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Cuenca, Spencer


1.Based on the Micro-Allocation of Health Care, read on the The Oregon Rationing System. Based on the
system implemented, how was the micro-allocation done? (5-8 sentences only)

The main objective of the Oregon Rationing System was to make healthcare more available to a wider
population. The approach used a complex cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the relative value that state
residents assigned to various medical services. Three criteria were used to rank these services: cost,
effectiveness of outcome, and public perception of value. Micro-allocation was done by prioritizing
medical services that were believed to have been more valuable and important. The result of the
prioritizing was to prevent Medicald beneficiaries from receiving some crucial medical treatments. The
financial savings from lowering expenses would be applied to expanding the population that could be
covered. Services like prenatal care was rated as the most useful service based on public perception,
efficacy, and cost, whereas infertility treatment and cosmetic surgery were rated as the least valuable
treatments. By lowering the range of medical services offered, it was hoped to increase the number of
people eligible for care.

2.If you were involved in policy making, which healthcare model will you apply to the Philippines' response
to the Pandemic? Why? (5-8 sentences only)

If I were involved in policy making in the Philippines, the healthcare model I would apply would be the
National Health Insurance Model. In response to the pandemic, This is the model I would choose because
it seems like the most practical and applicable model rather than the Beveridge and Out-of-Pocket Model
which only benefits a minority of the citizens if it were to be applied in the Philippines. The National Health
Insurance Model proposes a cheaper and a simpler way to navigate because even if it requires all citizens
to pay, there’s no need for profit or a need for marketing. The model also comes with more long term
benefits since it ensures equal access to healthcare. We can apply this model to our current healthcare
program which is PhilHealth and further improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare to all citizens,
especially those susceptible illnesses.

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