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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 12, 1750-1757

British Loot And Plunder Of India: A Post-Colonial Study

Of Shashi Tharoor’s An Era Of Darkness
Priyanka1 , Dr Gowher Ahmed Naik2

M.A (English)
Assistant Professor Department of English School of Social Sciences and Languages Lovely Professional
University, Punjab


Shashi Tharoor made an attempt to talk about the countless mistreatments done by the British Raj
through his non-fictional piece of work- An Era of Darkness. The title clearly signifies that those two
centuries were the era of Darkness when the Britishers ruled India. Due to them, Indians had to go
through extreme humiliation, and suffering and were dragged into the well of poverty. The hangover of
such pitiful situations is still there. Situations like Britishers considering themselves as superior, Indians
were not allowed in Civil Servants selections, to this Jawaharlal Nehru says, “The Indian civil service
was neither Indian, nor civil, nor a service” (Tharoor 60). They introduced multiple methods to divide
India in all aspects, so that exploitation will be unchallenging. For that, they introduced the concept of
the census. Everything they did was for their own benefit. Whether it was the introduction of railways,
disruption of communal schools, or not providing charity to Bengal famine. Tharoor doesn’t want
reparations for the destruction that was done by the Britishers, instead, he wants them to acknowledge
and apologise for the same. Through this paper, a clear expression of the plight of Indians and the
misdeeds of the Britishers is portrayed.

Keywords: Pre-independence, Colonialism, Orients, Occidentals, Injustice

Introduction effort to challenge the concept of colonialism

and Orientalism. It is a situation of pity even
Shashi Tharoor is an Indian former
though the colonizers departed yet the
International civil servant, diplomat, bureaucrat
colonizers were not free from the hangover of
and politician, public intellectual and writer
suffering. In this context, Mr SijoVerghese C.
who was born on 9th March 1956. He has been
writes in a chapter on Gayatri Spivak's Theory
serving in Parliament as a member of
of Subalternity,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala since 2009. His
writings reflect Post-colonialism and Post- “The outcome of colonialism is that the
modern perspectives. His famous works are west still occupies the position of an ideal state
The Great Indian Novel (1989), Show Business in the mind of the colonized people. Not only
(1992), India: From Midnight to the the lands but their minds were also being
Millennium (1997), Riot(2001),Bookless in colonized” (Verghese121).
Baghdad(2005), An Era of Darkness: The In May 2015, Tharoor spoke about the
British Empire in India(2016), India Shastra: exploitation and monetary degradation done by
Reflections on the Nation in our Time(2015), the British at Oxford University. Though they
Why I am A Hindu(2018). looted India, instead of paying compensation, at
least they should admit the wrong deeds and
Through his non-fiction piece of
present an apology for the same. In the first 8
literature, Tharoor made various arguments
chapters, Tharoor cogently depicted how
from the viewpoint of Colonized and made an
1751 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Indians paid for their own oppression and everything was waged by the Britishers, and
depicts how the British government mislead us they never paid a penny to India. Tharoor starts
and colonised Indians for 200 yrs. to argue that he is incapable of finding anything
that regards revitalising in the entire span of
Shashi Tharoor’s book “Era of
Britishers ruling India. Many historians
Darkness” was a bold step taken as a debater
expressed in anger, how their rule was decaying
where he talks about the exploitation done by
and indescribable. In this period, India faced
the Britishers. Due to this, Indians still have not
doom as it.
recovered from the agony the Britishers gave
India. That colonial period was the dark age for “They displaced
Indians as a lot of riots, feminine, racist and nawabs and Maharajas for a
unprecedented economic exploitation were price emptied their treasures
experienced. and took over their states
through various methods
Will Durant who is a young historian and
(including, from the 1840s, the
philosopher in 1930.
cynical “doctrine of lapse”
“The British conquest of India was the whenever a ruler died without
invasion and destruction of a High Civilisation an heir), and stripped farmers
by a trading company [the British East India of their of their ownership of
Company] utterly without scruple or Principle, the lands they had tilled for
Careless of art and greedy of gain, overrunning generations” (Tharoor 3).
with Fire and sword a country temporarily
Later, Tharoor says how the Britishers
disordered and helpless, bribing and murdering,
lead to their damnation in the Indian economy.
annexing and stealing, and beginning that
As of 1700, it was 27% of the world economy
career of illegal and ‘legal’ plunder which has
later at the beginning 23 per cent, which was
now (1930) gone on ruthlessly for one hundred
larger than all Europe’s economies. Sadly,
and seventy-three years”(Durant 7).
when the Britishers left India, it was almost the
In this book Era of Darkness, Tharoor situation of rag pickers. India’s economy
gave a broader explanation of his speech which dropped to 3%. Therefore, the writer depicts,
he delivered at Oxford union speech by “The reason was simple: India was governed
accumulating information from selecting for the benefit of Britain” (Tharoor 4).
accounts and presenting it as a paced narrative.
Extreme shaming and continuous,
He clearly expressed his notions in his eight
haven't ever violence been forced onto the
chapters where he made statements which were
nation. India experienced this during this time.
against the British plundering that Indians had
A multitude of artificially induced famines,
to go through. He talks about whatever the
mistreatment, abuse of authority, bureaucratic
British did was for their own benefit.
corruption, racial biases, wars, the expulsion of
He states statements which were opposite to Indians to foreign countries, and extraordinary
what historical books talk about. He took acute levels of economic deception. Even the British
proof from authentic sources and blames the Empire admits that there is no reasonable
Occidentals for all the things which were not excuse for its control in India. In his academic
fruitful to India. essay, Sebin Justine, a research scholar at
Mahatma Gandhi University, says―
He successfully divided the country.
Moreover, the battle of Plassey was beneficial “The text is produced
for the Clive and East India Company Official. in the background of the
India’s contribution to men, wars and massive oppression and
Priyanka 1752

exploitation of the colonial Thereafter, Indians didn’t weave much.

masters that lasted for more Therefore, the condition went worse as master
than two centuries. The book is weavers became beggars. Dhaka which is
written in the context of the currently the capital of Bangladesh was once an
colonial darkness where our epicentre of the production of Muslin. Their
blood was not valued at all, production had a drastic fall from lakhs in 1760
where innumerable Indians to 50,000 by the 1820s. The widespread Rural
perished like worms, where poverty was the result of British rule. Due to the
our forefathers toiled and introduction of modern machinery, handmade
moiled in the cotton and opium textiles became obsolete. Indian weavers
fields like Black American became the victims of technological
slaves” (Justine 347). obsolescence. They left no stone unturned to
block India’s industrial development. Once
When the British were in power, the
India used to be known for manufacturing steel,
centre was more in the commercial interest.
textiles and ships. Unfortunately, it was reduced
This we can study in the context of
to the colony that produced raw materials under
“Capitalism” and “Imperialism”. Colonies
British rule. When Britishers departed the
experienced the exploitation of natural
contribution to exporting manufacturing goods
resources. It all started with the “British
reduced from twenty-seven per cent to barely 2
Industrial Revolution” whose main motive was
per cent.
to destroy India’s thriving manufacturing
Industries. This can be demonstrated through If we take the account of handloom
Textile Industries and their situations. clothes which used to be a great exporter to over
the world until the East India Company took
“The British systematically set about
over. The Britishers showed their atrociousness
destroying India’s textile manufacturing and
by cutting the thumbs off Indian Weavers to
exports, substituting India’s manufacturing and
imposing tariffs and duties up to seventy to
exports, substituting India’s textiles
eighty per cent. As a result, Indian
manufacturing and exports, substituting Indian
manufactured clothes were expensive and were
textiles by British ones manufactured in
incompetent with Britain manufactured goods.
England. Ironically the British used Indian raw
Eventually, master weavers in India became
material and exported the finished products
back to India and the rest of the world, the
industrial equivalent of adding insult to injury” The traumatisation of British rule
(Tharoor 7). didn’t take rest. Taxation in the name of theft
began and they loot millions each year between
Mudhusoodan Pillai from John
1765 and 1815. It became the favourite activity
McLeod’s book, Beginning Post Colonialism
for the Britishers, and they started treating us as
“Colonialism was a lucrative commercial
cash cows. They started up collecting money
operation, bringing wealth and riches to
with a minimum of 50 per cent. This was too
Western nations through the economic
burdensome for the people. Among two third of
exploitation of others. It pursued economic
the population who were colonised by
profit, reward and riches. Hence, colonialism
Britishers fled their lands in the late eighteenth
and capitalism share a mutually supportive
century. “[tax] defaulters were confined in
relationship with each other” (Tharoor 21).
cages and exposed to the burning sun; fathers
The goods which Indians produced sold their children to meet the rising
were sold directly to Britain. As India grew rates”(Durant).
cotton but all were mainly sent to Britain.
1753 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Robert Clive was one of the Englishman could recognise. Jawaharlal Nehru
colonialists. He was victorious in the seminal once added the following, “The Indian civil
Battle of Plassey that took place in1757. He service was neither Indian, nor civil, nor a
first returned to England after exploiting service” (Tharoor 60).
Indians and collected £234,000. He was not
Indians were not permitted to
ashamed of his deeds and came back to India in
participate in this process where British people
1765 and collected £400,000. Whatever he got
alone chose the fate of Indians. A few chosen
from Indians in the form of ‘presents’, he sold
Indians who served in the service have a long
them all at five times higher prices than India.
and terrible journey ahead of them. How they
Britishers were with the clear notion that if you
felt when confronted with a shocking amount of
were Briton in India then it didn’t require much
racism and how they were mistreated by British
hard work to make money. The 400-carat gem,
people. A few Indian servicemen in the imperial
regarded as the best jewel in the world, was
service had their brains significantly affected by
transported to Britain by Thomas Pitt, the
this bigotry. Tharoor has discussed the real
governor of Madras at the time.
image of the plight of Indians concerning the
By bribing officials and ramping up the judicial system's court system and penal law.
pressure, the British cleverly destroyed and Even while there existed law and order in India,
undermined political institutions over the justice was incredibly biased, especially when
course of their long history of oppression, as it came to disputes between Indians and
Tharoor explains. Instead of developing self- Englishmen.
government at the village level, they weekend
He has also discussed other instances
village communities and set up central
where justice was rendered unjustly and how
legislative bodies, whose members were
Indians suffered under the British judicial
unfamiliar with the Indian social institutions,
system. It was invented by a foreign race and
which caused harm. One of the British people's
imposed on Indians by them; neither its
most fundamental political beliefs was the
inception nor its implementation involved any
divide-and-conquer strategy. Regarding
consultation with Indians. They saw it as
Edward Said's opinions on Orientalism, Dr
nothing more than a tool at their disposal. White
Dushyant Nimawatta writes in his book
people were the rulers since all the laws were in
Contemporary Critics and Critical Theories,
their favour, and Indians readily accepted them
“Edward Said argues that the Europeans
as their superiors. About racism, Dr Dushyant
divided the world into the East and West. They
Nimawat claims,
made the distinction from their own point of
view, dividing into us and them” (Nimwat189). “Europeans claimed that they were a
superior race to the people of the East. Thus
The motive behind approving this
they justified colonization and colonialism.
theory was to conquer all the states of India with
They claimed that colonization aimed to
the help of neighbouring Indian states. They
civilize the uncivilized people of the
started making a variety of policies depending
on the behaviour and support they receive from
the Kings. In this way, they were able to acquire Under the British administration, racial
India from all the parts. discrimination was almost legal. Tharoor
likewise says, “Justice, in British India, was far
In this book, Tharoor also discusses the
from blind: it was highly attentive to the skin
inequality that persists in the Indian Civil
colour of the defendant. The death of an Indian
Service in vivid and in-depth detail. Indians
at British hands was always an accident, and
were excluded from every position, honour,
repute, and office that even the lowest
Priyanka 1754

that of a Briton because of an Indian’s actions crore people in India unnecessarily perished
always a capital crime” (Tharoor 106-7). from malnutrition during the Raj to critique this
version of "the enlightened tyranny." He also
The way that Indians coexisted under
draws our attention to some excellent studies by
British rule is beautifully depicted by Tharoor.
Nobel Prize winner and academic Amartya Sen,
There was a lot more diversity in social
who proved that famines are always
behaviour and no rigid caste structure.
preventable since they are caused by a lack of
Additionally, there were no distinctions
access to food rather than a shortage of
between Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains in various
manufacturing grain from India to international
regions of the nation. In terms of eating habits,
markets, including London.
marriage, festival celebration, and religious
observance, Hindus and Muslims in various While Indians were starving to death
regions of the country shared many social and due to famines, Londoners were subsisting on
cultural customs in common. The British found Indian food. Tharoor uses Lieutenant Colonel
it tricky and difficult to divide them. Ronald Osborne, a first-hand witness, in his
book to illustrate the horrifying position of the
However, the British government's use
of census in India made it clear for them to
comprehend caste and religious disparities and “Scores of corpses were
their proportions to India's overall population. tumbled into old wells because the deaths were
They grasped the new divide-and-rule policy too numerous for the miserable relatives to
based on the caste system through this perform the usual funeral rites. Mothers sold
categorical categorization based on the Indian their children for a single scanty meal.
census. They had mastered this technique by the Husbands flung their wives into ponds, to
later eighteenth century when they split Hindus escape the torment of seeing the perish by the
and Muslims based on their respective lingering agonies of hunger” (Tharoor183-4).
religions. According to Tharoor, caste and
The author also brings up forced
racial tensions were less detrimental prior to the
migration for our attention. On British ships,
arrival of the British. Not only that, but the
people were forced to travel abroad. The author
British also gave rise to disputes between the
also mentioned that communal schools, which
Shia and Sunni philosophies within the Muslim
were operated by village communities at the
time the British arrived in India, existed
But how did the Indian people embrace throughout the country. These communal
this caste rigidity so quickly and so thoroughly? schools were destroyed by the East India
Idrees challenges these historians with this Company using force and resources, but little
important question. And finally, by invoking an effort was made to rebuild them. The guru-
alleged line of an imagined and valorised shisha Parampara system of traditional Indian
indigenous Indian heritage, as Dipesh education was severely harmed by British
Chakrabarty does, as "timeless and continuous, education policies. Tharoor, a proud native of
disrupted only by Colonialism," some Indian India, points out that five of the best educational
historians try to create an "original sense of institutions existed between the seventh and the
Indian self-hood" and taste of fashion in an twelfth centuries CE: Vikramashila, Nalanda,
Indian nation. Somapura Mahavihara, Odantapuri, and
Jaggadala. Additionally, Tharoor thinks that the
The idea that the British ruled wisely
British occupation was a major factor in the loss
and generously for the benefit of Indians is
of oral teaching, which has long held a revered
rejected by Shashi Tharoor. He discusses
place in Indian culture. Additionally, they
several famines and claims that more than three
stopped teaching religious and mythological
1755 Journal of Positive School Psychology

writings, such as the Mahabharata and certain unfavourable stereotypes about

Ramayana, two immortal Indian epics that, at Muslims and their mediaeval history in the
the very least, could have filled the same role in subcontinent in the current toxic environment
Indian classrooms as the Iliad and Odyssey did of India. He mentions how, during the Mughal
in British ones. Therefore, the British are the era, India's contribution to the global economy
only ones to blame if Independent India was rose to an amazing 27 per cent.
unable to carry on the tradition of teaching
Additionally, Tharoor condemns
secular classics.
British contributions towards Indian society.
The most unforeseen event was that He talks about the superior quality of Indian
India's terrible famine occurred in the year products, methods and ideas to the British. If
1770, which happened just thirteen years after there was any response, the British attempted to
the incubation of British occupation took, as a impose Victorian norms on Indians. Indian
result of the British Raj's destruction of "traditional prices" were liberal by 21st-century
economic and political systems. It had a direct standards. The development of newspapers was
connection to a colonial policy that led to the the one positive thing the British administration
starvation death of one-third of the Indian accomplished for India. On the other hand, the
population. With the forceful sending of food newspaper supported the dissemination of
grains for the battling British soldiers whilst the nationalist ideologies and aspirations. Tharoor
World War II, India once more experienced a claimed that the British Indians living in the
famine in the 1940s. colonies were only there to work and were
completely under external control at every level
The 65-year-old Tharoor is a member
of their lives. More than anyplace else, it
of a rich caste and family and is from the state
alludes to how he describes the difficulties of
of Kerala in southern India. He attended the
caste formation in British colonial institutions.
Catholic Campion School in Bombay and later
If, as Tharoor claims, caste structure evolves,
earned a master's in Law and Diplomacy from
one of the famous universities which is Fletcher Why did this argument fall apart so
School in the United States of America. Later quickly? Where in the non-colonial Hindu
on, he prepared a PhD thesis on the foreign community may one find these ideal symbols
policy of the Indira Gandhi administration, established? Nepal, perhaps? What were the
which was eventually published in the book results of pre-colonial practices like child
Reasons of State (1982). Further, it states that marriage, ritual sacrifice, mistreatment of
The Indian National Congress (INC) which is a widows, untouchability, and sati?
moderate political party established in 1885 by
A nation with a rich culture, material
Allan Octavian Hume who was a British civil
richness, educational system, and variety is
servant and ornithologist, led the fight for the
nothing more than a story of broken geography,
Independence of India from British domination
unsteady people, and suffering. With the Rear-
and has governed the country since it attained
View Mirror, a mirror that reminds the British
independence for nearly 50 years. Currently,
of their freedom to transport them back to the
Tharoor is a part of the Indian parliament.
period of their atrocities and the Indians, Shashi
Contrary to pro-Hindutva ideologues, Tharoor presents this story in great detail, with
Tharoor views Muslims as fellow citizens the aid of data. Indians of today did not exist
rather than as historical foes. Muslims did during the colonial era. They previously
conquer Indian lands, but they also lived there, dreamed of living in a free environment. The
made improvements, and claimed the country term "Dark Ages" refers to a period in history
as their own. Tharoor is thus undoubtedly when colonial control was ruthless, and Indians
making a useful contribution to eradicating
Priyanka 1756

were forced to pay the price with their time, revisit that cave, see what that time was like,
money, generosity, and blood. and draw lessons from it. The book is
successful in drawing the reader to its pages.
Tharoor's An Era of Darkness started as
The author claims that the great history of
an eight-chapter discussion in Oxford, when a
colonial India showed no awe or regard for
notable Indian speaker filed a lawsuit claiming
imperialism's founders. This book provides a
reparations from Britain and India. Instead of
different account of the empire's greatness, the
asking for a big amount of money or a
victories it provided to India, and the colonial
percentage of the British economy, Tharoor
past that differs from the history that many of
demanded a pound and a public apology for the
us have studied. He presents a compelling
next two hundred years. The apology, he
argument for India and clarifies the exploitation
claimed, would be very helpful.
committed by the British in India using facts
This Indian on British territory, and data.
working for one of the most well-known firms
By dispelling the fallacy that India
in the world, the video went viral because it
gained more from colonial authority than it lost,
reminds the British of what they did and why
Tharoor exalts the history of the colonies. India
they shouldn't be proud of it. The Indian penal
formerly had a functioning economy, but once
empire gave our nation rules like the cut press,
the British arrived, it saw its portion in the
treason, and Article 377, all of which still have
global economy fall to just 3% from 23%.
an impact on our nation today. In response to
According to Tharoor, several British policies
demonstrations against the ruling party,
were to blame for India's failing economic
Tharoor said that 58 Indians were detained on
status. Tharoor summarised the benefits of
treason and homosexuality accusations in just
colonial authority on the British through factual
two years. In his renowned Oxford speech,
analysis as a by-product of an extraordinary
Tharoor acknowledged the criticism. Being a
system for the welfare of Indians or Indians.
part of the Indian National Congress, Tharoor:
"The party that has misled India for six decades Conclusion
has always been insulated with pride,
This book, though, is important. At the time of
corruption, just like its British rivals.", as
writing, it was obvious that Tharoor had made
shared by Jonathan Foreman.
the correct decision to argue against British
Tharoor acknowledged the validity of authority in India with force and power rather
the criticism and stated, "History cannot be than with efficiency. No literature that
reduced to a game that contrasts the errors of enumerated all the harm done to India during
various time periods. Every age must be broken British rule existed until the middle centuries.
down into its individual accomplishments and By stating that there is a case for the British and
disappointments." This book refers to a time other Western nations to answer, Tharoor fills
when we inhabited our own soil, consumed our the void. Old imperialism, with its renewed
own food, and inhaled air that nourished our fervour and justifications for the same
lungs. Their age, however, makes them "civilization," never destroyed the planet, from
resemble the prisoners who were held in the remote regions like modern-day West Asia and
Plato Cave, where their legs and necks were the Middle East to now-forgotten Grenada.
fixed and nothing, but shadows appeared on the
What should the British do as a result?
wall nearby. However, their eyes lack light
According to Shashi Tharoor, seeking
where we live. The shadows are realistic for
compensation for past economic harm is not
them. If we stand outside that cave today, after
realistic or desirable for India and its citizens.
being freed in India, and gaze at the sun, feeling
Instead of monetary compensation, the best
its warmth, perhaps now is a good moment to
1757 Journal of Positive School Psychology

course of action might be a sincere apology

from the British.

colonialism is thatthe ‗West‘ still occupiesthe

position of anideal state in the mind of the
colonized people. Not only the lands but their
minds were also being colonized.‖ (121)

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