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News & Tips – October 2023 (from Your Cutco Rep) VAI

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Is this the Forbidden Fruit, %%FirstName_%%?

Did you know some biblical scholars believe it was the pomegranate, and not an apple, that the
serpent used to tempt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? In Jewish tradition, it’s said each
pomegranate contains 613 seeds representing the 613 commandments of the Torah.

According to Hinduism, the pomegranate symbolizes prosperity and fertility. And in the Qur’an,
pomegranates are named as one of the fruits that will grow in paradise.

All this to say, don’t dis our pal, the pomegranate. It has friends in really high places.

Before we tempt fate and delve into this divinely delicious delicacy, I want to reiterate my
appreciation for your praise-worthy loyalty and support. I couldn’t do this job I love without
you, and I don’t ever want you to think I take you for ‘granate. :)

Okay, let’s pull out our Cutco paring knife, slice into this month’s taste-tempting topic, and seed
what we can discover.


In this Newsletter…

 Welcome to the Wonderful world of pomegranates and their fun facts

 A proven procedure to pierce a pomegranate’s rugged rind and reach the ruby-red
riches within.

 Recipes that’ll have your family & friends eating out of the “pom” of your hand.

 What do Cutco’s paring knives and Tom Cruise share in common?

Will Wonders Never Cease?

Image: any of the files that start with “pom_”

Without question, the most common type of pomegranate is the Wonderful cultivar. In fact,
this varietal accounts for 95% of pomegranates sold in the U.S.

But Wonderful or not, Americans are said to eat, on average, less than one pomegranate a year.
Which is odd considering that pomegranate is classified as a “superfood” bursting with
antioxidants and polyphenols. (Marvel should really give pomegranate its own comic book.)

Among their many health benefits, studies have shown that antioxidant-rich pomegranate can
help reduce inflammation, slow cancer cell growth, fight infections and boost brain function.

In other parts of the world, however, pomegranates are much more regularly consumed, both
as a fruit and as an ingredient in a variety of local dishes. Pomegranate is said to have
originated in Persia (now Iran), before spreading throughout the Mediterranean and extending
out to Arabia, Afghanistan, India and China, where it was called the “Chinese apple.” (Which is
ironic, since 95% of Apple products are now made in China.)

Nowadays, pomegranate is being incorporated into a variety of skin care products. Thanks to its
antioxidant-rich nature, the benefits of pomegranate extracts include enhanced UV protection,
a reduction in premature ageing caused by sun damage, skin hydration, and increased skin
elasticity. Well, that’s a new wrinkle (or not, as the case may be.)

Read more interesting facts here

Jewel Heist


A pomegranate can be likened to a bank safe protecting a small fortune in rubies. Gaining
access to those sweetly tart seeds doesn’t take the skill of a professional safecracker, but it still
isn’t as simple as, say, slicing up an apple. So, Cutco put together the following two how-to
guides to help you disarm the pomegranate’s security system and easily retrieve the taste-
tempting treasures inside.

How to Cut a Pomegranate

An Easy Way to Remove Pomegranate Seeds


The Seeds of Desire – Pomegranate Recipes to Tempt and Tantalize


(we won’t need individual images for each recipe)

Did you know that, botanically speaking, pomegranate is categorized as a berry? I don’t know if
that’s why it makes such a great addition to so many cocktails, desserts, and various exotic
dishes, but there you go.

Pomegranate is also a time-honored aphrodisiac. I’m not saying the following dishes and
desserts will rekindle the romance in your relationship, but I’m not NOT saying it, either.
Anyway, now you’ve been warned.

Pom appetit!

Pomegranate, Black Bean and Avocado Salsa Fresca

This dish’s name has more syllables than ingredients. It needs something shorter and snappier,
like PB&A Salsa. Now you can spend all the time you saved actually eating it. You’re welcome.
View Recipe

Red Velvet Pancakes with Pomegranate

These pancakes are simply sinful. Red as the devil and twice as tempting. Seriously, I’m gonna
need a brunch exorcism after this.
View Recipe

Pomegranate-Banana Smoothie
You’ll go bananas for this Pomegranate-Banana smoothie. Oddly, no one ever goes
pomegranates over something. We should really try to make that a thing. #GoPomegranates.
View Recipe
Apple-Pomegranate Cobbler
Okay, I think we can all agree that apple cobbler is delicious. What happens if we sprinkle on
some pomegranate seeds? If taste buds had brains, they would be exploding right now.
View Recipe


A Few Good Paring Knives


Have you ever noticed the resemblance between Cutco’s six paring knives and actor/producer
Tom Cruise? I know, I know – it sounds like a stretch. But stick with me here.

First, let’s address the (very diminutive) elephant in the room. Tom Cruise, standing at 5’7”, is
not exactly tall. And Cutco’s paring knives, ranging in size from 2 ¾” to 4”, comprise the smallest
knives in Cutco’s collection of cutlery.

So, yes, both Tom Cruise and Cutco’s paring knives are, by most definitions, short. But if Tom
Cruise has taught us anything, it’s that you don’t have to be the biggest guy in the room to be
the most successful.

You want more? Both Cruise and Cutco’s paring knives are celebrated for their All-American
good looks and disarming smiles. Okay, technically a knife (paring or otherwise) can’t actually
smile. But if they could, these personable paring knives would be flashing their shiny smiles on
posters and magazine covers everywhere.

Here’s another key characteristic that both Cruise and Cutco’s paring knives have in common:
versatility. It’s easy to write Tom Cruise off as just another action hero, but he’s tackled a host
of challenging roles throughout is 40-year career. Think “Rain Man,” “Born on the Fourth of
July,” “Jerry Maguire,” and “Valkyrie,” to name just a few.

Cutco’s paring knives may not have any film credits to their name, but they have received rave
reviews for their outstanding performance in the kitchen. To wit:

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (Santoku-Style 3” Paring Knife)
Perfect Tool for Small Tasks
“I have a larger Santoku knife that I reach for first when I have a lot of chopping to do. I was
thrilled to see that Cutco had produced the perfect knife for my smaller chopping jobs. It also is
brilliantly sharp.”

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (2-3/4" Bird’s Beak Paring Knife)
Cool shape and super sharp!
“I've wanted to try this little oddball shaped knife for a long time and it did not disappoint!
Fantastic for anything you need to carve toward you or have a super sharp pointy edge. Can't
wait till I buy strawberries so I can use it on them! Superb quality knives.”

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (2-3/4" Paring Knife)
Love my paring knife
“I have bought so many paring knives in my life and all become dull in no time. I love my Cutco
knife. I no longer fight with my potatoes when I peel them. All my produce is so much easier to

cut now. This is MY knife, no one touches it!” ️

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (4" Paring Knife)
Awesome PARING Knife
“I have used Cutco for the last 35 years and am a believer!!!! I use the paring knife for all my
small cutting needs such as salads etc. I love it!!!! Cuts wonderfully as does all my Cutco.”

★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (4” Gourmet Paring Knife)
TX Patriot Grandma
4" Gourmet Paring Knife
“Love my new 4" Gourmet Paring Knife, my favorite everyday versatile knife. It's well balanced,
the blade is substantial and of course super sharp. A very nice addition to all my other Cutco
knives. BEST of all it is Made in AMERICA!!”
★★★★★ 5 out of 5 stars. (3” Gourmet Paring Knife)
this is my all-time favorite knife!!
“This is one knife I have bought and given as gifts because I really love this knife more than any
other knife I have ever owned.”

And there you have it. With such critical acclaim, it’s a wonder the studios haven’t yet cast
Cutco’s pairing knives alongside Cruise in a summer blockbuster movie. I can just see it now:
Double-D Edge of Tomorrow. Or Mission: Impossible – Truth or Pare. I’d pay to see that on the
big screen.

All Cutco Paring Knives come in the classic or pearl handles. Some also have the red handle
option. If you’re like my customers who love their paring knives more than any others, you
might also be interested in the Precision Set. (You’ll have to contact me directly about this one
as it’s not offered on the website.)


To learn more about any or all of Cutco’s paring knives, feel free to reach out. You can also visit
my website. In the immortal words of Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire, “Help me, help you.”


It’s time to bring this love letter to pomegranates and paring knives to a close. And not a minute
too soon. I hear Tom Cruise is looking for me, and he doesn’t look happy.

But before I go, I just want to thank you again for your time, your support, and your endless
encouragement. You, my friend, are da Pom! (Yes, I went there…one last time.)

Anyway, if you have any questions or comments, or if I can be of service in any way, you can
reach me via phone, email, or text.


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(I noticed many of the same image/logo file have been uploaded to the CRM. Once it’s there,
you can just use that same image URL rather than uploaded again please.)
Independent Cutco Sales Professional

Images provided by Cutco Corporate and Vast Action, Inc.

©Vast Action, Inc.

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