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Kate Chopin

This extract is about Mamzelle Aurélie who is woman that never married. She
lived alone on her farm with her dog and the negroes who lived in her cabins and
worked on the field for her.
Kate Chopin describes real emotion cost of Aurélie´s independence. She was
used to live alone but one day she was made to take care of four children of her
neighbour. This is the point when values of her life started to change.
Mamzelle Aurélie lived with children for two weeks. At the beginning she wasn
´t used to so big noise around her and such a mess. She neither knew how to take
care of them. But slowly she found some mother-tricks and and during this time she
got used to children.
At the end when their mother came back and took children with her Mamzelle
Aurélie realized she is alone and she didn´ like it.
This story describes a life of a woman that thought "lonelyness" is the only way
how to live but after this experience she found out it is nice to live with somebody and
not to be alone.
I think Kate Chopin wrote about this lonelyness and life without somebody to
love because she lost her husband who died and left her with their children alone.

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