtclm1I pla,: .,, the 1n,wer 1, 1n lnte1er v1•ue. then <So not 1dd ,ero In
th!! doc lm1I ptac:es . In tl>e OM~, do l>OI 1>1,bble the e,1gn for i,o,ltNo """'"'· ,i,,.,.,-, forn"'l<'f~ ..,i...,, 0 •lfln

lftht~.x•-4.x1 +'7r+t,,,+l•Olwfourpooiti,·,root,;,thtntht,·alu,d(o-/J) is _ _

lfrumof11t=mofnrn.-\..P.', :1re %(711+13) and %(313 - 1311) 21!dd>eirll!hlfflll< :zre~ then~

!fa poim.P Ibo complt,c number Z • x+ly mos-cs in tht Arpnd plme s.:iti.Jl'!,·lll!!

R,( ~ ) •¾,ifx?+_1~+a:r•b:)·+c•O , then!henlutof (b-c-o) is _ _

lf Z is1.C011-1"ealoompie:tllUlllber,thenlheminimum,·a1ueof ~ is _ _

,aR "'°"tbttbeequation
10. Th~tn1mbe< of solutions ofth~•ysternof~uations R€(z' )- o:ind lzl- 2. is
(.-\) 4 (B) 2 (Q ' (D) (

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