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The theme of Meaninglessness is a significant and universal

concept in literature that has been explored by many authors.

In Albert Camus's novel "The Stranger." the theme of
Meaninglessness is explored through the character of

The novel tells the story of Meursault, a young man who is

indifferent to the world around him. He does not believe in
God or any other form of higher meaning, and he finds no joy
or satisfaction in life.Meursault's meaninglessness is evident
in his attitude towards death. When his mother dies, he does
not cry or show any emotion. He simply goes through the
motions of the funeral, as if it were just another
day.Meursault's meaninglessness is also evident in his
relationships with others. He does not care about his friends
or family, and he is indifferent to their feelings. He is even
indifferent to the woman he loves, Marie.

In conclusion, the theme of meaninglessness is a central one

in Albert Camus's novel "The Stranger." The novel explores
the possibility that life may have no inherent meaning, and it
challenges us to find our own meaning in life

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