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Comprehensive guide on the importance of
getting a Six Sigma certification.

A S T E P - BY- S T E P G U I D E

Table of Contents

What is Six Sigma? 2

What is the Difference between Lean and Six Sigma? 4

The Importance of Getting a Six Sigma Certification 5

Getting Six Sigma Certified: The Essential Steps 9

How to Choose the Right Training Partner for Six Sigma Certification 10

What does it take to complete a Six Sigma certification? 15

Exam Structure: What You Should Expect 16

Why Choose Simplilearn: What We Can Offer 20

What is Six Sigma?

The fact that you are reading this book implies that you already have a working
knowledge of what Six Sigma(link) is and its importance to you and to the companies
and industries around you. For professionals who haven’t yet decided upon taking up a
certification, this guide helps in decision making by revisiting the principles of Six Sigma
and the goals that certification seeks to achieve.

Understand in its most basic sense, Six Sigma is a rigorous and systematic method of
improving operational performance by leveraging various tools to identify and eliminate
defects. This method has direct and tangible applications in almost all manufacturing
processes but it can also be used to find bottlenecks and improve the performance in
service-related organizations.

The whole concept behind Six Sigma can be summarized into three important tenets:

Reducing process variation is the key to making
processes predictable and stable. Six Sigma is a
rigorous and
systematic method
2 Process variations in manufacturing and service-based
of identifying
businesses are products of characteristics or inputs that defects and
can be measured, analyzed, controlled and improved. eliminating them
in manufacturing
3 The success of the Six Sigma approach and sustaining and service-related
the achieved results requires organization commitment
and support of top-level management in any company.

What makes Six Sigma special?

The following are the characteristics of Six Sigma that sets it apart from all the other quality
improvement methodologies:

Six Sigma puts a premium on aspects of the process that can be measured and quantified. As a
result, this makes the financial returns easy to assess so the progress of the quality improvement
project can always be tracked and assessed against the associated costs and goals.

Six Sigma is a method that is strongly driven by management support and leadership. It is a cultural
transformation and not a one-off project. Thus, it has a higher chance of sustaining results versus
other methods.

Six Sigma emphasizes the importance of decision-making based on data which can be verified and
tested by statistical methods. This eliminates the subjectivity of the decision-making process and
ensures that decisions are backed by evidence and not assumptions.

Making these attributes possible is the cornerstone of the Six Sigma approach best represented by the acronym
DMAIC. This stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. These five steps form the backbone of the
Six Sigma approach and is cyclic in nature. This means that process improvements never really end; instead, the
results achieved by a previous improvement project forms the baseline for a succeeding project that seeks to
build on top of the most recent successes.

Phase of Six Sigma

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

‘who is the What are the most What actions are

customer and important causes of needed to sustain
what are his needs the defects improvement

How is the process defined and How can the causes of the
how are defects measured defects be eliminated

The DMAIC Methodology for Six Sigma.

Each of the five steps in the DMAIC method are supplemented by proven tools that make the process
repeatable and systematic. Examples of these include statistical tools like variance analysis, linear modeling,
ANOVA tests, correlations, regression analysis and fitting, and scatter diagrams and boxplots. Other methods
extensively used in Six Sigma include cost-benefit analysis, Design of Experiment, control charts and control
plans, root cause analysis, Why-Why, FMEA, value stream mapping, and Pareto charts among others.

The importance of Six Sigma in today’s results driven paradigm cannot be overstated. As a quality management
professional, you know that efficiency translates into costs. By making processes more effective through
reduction of defects and improvements in yield, companies can make more money and improve their financial
bottom line. And this is best achieved using the proven principles and methods in Six Sigma.

What is the Difference between Lean and Six Sigma?

Many people often confuse Six Sigma and Lean as the same thing. They are not.

As a quality management professional, it is very important to know the difference between the two so you can
apply the relevant concepts accordingly. Lean focuses on the eponymous idea of becoming “lean” and this is
expressed as generating the most value for the least amount of work. Anything in the process chain that does not
generate value is considered “wasteful” and therefore detrimental to the overall bottom line. Conversely, eliminat-
ing wasteful processes can lead to reduced production costs and a more efficient organization.

In contrast, Six Sigma focuses on the idea of reducing process variations in order to reduce defects in the process.
The concept of “reducing variation” is the reason why statistics feature heavily in Six Sigma methodologies.

The backbone of Lean is outlined by the seven different types of wastes as developed
by Toyota in the 1980s. The seven wastes in Lean are:

01 Defects 02 Overproduction 03 Transportation

04 Inventory 05 Waiting 06 Processing

07 Motion

As a result, statistics plays a more “toned down” role in Lean and is largely superseded by Value Stream mapping,
Kanban pull systems, and Poke-Yoke concepts.

A short table summarizing the characteristics of Lean and Six Sigma is shown.

Differentiator Lean Six Sigma

Primary Interest Remove Waste Reduce Variation

The way they look at the world Flow/Waste Problem/Defect

Primary Interest Reduce waste and smooth flow Reduce variation to reduce defects

Secondary Effects Less inventory, fast throughput, better Improved quality, better perfomance,
perfomance, more uniform output, less reduced waste, less inventory, faster
variation, improved quality throughput, uniform process output

Format Typically Kaizen event format. Project format. Resources spread

Concentrated resources in short over months

Scope and Scale Quick and initial gains, ongoing Complex problems that require indepth
improvements. Suitable for everyone analysis; Cross-functional Specialists.
and every part of the business.

The concepts of Lean tend to appeal to a variety of organizations from different industries because it can be
readily adopted as a cultural shift in thinking. Six Sigma, on the other hand, appeals to tech and manufacturing
companies which already have an affinity for statistics and data management. In this context, Six Sigma
provides a framework through which the in-house statistical knowledge can be leveraged and targeted towards
process improvements that help increase yield by reducing defect.

Nowadays, Lean and Six Sigma are more intertwined than ever before, with concepts and methodologies from
both merging into one consolidated approach for many companies. Lean is used to develop the general cultural
mindset necessary to put focus on quality and process improvements, and then Six Sigma is brought in to drive
objective data-based decisions for reducing variation and defect.

Quality management professionals have the option to train in either Lean or Six Sigma, but can also combine
both by taking up Lean Six Sigma training and certification courses. For the purpose of this book, we are
focusing on the Six Sigma certification process only. Simplilearn offers online and classroom courses for Six
Sigma [link] & Lean Six Sigma certification.

The Importance of Getting a Six Sigma Certification

A Six Sigma practitioner is a professional process improvement expert. As a professional, you are expected to
own the management of quality processes in organizations and drive the process forward to achieve the target
goals. You are expected to be well-versed in the details of each step, and demonstrate expertise in using the
tools and concepts necessary to make the process a success.

Black Belt Experts and culture-changes, train and
mentor Black Belts/Green Belts

Belt Lead Six Sigma project teams,
enable statistical decision making

Belt Carry out Six Sigma projects related to
their jobs, ideate, analyse & recommend

Yellow Business leaders, provide resources

Belt and support implementation

Organizations look to quality management professionals to guide their employees on a path towards continuous
improvement. In this regard, your leadership in mentoring the team assigned to you, as well as your technical
proficiency in using all the tools available at your disposal should be well established.

So, how does one acquire the skills necessary to become a Six Sigma practitioner and quality management
professional? This is where the Six Sigma certification process becomes an important step for establishing your
qualifications and expertise.

Six Sigma qualifications are classified into different levels called “belts” mirrored from the different belt colors in
martial artists. Each belt corresponds to a different level of skillset, responsibility, and expectation. The belt
classifications also correspond to different roles during the implementation phase of a project that utilizes the
Six Sigma methodology.

Green Belt. While some organizations have a

Yellow Belt for Six Sigma, the industry-wide Getting a Six Sigma
standard recognizes Green Belt as the most
basic certification level available.
certification opens
Professionals who are green belt-certified are
expected to be familiar with the tools required
doors for many career
to execute the “Measure-Analyze” portion of opportunities, whether
the process. Companies often identify some
of their employees to undergo Green Belt
as a consultant or a
certification[link]; upon completion, these direct hire by a tech or
manufacturing company.
employees then take on team roles in Six
Sigma projects while continuing to hold their
original responsibilities in the organization.
For consulting professionals who are not part
of the organization but are hired specifically
for Six Sigma projects because of their green
belt qualification, the expectation is often to Black Belt. Black Belt certification is reserved
become part of the team, or manage small for quality management professionals who have
teams for execution of projects with a relative had a significant amount of experience with the
small scope or goal. Six Sigma methodology. They are often asked
to lead teams consisting of green belts and are
expected to devote 100% of their time and
attention to working with the Six Sigma
Master Black Belt. A Master Black belt is the same as
a black belt except for the additional responsibility of
Consulting professionals hired from the outside
acting as a coach to other Six Sigma practitioners.
as a Black Belt Six Sigma practitioner are
Today, many organizations who are looking to
expected to provide impartial and unbiased
start-up their own Six Sigma culture often hire
assessments of a current organization’s
certified Master Black Belts as consultants to initiate
situation and identify potential areas of
the process, conduct training, and mentor
weaknesses to help improve performance.
employees so they can apply Six Sigma principles
These professionals are almost always hired as
team managers with full focus on achieving the
goals of the project.

Completing a Six Sigma certification process
is crucial because it is the foundation of a
successful career as a Six Sigma practitioner.
Nowadays, it is virtually impossible to be
hired by an organization as a Six Sigma
expert without the corresponding
Getting a Six Sigma
certification and experience. Similar to how certification demonstrates
engineers or doctors or lawyers cannot
practice their respective profession without
your commitment as a
obtaining a license, Six Sigma practitioners quality management
professional to improve
are also assessed based on their
qualification beginning with their
certification level. In addition, getting
certified also reflects your commitment as a
your analytical skills and
quality management professional to enhance your business
improving your analytical skills and enhances
your business acumen. A Six Sigma acumen.
certification allows you to stand out from the

From a career perspective, this will open plenty of doors for you. Many Six Sigma experts are often hired as
a consultants to help start-up Six Sigma projects in a company or provide coaching and mentorship to
newbie Six Sigma practitioners. Others are hired to review existing processes and propose improvements
where necessary – much like a troubleshooter or a problem-solver add who is impartial and untainted by
existing organizational culture.

There are also instances when organizations, particularly tech and manufacturing companies, hire engineers or
other professionals on the basis of their Six Sigma qualification. Having passed a green belt certification process,
for example, you are already expected to be well-versed with different methods of analyzing problems to reduce
cost, boost revenue, streamline inefficient processes, or simply have the ability to think through problems in a
logical manner.

In addition, a black belt is almost always an unassailable qualification for getting hired into management
positions. Black belts are expected to have demonstrated considerable experience in solving complex problems
and managing a larger group of experts from different fields in order to systematically remove bottlenecks,
weaknesses, and inefficiencies in the process. This is always taken to be a sound qualification as a manager who
can look at the bigger picture, integrate and manage different specializations and foster teamwork to make them
collaborate, and then drive projects to achieve results for the organization or the client.

So, why is it important to obtain a Six Sigma certification?

A Six Sigma certification gives you a bankable edge when looking for work as
a quality management professional.

A certification in Six Sigma demonstrates that you have a sound understanding of

various methods of problem solving, cost reduction, and improvement of many
manufacturing processes.

Obtaining a certification establishes your credentials as a trained and experienced

quality management professional.

Becoming a recognized Six Sigma professional sets you up for more career opportunities
whether as a process improvement specialist, Six Sigma team leader or mentor, or even as
someone qualified for a higher management position.

So now we ask the most important question in this book: How can one get Six Sigma certified?

Six Sigma can be applied to many aspects of business,

and therefore can benefit almost all companies who want
to make their business processes efficient. By enrolling in
Six Sigma training and obtaining a certification, you will
be able to help to grow up in you professional career.

Getting Six Sigma Certified: The Essential Steps

Getting Six Sigma certified is a simple process.

It begins with getting the suitable training that you need for the belt that you want to be certified in.
Six Sigma consists of a body of technical concepts and tools all designed to promote logical problem solving.
Learning the concepts requires the guidance of a qualified and knowledgeable mentor who can show you
how each of the tools work and gives you situations where the tools can be applied.

Green Belt Certification Process

Training Pass Exam Complete Project Review Certification


Next, you will have to pass an exam to prove you have learned the relevant concepts that are expected for
someone certified in the belt that you want to get.

Once you pass the exam, the next step is to demonstrate that you can practically apply the concepts that you
have learned into real-world situations with real challenges and tangible benefits. This is done through
completion of one or two quality projects which are then reviewed and assessed by the certifying company.

If you pass all these steps, only then will you be conferred certification in the belt that you trained for.

There are many organizations in the US and around the world that offer Six Sigma training and certification.
This is both good and bad news for quality management professionals who want to be recognized as a Six
Sigma practitioner. On the one hand, it is good news because it’s not difficult to find an organization that will
offer to train and certify you for a fee. On the other hand, not all organizations are created equal; and so
many professionals make the mistake of picking a training and certification company that will train and
certify them for the sake of getting a certification.

Remember: Six Sigma is a complex, highly technical method consisting of a wide array of tools and an even
that requires expertise and sound knowledge of the relevant concepts. You can pick just about any training
and certification company but there’s a good chance you will not get the training and guidance that you
need to truly become an expert in Six Sigma.

This is where it becomes obvious that choosing the right training partner is paramount to your future success
as a quality management professional.

How to Choose the Right Training Partner for Six Sigma Certification

For many professionals, it is tempting to overlook the process of selecting the right training partner for
getting a Six Sigma certification. There are a few reasons why this is becoming a trend nowadays.

First, many think that all training and certification partners are created equal and thus, there is little value in
putting some serious thought into selecting the right partner. “If Company A and Company B both offer Green
Belt certification courses, they will eventually end up teaching the same things, right?”

Simplilearn is a leading
provider of a suite of
professional certification
courses that address unique
learning needs of working

Second, many seem to think that relying on your own skills and knowledge would be more than enough to
see you through the process. In this regard, many do not place premium on the guidance and experience of
training partners and how these matter tremendously in the overall scheme of things.“As quality management
professionals, we are often taught to rely on our skills to solve problems and demonstrate know-how in certain
fields. In getting a Six Sigma certificate, the same approach should also work, right?”

Third, and as a direct offshoot of reasons 1 and 2, selecting a training partner can be a time-consuming task
with no obvious benefit. “If I end up getting a certificate at the end of the process, why should I give time into
thinking where I need to get my training and certification, right?”

The truth is that as a result of this line of thinking, many end up taking certification courses from organizations
that are not suited to deliver the right material, support, and guidance that are essential for success. It bears
repeating that Six Sigma is a complex technical methodology that cannot be learned by simply sitting on a
desk. The manner in which the training and guidance is delivered matters towards how well you learn the Six
Sigma approach. This is important because as a quality management professional, you are expected to show
your knowledge and lead others.

To select the right training partner, you need to spend some time assessing your options. Here are some of the
parameters to consider to narrow down your selections for the right training partner.

Accreditation Reputation of the Training continuation

by global bodies training partner

Training flexibility Results Six Sigma Project

Assistance Training

Now, let’s discuss each of these parameters in more detail.

Accreditation by Global Bodies

Today, there is no official body designated to solely conduct

Six Sigma training and grant certification to qualified
professionals. As a result, there are many organizations and
companies who offer training and certification activities all
over the world.

However, not all of these companies are recognized by the

leading global bodies for professional training and skills
development. Simplilearn is accredited and approved by 10
leading global bodies to conduct training and certification in
a variety of subjects and areas including Six Sigma.

One of these accreditations is issued by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), a global community of
people dedicated to quality to ensure that professional training and certifications are conducted
according to global industry standards. The training material used by Simplilearn is also accredited by
PEOPLECERT Group, one of the most reputable global organizations in professional certification.

Being recognized by global bodies like the ASQ is very important because it signifies that the
company is a respected leader in promoting professional training. When you invest for your training
and certification, the recognition and accreditation provided by the ASQ and other global
institutions assures you that your investment is not misplaced. This is one of the things that sets
Simplilearn apart from other organizations when it comes to conducting Six Sigma training and
guiding you through the certification process.

Reputation of the Training Partner

In addition to being a recognized and accredited training and

certifying institution, you also need a training partner with an
established reputation in the quality management field. That
reputation will only come from having trained many other
professionals who would vouch for the quality of training that
is provided.

Simplilearn has an established track record of successfully

partnering with more than 200,000 professionals from across
150+ countries. This extensive experience in dealing with
various professionals coming from different industries and

countries speaks to the versatility of the Simplilearn approach. In addition, more than 40% of
Simplilearn’s participants come from Fortune 500 companies, which speaks to the Simplilearn’s
reputation and recognition when it comes to Six Sigma training and certification.

When looking for a training partner, keep these ideas and

considerations in mind. You want to work with a reputable
organization that understands your needs regardless of your
background and industry of origin. You need an organization
that can cater to your training needs, not bend you to suit
their training framework. You need an organization that is well
known and trusted by the best global tech and manufacturing
companies. You cannot find that in organizations that have
minimal experience in delivering Six Sigma training. Instead,
an organization has to earn that reputation by showing that it
can accommodate diverse quality management professionals
and guide them all to success. Simplilearn does that!

Training Continuation

This is a very simple consideration and yet, many neglect it in

the course of selecting a training partner. You need an
institute that offers a wide selection of training courses that
facilitates continuation from one belt to another. The last you
want is to take up your Green Belt training and certification
and then realize that you need to find another institute to get
your Black Belt training.

Continuity and familiarity are important factors in learning.

Find an organization like Simplilearn that offers training across
all certification levels from green to black belt.

Training Flexibility

You want an organization that offers a lot of flexibility in

how the training is delivered. Reputable institutions mean
nothing to you if you have to fly to another country to sit
in a classroom for days on end just to get trained.

At Simplilearn, quality management professionals can

choose from different modes of training depending on what
suits their needs and situations. First, Simplilearn offers
classroom-based training conducted by over 2,000 certified
trainings in various locations around the world. If you want
face-to-face interaction with qualified instructors, this is the
best training for you.

Simplilearn also conducts face-to-face workshops globally to leverage its network of trainers. There
are currently about 300 workshops per month in different locations worldwide which widens its
availability and accessibility to professionals.

If, on the other hand, you prefer online trainings so you can match it to your schedule and availability,
Simplilearn also has a wide selection of e-courses that are available to professionals from all over the
world. The company currently has about 5,000 professionals accessing its e-learning system per
month, which is a testament to how accessible and available it is wherever you may be in the world.
You can also choose Instructor-led online courses which fuses the best attributes of classroom
trainings with the flexibility of online courses. This way, you still gain access to face-to-face instruction
by a qualified trainer while still doing it remotely and according to what your schedule allows.

The key message here is to pick a training institution that offers considerable flexibility in how training
is administered. As a professional, you are undoubtedly busy with a lot of other things and you want
to be able to select the best time and location where you can get training without compromising the
quality of instruction.


More than anything, you want your training partner to have

the results that supports the effectiveness of its training.
Simplilearn has an exam pass rate of over 98% which speaks
on how effectively its uniquely built training content is
understood by the many who sign up to partner with the
institution. Few organizations can claim the same level of

The message: allow an institution’s success to speak for

itself. You want tangible results to demonstrate an
organization’s proficiency in delivering training that is
understood and applied accordingly.

Six Sigma Project Assistance Training

An integral concept of the Six Sigma methodology is

mentorship and learning from more experienced professionals.
Consequently, executing a quality project requires that
someone mentors you as you learn to apply the concepts that
you have learned in training.

While many institutions offer certification programs, they do

not extend assistance during the Project Execution Phase. At
Simplilearn, project assistance is recognized as an integral part
of the learning process particularly if you want to become a
certified Six Sigma Black Belt professional where mentorship
also becomes an expectation.

The key message: You need to find an institution that mirrors the spirit of Six Sigma when it comes
to collaboration and mentorship. In any organization, you are expected to become a guide to those
who are less experienced than you as well as accept guidance from those who are more qualified.
What better way to practice this than during the project execution where you can collaborate with
certified trainers in order to learn the right approach and practice using the tools, as well as apply the
concepts with proper guidance.

There are many more factors that are crucial to selecting the right training partner when certifying for
Six Sigma. The process of comparing and contrasting programs may seem laborious but if done
correctly, it will significantly help you get more value out of the program. And in today’s business
world, there is no substitute for a training program that helps you create additional value and enhance
your career’s potential growth for the right price.

What does it take to complete a Six Sigma certification?

The actual time and effort it takes to complete a Six Sigma certification can vary from one training
partner to another and on the individual undergoing the certification.

Considering, however, that there are several complex concepts in Six Sigma combined with the need
to demonstrate adequate knowledge on the subject by passing the certification exam – and in some
cases, a personal project, the required time to complete the whole process can be substantial.
Below are estimated durations for each phase of the Six Sigma certification process.

The training portion will take about a few weeks in total. Classroom-based trainings are often
conducted over a 3-5 day period but continuous review of the concepts through online e-learning
resources takes an additional 3-5 weeks depending on the trainee. If you combine the period needed
to prepare for the exam, the whole training period can last up to 8 weeks.

The exam, depending on which organization administers it, is typically 3-4 hours in duration. We’ll
touch about the exam in more detail in the next section.

In cases where completion of a project is part of the certification requirements, the project execution
and completion can take anywhere from 8 to 16 weeks. Again, this is dependent on the trainee and is
highly influenced by the scope and complexity of the project. For green belt certification, the timeline
is definitely shorter. For black belt certification where a higher degree of understanding and
complexity is required, the whole certification period can be much longer.

From an effort perspective, Six Sigma is no simple walk in the park.

While there are no pre-requisites to getting a Six Sigma training – other than getting a Green Belt
certification before taking up a Black Belt training and certification course – it is favorable for quality
management professionals like you to already be familiar with the concepts of Six Sigma. A working
knowledge particularly on how to apply DMAIC methods in real-world situations will make it easier for
you to complete the Green Belt certification course.

If, however, you have no prior experience in Six Sigma, expect the process to require more time and
effort. The bulk of the extra time and effort required will mostly come from your individual study
sessions and in the e-learning courses and case studies provided by your training partner. If a person
with prior Six Sigma knowledge and experience is able to complete the Green Belt certification
process in 4-6 months, an inexperienced quality management professional will take almost double
that time before he or she can be confident and trained enough to pass the exam.

Exam Structure: What You Should Expect

There is no single organization that administers the certification exam. In the US, the most popular certifying
bodies are the American Society for Quality (ASQ), and the International Association for Six Sigma Certification
(IASSC). Here’s what you can expect during the exam as it is currently administered by ASQ.

The ASQ exam for Green Belt certification consists of 100 total questions. To pass, you need to score
at least 70%.

Below is the condensed Green Belt Body of Knowledge outline as taken from the ASQ website with indications
on how the exam is split according to the number of questions pertaining to the D-M-A-I-C model.

I Overview: Six Sigma and the Organization (15 Questions)

A. Six sigma and organizational goals

1. Value of six sigma
2. Organizational drivers and metrics
3. Organizational goals and six sigma projects

B. Lean principles in the organization

1. Lean concepts and tools
2. Value-added and non-value-added activities
3. Theory of constraints

C. Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) in the organization
1. Quality function deployment (QFD)
2. Design and process failure mode and effects analysis (DFMEA & PFMEA)
3. Road maps for DFSS

II Six Sigma – Define (25 Questions)

A. Process Management for Projects

1. Process elements
2. Owners and stakeholders
3. Identify customers
4. Collect customer data
5. Analyze customer data
6. Translate customer requirements

B. Project management basics

1. Project charter and problem statement
2. Project scope
3. Project metrics
4. Project planning tools
5. Project documentation
6. Project risk analysis
7. Project closure

C. Management and planning tools

D. Business results for projects

1. Process performance
2. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

E. Team dynamics and performance

1. Team stages and dynamics

2. Six sigma and other team roles and responsibilities
3. Team tools
4. Communication

III Six Sigma – Measure (30 Questions)

A. Process analysis and documentation

1. Process modeling
2. Process inputs and outputs

B. Probability and statistics

1. Drawing valid statistical conclusions
2. Central limit theorem and sampling distribution of the mean
3. Basic probability concepts

C. Collecting and summarizing data

1. Types of data and measurement scales
2. Data collection methods
3. Techniques for assuring data accuracy and integrity
4. Descriptive statistics
5. Graphical methods

D. Probability distributions

E. Measurement system analysis

F. Process capability and performance

1. Process capability studies
2. Process performance vs. specification
3. Process capability indices
4. Process performance indices

5. Short-term vs. long-term capability
6. Process capability for attributes data

IV Six Sigma – Analyze (15 Questions)

A. Exploratory data analysis

1. Multi-vari studies
2. Simple linear correlation and regression

B. Hypothesis testing
1. Basics
2. Tests for means, variances, and proportions
3. Paired-comparison tests
4. Single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)
5. Chi square

V Six Sigma – Improve & Control (15 Questions)

A. Design of experiments (DOE)

1. Basic terms
2. Main effects

B. Statistical process control (SPC)

1. Objectives and benefits
2. Rational subgrouping
3. Selection and application of control charts
4. Analysis of control charts

C. Implement and validate solutions

D. Control plan

To look at a more detailed description of each of these areas, check the ASQ Exam Certification Guidelines at

The takeaway here is that the right training partner is invaluable to securing a Six Sigma certification. With the
extensive outline of topics where questions can potentially come, this underscores the importance of proper
training and coaching when getting a Six Sigma certification. Any training that is not geared towards mastery of
specific areas where questions can come from, will most likely lead to less than satisfactory exam results. In this
regard, it is worth remembering that Simplilearn has an excellent track record in helping quality management
professionals like you pass the certification process. Simplilearn has a 98.6% exam pass rate which puts emphasis
on its ability to point you to the right areas that need more focus and attention.

Simply put, you can never go wrong by trusting Simplilearn with your Six Sigma training and certification needs.

Why Choose Simplilearn:

Choose the best for your Six Sigma training and certification needs.
Choose Simplilearn!


Simplilearn is an established organization with extensive experience in professional training. Here is a

summary of why you should consider Simplilearn for your Six Sigma training and certification needs:

Accredited, approved and recognized as a training organization, partner, education provider and
examination center by globally renowned names like Project Management Institute of USA, APMG,
CFA Institute, GARP, ASTQB, IIBA and more

Over 1 million professionals trained across 150+ countries

Flexibility to choose across various modes: Classroom, Instructor-led online, and Online self-learning

300+ workshops conducted globally every month

Trusted by employees of Fortune 500 companies as their learning provider for career growth
and training.

Simplilearn follows a global learning framework proven to deliver results and has been perfected by
experience in training a million learners.

2000+ certified and experienced trainers conduct trainings for various courses across the globe.

Free access to high quality industry-relevant webinars, articles and blogs

24x7 live support via chat, mail and phone with a request to call back option

Exam pass rate of over 98.6%

Here is a sample Green Belt Certification Package from Simplilearn.

4 days classroom training 2 Six Sigma Green Belt Exam papers

100% Money-Back Guarantee 2 glossaries for difficult terms and acronyms
Six Sigma participant hand book 75 Real world Examples from various industries
20 hours of high quality e-learning content 38 Six Sigma tools for hands-on-practice
2 Industry-based case studies for Free 90 Days e-Learning access
practical application of learned concepts Hard copy of the courseware
7 downloadable ebooks Tips and techniques to clear pass the
64 End-of-Chapter quizzes certification exam
45 PDUs Offered
4 Six Sigma Green Belt simulation exams

At the end of Simplilearn’s training in Six Sigma Green Belt, participants will be able to:

Describe the basics of Six Sigma

Describe the activities of the Define phase
Explain the tasks performed in the Measure phase
Perform data analysis and hypothesis testing in the Analyze phase
Identify the possible improvement actions for the performance of variations in the Improve phase
Define efficient operating levels for KPIV and KPOV in the Control phase

Six Sigma training from Simplilearn gives you the right

guidance and flexibility to prepare as per your convenience.

Classroom 20 Hrs 38 Six Sigma tools 30 PDUs Offered

Sessions e-Learning content for hands-on-practice

4 Six Sigma Green Belt Certified 7 downloadable Doubt

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Exam Fee Included

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