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Currently, learning requires each person to have self-discipline in learning to develop themselves, learn

more skills in the most complete way.So people need to find the most suitable learning methods for
themselves, be it learning from books or learning from the internet.Each method has its own benefits
for users.

In terms of convenience, learning on the internet will help users easily find the information they need
more quickly. Just write down the keywords you need to find, the internet will help you come up with
the necessary information from many different sources. When studying on books, you will have to
search for the necessary books with demand, and spend more time searching on the internet.

In terms of information, the information on the book will be more reputable and reliable sources
because it is fully censored, coming from the Ministry of Education or experts. When learning from
books, you will feel secure when you take that information as knowledge for yourself. When learning
from the Internet, because this is a common source of information, everyone has the right to post and
share, so the information will sometimes be subjective, not thoroughly censored and no reputable
source. When learning from the internet, you must be able to selectively source reliable information and
eliminate misinformation. From there to when learning on the internet will train you the ability to filter
to find the right knowledge for yourself.

In terms of skills, learning from books will help you practice patience and patience skills carefully. When
reading a book, you will have to read each page to understand the content of the book you want to
convey, so it is very important to be patient, if you do not have patience, you easily miss information
and collect incomplete information. Between hundreds of words on a page, you need to note down the
information you need so that you do not have to spend time looking for it again when you need it, which
will give you the habit of taking notes, this skill is very necessary for subjects like reading. When learning
from the internet, you will easily be impatient to read the whole content because there are separate
search engines, so it will be difficult for you to understand the content comprehensively. Moreover,
learning on the Internet will be easy to distract you when studying because you may click on other social
networking sites and lose focus when doing the work.

In short, each learning method brings its own advantages and disadvantages. However, they can still
help each person, depending on the personality and ability of each person to find their own learning
methods. If you are the type of person who is thorough, careful and patient, then learning from books
will be a perfect choice. If you are someone who needs to find a lot of different information quickly and
do not have much time, then learning from the internet will be the right method for you. Each person
should find a suitable learning method to bring the best learning results.

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