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Biotechnol. J. 2008, 3, 449–451 www.biotechnology-journal.


Biotech History

Mexico, the father of the pill and the race for cortisone
The son of
Carl Djerassi
(born 1923),
grew up in
Vienna and
fled the Nazis
in 1938.
Mexican yams
When he was 16 years old, he
arrived in New York penniless.
A few years later, he graduated
Phi Beta Kappa from Kenyon
College in Ohio. His first job
was as a junior chemist with the
Swiss pharmaceutical company
Carl Djerassi with Alejan-
CIBA, where he was part of the
dro Zaffaroni pointing at
team discovering the antihista- the key chemical feature
mine pyribenzamine. He ob- of all steroid contracep-
tained his PhD at the Universi- tives.
ty of Wisconsin and then went
to work at a little known Syntex and shortened from two of his Those were the days of unre-
lab in Mexico City. This Mexi- memoirs by me RR): strained optimism, when corti-
can lab became a center of The telegram dated 8 June 1951, sone was believed to be a wonder
steroid research and synthesis bore the name of Tadeusz Reich- drug for treating arthritis and
within a short time. They joined stein, who the year before had other inflammatory diseases.
the worldwide race to synthe- shared the Nobel Prize in medi- Philip Hench, one of Reichstein’s
size cortisone. It was here, that cine for his isolation and structur- fellow Nobel Prize winners from
Djerassi directed the synthesis al elucidation of cortisone. The the Mayo Clinic, had shown
of the first oral contraceptive telegram – sent from Basel to movies in 1949 of helpless arthrit-
for women and became known Mexico City, then the site of tiny ics receiving cortisone and then,
throughout the world as the Syntex, S. A.-said only, “No de- in days, getting up to dance. The
‘Father of the birth-control pression.” only problem was that cortisone
pill’. It signified that the melting cost nearly $200 per gram, and
In the following, Carl Dje- point of the authentic steroid, iso- depended on not readily available
rassi describes the exciting lated by Reichstein from adrenal starting material: slaughterhouse
hunt for cortisone (extracted glands, was not depressed when animals. In 1944, it had taken
mixed with the synthetic speci- Lewis H. Sarett of Merck & Com-
men we had dispatched to pany in Rahway, New Jersey, 36
Switzerland. (In 1951, a “mixed chemical steps to synthesize cor-
melting point” was one of the tisone from cattle bile. Thus, a po-
standard ways of establishing tentially unlimited source for cor-
identity between two crystalline tisone was needed: if not through
chemicals.) total synthesis – building from
Carl Djerassi at
Thus, our unknown research scratch from air, coal or petrole-
Syntex with his group – the oldest member of um, and water – then through
assistant Arelina which, was, at age thirty-four, sev- partial synthesis, starting with a
Gomez. en years my senior – won the race. naturally occurring steroid and

© 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 449

Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2008, 3, 449–451

transforming it chemically into as CIBA, then dominating the


cortisone. Sarett had prepared the steroid hormone field- that in a

first few grams of cortisone by short while, tiny Syntex broke the
such a partial synthesis – some- international hormone cartel. As
what akin to the conversion of a a result, prices were lowered con-
barn into a villa, the bile acid be- siderably, and these hormones
ing his barn, cortisone his villa. became much more available.
Here I shall try to emulate Ein- In the late 1940s, Syntex
stein’s dictum: “We should make The press conference announcing the first syn-
served as bulk supplier to phar-
things as simple as possible, but thesis of cortisone from a plant source at Syntex maceutical companies through-
not simpler.” The starting materi- im Mexico City, 1951. Left to right: Gilbert Storck, out the world, but few people out-
al our Syntex team chose, as a Juan Pataki, George Rosenkranz, Enrique Batres, side these firms even knew of the
more widely available alternative Juan Berlin, Carl Djerassi, and Rosa Yashin. existence of this small chemical
to Sarett’s bile acid, was dios- manufacturing operation in Mex-
genin. ico City, which was soon to revolu-
At first glance, the choice In 1944, unable to convince tionize steroid chemistry and the
seems to make neither chemical any American pharmaceutical steroid industry all over the
nor geographical sense. While its firm of the commercial potential world. By the spring of 1951, how-
chemical structure does contain of diosgenin, Marker formed a ever, everyone was taking at least
the four rings typical of steroids, small Mexican company named one Mexican coup seriously. By
diosgenin is burdened by extra- Syntex (from Synthesis and Mex- then our Syntex team had pub-
neous chemical appendixes, en- ico). lished a “Communication” in the
compassed by two more rings at- A few months later, Syntex JACS. Another “Communication”
tached to positions 16 and 17 (see started to sell to other pharma- recorded our discovery of a novel
Figure, rings E and F). ceutical companies pure, crys- path to the characteristic ring-A
Diosgenin, however, had been talline progesterone prepared structure of cortisone or of other
the raison d’être for Syntex’s for- from diosgenin by partial synthe- hormones, such as progesterone,
mation just a few years earlier. In sis in five steps. Within a year the from an intermediate that was
the late 1930s and early 1940s, partners had a disagreement, and particularly suitable to steroidal
Russell E. Marker, a brilliant Marker left the company … His sapogenin precursors such as
but unorthodox chemistry pro- partners Emeric Somlo and Fe- diosgenin.
fessor at Pennsylvania State Uni- derico Lehmann, looking for an- At this point, we moved into
versity, conducted research on a other chemist who could re-es- the two-shift mode, which led to
group of steroids called “sa- tablish the manufacture of prog- the synthetic crystals that were
pogenins,” compounds of plant esterone from diosgenin at shipped to Reichstein in Switzer-
origin socalled because their Syntex, recruited Dr. George land. Within hours of the arrival
chemical combination with sug- Rosenkranz from Havana. A of the “no depression” telegram, I
ars (termed “saponins”) display Hungarian like Somlo, Rosen- wrote the first draft of our “Com-
soaplike qualities in aqueous sus- kranz had received his doctorate munication” entitled “Synthesis of
pension. Natives of Mexico and under the Nobel laureate Leo- Cortisone.”
Central America, where saponin- pold Ruzicka (one of the giants of Our successful synthesis of
containing plants occur wildly early steroid chemistry) and read cortisone from diosgenin had
and in abundance, had long used Marker’s publications. permanently placed Mexico on
them for doing laundry and to kill Within two years, Rosenkranz the map of steroid research. It
fish. Marker concentrated on the had not only reinstituted at Syn- was, moreover, Upjohn’s require-
chemistry of the steroid sa- tex the large-scale manufacture ments for tons of progesterone – a
pogenin diosgenin, which was of progesterone from diosgenin quantity that at that time could be
present in certain types of inedi- but, even more important, had satisfied only from diosgenin –
ble yams growing wild in Mexico. achieved the large-scale synthe- that started Syntex on the way to
He discovered an exceedingly sis, from these same Mexican becoming a pharmaceutical giant.
simple process whereby the two yams, of the commercially more The process was accelerated by
complex rings (for us, molecular valuable male sex hormone our synthesis – a few months
garbage) could be degraded to a testosterone. Both syntheses were later, again in Mexico City – of the
substance then easily trans- so much simpler than the meth- first oral contraceptive. Reich-
formed chemically into the fe- ods used by the European stein’s telegram, “No depression,”
male sex hormone progesterone. pharmaceutical companies -such of just a few months earlier ap-

450 © 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Biotechnol. J. 2008, 3, 449–451

plied to cortisone, but not to us. Our conclusion proved correct and the National Medal of Technol-

We were elated: Que viva México! when, a few weeks later, we ogy (in 1991, for promoting the new
Life magazine featured our learned through a patent issued approaches to insect control). He
team, most in immaculate white to Upjohn in South Africa (where was inducted into the National In-
lab coats, grouped around a patents are granted much more ventors Hall of Fame. Since 1959,
gleaming glass table and appar- rapidly than in the United States) Djerassi has been Professor of
ently mesmerized by an enor- that two of its scientists, Durey H. Chemistry at Stanford University.
mous yam root, which over- Peterson and Herbert C. Mur- In his second career, multi-tal-
whelmed the molecular model of ray, had made a sensational dis- ent Djerassi has turned from prac-
cortisone lying next to it. covery: fermentation of proges- ticing chemistry to writing five “sci-
Rosenkranz held a test tube, filled terone with certain microorgan- ence-in fiction” novels. Recently he
almost to the brim with white isms resulting in an one-step key has embarked on a trilogy of plays
crystals – the chemist’s equivalent transformation on the way to cor- with emphasis on contemporary
of the climber’s flag on top of tisone. cutting-edge research in the bio-
Mount Everest. For the photogra- What we chemists had accom- medical sciences.
pher’s benefit, the tube had been plished laboriously through a se-
filled with ordinary table salt, be- ries of complicated chemical con-
cause at that time we had synthe- versions, Upjohn’s microorgan-
sized only milligram quantities of ism with its own enzymes did in a
cortisone. single step!
Ironically, none of the corti- Only a few months later,
sone triumphs from our laborato- Djerassi found solace by syn-
ry and those of our competitors at thesizing with Georg Rosen-
Harvard and Merck that appeared kranz and Luis E. Miramontes
in the August 1951 issue of the the progestin norethindrone
Journal of the American Chemistry which, unlike progesterone, re-
Society contributed to the treat- mained effective when taken
ment of a single arthritic patient orally and was far stronger than
because of the appearance of a the naturally occurring hor-
newcomer, whose participation in mone. Djerassi remarked later
the race was not even known. A that “not in our wildest dreams
few months after our publication, … did we imagine (it)”, though
Syntex’s management received he is now referred to as the Fa-
an inquiry from the Upjohn Com- ther of the pill.
pany of Kalamazoo (in South Cited Literature:
Africa), asking whether we could [1] Djerassi, C., The Pill, Pygmy Cimps,
supply them with 10 tons of prog- and Degas Horse, BASICBOOKS, New
esterone. York 1992
Since the world’s entire annu- [2] Djerassi, C., This Man’s Pill, Oxford
University Press, 2001. Excerpts
al production at that time was
reprinted by permission of Oxford
probably less than one-hun- University Press
dredth that amount, such a re-
quest seemed outlandish. No one
in our group could conceive of a By Reinhard Renneberg, Hong Kong
medical application of proges- Author of over 1200 scientific pub- E-mail:
terone that could require tons of lications and seven monographs,
the stuff. We concluded that Up- Carl Djerassi is one of the few Reprinted with permission from
john was planning to use proges- American scientists to have been BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BEGINNERS
terone as a chemical intermediate awarded both the National Medal Academic press (Elsevier),
rather than as a therapeutic hor- of Science (1973, for the discovery New York 2007, 360 pp.,
mone. of oral contraceptives – ‘the pill’) ISBN-13: 978-0-12-373581-2

© 2008 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 451

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