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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

7 May 2023 5th Sunday of Easter Year A


n this Fifth Sunday of Easter, we look back with gratitude
to all the blessings which Almighty God has granted us. We
thank Him, in a special manner, for the gift of Jesus, our
risen Brother and Savior who, in these past weeks, has accompa-
nied us as our friendly fellow traveler and our Good Shepherd. He
still continues to lead us from the confusion and lies of a society
tainted with so many forms of corruption to the tranquillity of
God’s home – heaven!
May this Eucharist further strengthen our union among our-
selves and with Jesus who is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE.
As members of his Body, the Church, may we offer humankind the
only well-grounded hope for better days as it continues its quest
for peace, compassion, and generous solidarity.

the sacred mysteries, let us call Gloria

to mind our sins and ask the Lord
for pardon and strength. (Pause) All – Glory to God in the high-
P –Lord Jesus, you are the great
est, and on earth peace to peo-
Entrance Antiphon ple of good will. We praise you,
Servant-Leader who leads
(To be recited only when no we bless you, we adore you,
us through your example
Entrance Hymn is sung.) we glorify you, we give you
of humility and generous
thanks for your great glory,
O sing a new song to the service. Lord, have mercy!
Lord, for he has worked won- All – Lord, have mercy!
Lord God, heavenly King, O
ders; in the sight of the nations God, almighty Father.
P –Lord Jesus, you are the cor- Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
he has shown his deliverance, nerstone on which we can
alleluia. gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
build our hopes and experi- God, Son of the Father, you take
ence security and peace. away the sins of the world, have
Greeting Christ, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
P –Blessed be God, the Father All – Christ, have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
Almighty, who gave us in Jesus P –Lord Jesus, you are our Way prayer; you are seated at the
every spiritual blessing we need. to the Father, our Truth, and right hand of the Father, have
May His grace and peace be with our Life. Lord, have mercy! mercy on us. For you alone are
you all! All – Lord, have mercy! the Holy One, you alone are the
All – And with your spirit!
P – May almighty God have Lord, you alone are the Most
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, High, Jesus Christ, with the
Penitential Act Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
and bring us to everlasting life.
P –As we prepare to celebrate All – Amen! the Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) to the faith. Therefore, its value is for
P –Almighty ever-living God, The Word of the Lord! you who have faith, but for
constantly accomplish the Pas- All – Thanks be to God! those without faith:
chal Mystery within us, that “The stone that the builders
those you were pleased to make Responsorial Psalm Ps 33 rejected has become the corner-
new in Holy Baptism may, under R – Lord, let your mercy be on us, stone,” and “A stone that will
your protective care, bear much as we place our trust in you! make people stumble, and a
fruit and come to the joys of life rock that will make them fall.”
eternal. They stumble by disobey-
Through our Lord Jesus ing the word, as is their des-
Christ, your Son, who lives and tiny. You are “a chosen race, a
reigns with you in the unity of royal priesthood, a holy nation,
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and a people of his own, so that you
ever. may announce the praises” of
All – Amen! him who called you out of dark-
ness into his wonderful light.
The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!
* Exult, you just, in the
Lord; praise from the upright Gospel Acclamation Jn 14:6
1st Reading Acts 6:1-7 is fitting. Give thanks to the
Every crisis can be turned Lord on the harp; with the ten- All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
into an opportunity to grow. This stringed lyre chant his prais- I am the way, the truth,
is what happened in the early es. R. and the life, says the Lord;
community of believers in Je- no one comes to the Fa-
rusalem, where accusations of * Upright is the word of the ther, except through me.
discrimination led to the insti- Lord, and all his works are Alleluia! Alleluia!
tution of the diaconate, a new trustworthy. He loves justice
type of service-leadership in the and right; of the kindness of Gospel Jn 14:1-12
Church that has become a part of the Lord the earth is full. R. Jesus is not just our Mentor
its permanent structure. * See, the eyes of the Lord and our Host. He is also the Way
R – A proclamation from the are upon those who fear him, that leads to our final destina-
Acts of the Apostles upon those who hope for his tion. He is our very Life. He is
kindness, to deliver them from all that makes our life meaning-
As the number of disciples death and preserve them in ful and every effort worthwhile
continued to grow, the Hellenists spite of famine. R. because of his intimate commu-
complained against the Hebrews nion with the Father.
because their widows were being 2nd Reading 1 Pt 2:4-9 P –The Lord be with you!
neglected in the daily distribution. Jesus Christ is the Living
So the Twelve called togeth- All –And with your spirit!
Cornerstone on which the spiri- P – A proclamation from the
er the community of the disci- tual building of the Church rests.
ples and said, “It is not right for holy Gospel according to
All believers are like as many John
us to neglect the word of God to “living stones” to whom God
serve at table. Brothers, select All – Glory to you, O Lord!
offers the unique privilege to be
from among you seven reputable part of the same building. Jesus said to his disciples:
men, filled with the Spirit and “Do not let your hearts be
wisdom, whom we shall appoint R – A proclamation from the troubled. You have faith in
to this task, whereas we shall First Letter of Peter God; have faith also in me. In
devote ourselves to prayer and Beloved: my Father’s house there are
to the ministry of the word.” Come to him, a living many dwelling places. If there
The proposal was acceptable to stone, rejected by human be- were not, would I have told you
the whole community, so they ings but chosen and precious that I am going to prepare a
chose Stephen, a man filled with in the sight of God, and, like place for you? And if I go and
faith and the Holy Spirit; also
living stones, let yourselves be prepare a place for you, I will
Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor,
Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas built into a spiritual house to come back again and take you
of Antioch, a convert to Juda- be a holy priesthood to offer to myself, so that where I am
ism. They presented these men spiritual sacrifices acceptable you also may be. Where I am
to the apostles who prayed and to God through Jesus Christ. going, you know the way.”
laid hands on them. For it says in Scripture: Thomas said to him, “Mas-
The word of God continued “Behold, I am laying a ter, we do not know where you
to spread, and the number of the stone in Zion, a cornerstone, are going; how can we know
disciples in Jerusalem increased chosen and precious, and who- the way?” Jesus said to him,
greatly; even a large group of ever believes in it shall not be “I am the way and the truth
priests were becoming obedient put to shame.” and the life. No one comes to

7 May 2023
the Father except through me. dead and his kingdom will have C –Let us pray in silence
If you know me, then you will no end. for our personal intentions.
also know my Father. From I believe in the Holy Spirit, (Pause) Let us pray! R.
now on, you do know him and the Lord, the giver of life, who P –God, our Father, we thank
have seen him.” proceeds from the Father and You for the gift of eternal life
Philip said to him, “Mas- the Son, who with the Father offered us in Jesus, Your Son
ter, show us the Father, and and the Son is adored and glo- and our Brother. May all our
that will be enough for us.” rified, who has spoken through thoughts, words and actions be
Jesus said to him, “Have I been the prophets. according to Your will and lead
with you for so long a time and I believe in one, holy, cath- us to the enjoyment of the eternal
you still do not know me, Phil- olic and apostolic Church. I mansions where You live with
ip? Whoever has seen me has confess one Baptism for the Jesus and the Holy Spirit, one
seen the Father. How can you forgiveness of sins and I look God, for ever and ever.
say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do forward to the resurrection All – Amen!
you not believe that I am in of the dead and the life of the
the Father and the Father is in world to come. Amen!
me? The words that I speak to
you I do not speak on my own.
The Father who dwells in me Prayer of the Faithful
is doing his works. Believe me P –Gathered around the Risen Preparation of the Gifts
that I am in the Father and the Christ, our Way to the Father,
Father is in me, or else, believe we feel fully confident in his P –Pray, brethren . . .
because of the works them- boundless love for us. Hence we All – May the Lord accept the
selves. Amen, amen, I say to humbly submit to him our peti- sacrifice at your hands, for the
you, whoever believes in me tions for the needs of humankind praise and glory of his name,
will do the works that I do, and and our own as we say: for our good and the good of all
will do greater ones than these, his holy Church.
All – Lord Jesus, lead us to the
because I am going to the Fa- Father!
ther.” Prayer over the Offerings
The Gospel of the Lord! C –For the universal Church, P –O, God, who by the wonder-
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus the community of disciples gath- ful exchange effected in this sac-
Christ! ered around Jesus, the Living rifice have made us partakers of
Stone: May she be for all man- the one supreme Godhead, grant,
Homily kind a source of inspiration and we pray, that, as we have come to
hope. Let us pray! R. know your truth, we may make it
Profession of Faith ours by a worthy way of life.
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) C –For the Holy Father, our
Bishop, our Parish Priest, and Through Christ our Lord.
All –I believe in one God, the other spiritual leaders: May they All – Amen!
Father almighty, maker of heav- mirror to us the holiness of Je-
en and earth, of all things vis- sus and lead us to an ever-greater Preface of Easter II
ible and invisible. communion with the Father. Let P –The Lord be with you!
I believe in one Lord Jesus us pray! R. All –And with your spirit!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son
of God, born of the Father be- C –For all those who have lost P –Lift up your hearts!
fore all ages. God from God, the sense of direction in life and All – We lift them up to the Lord!
feel confused and discouraged:
Light from Light, true God from May they find in the teaching P –Let us give thanks to the
true God, begotten, not made, of the Church and in our good Lord our God!
consubstantial with the Father; example the guidance and en- All –It is right and just!
through him all things were couragement they need. Let us P – It is truly right and just,
made. For us men and for our pray! R. our duty and our salvation, at all
salvation he came down from
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –For the terminally ill and times to acclaim you, O Lord,
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- those who are about to die: May but in this time above all to laud
gin Mary, and became man.* they find in the promises of Jesus you yet more gloriously, when
For our sake he was crucified the foundation for their hope to Christ our Passover has been
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- live for ever in the House of the sacrificed.
fered death and was buried, and Father. Let us pray! R. Through him the children of
rose again on the third day in C –For each of us and the rest light rise to eternal life and the
accordance with the Scriptures. of our parish community: May halls of the heavenly Kingdom
He ascended into heaven and is we always be united in brotherly are thrown open to the faithful;
seated at the right hand of the solidarity and love around Jesus, for his Death is our ransom from
Father. He will come again in the Cornerstone of our spiritual death, and in his rising the life of
glory to judge the living and the edifice. Let us pray! R. all has risen.

5th Sunday of Easter (A)

Therefore, overcome with All – Lamb of God, you take Through Christ our Lord.
paschal joy, every land, every away the sins of the world: have All – Amen!
people exults in your praise and mercy on us. (2×)
even the heavenly Powers, with Lamb of God, you take
the angelic hosts, sing together away the sins of the world:
grant us peace.
the unending hymn of your glo-
ry, as they acclaim: P –The Lord be with you.
All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
All – And with your spirit!
of hosts. Heaven and earth are P –Behold the Lamb of God, P –Bow your heads and pray
full of your glory. Hosanna in behold him who takes away the for God’s blessing. (Pause)
the highest! sins of the world. Blessed are – May the God of all wisdom
Blessed is he who comes in those called to the Supper of the and consolation lead you in
the name of the Lord. Hosanna Lamb. the WAY of peace.
in the highest! All –Lord, I am not worthy All – Amen!
that you should enter under
Memorial Acclamation my roof, but only say the word P –May He enlighten your
P –The mystery of faith! and my soul shall be healed. minds with the light of His
All –We proclaim your Death, TRUTH and empower you
O Lord, and profess your to live by it.
Communion Antiphon All – Amen!
Resurrection until you (To be recited only when no
come again! Communion Hymn is sung.) P –May He protect you from all
I am the true vine and you dangers and grant you the
are the branches, says the abundance of His LIFE and
Lord. Whoever remains in happiness.
me, and I in him, bears fruit in All – Amen!
plenty, alleluia. P –May almighty God bless
All – Our Father . . . you: the Father, and the
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . Prayer after Communion Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All –For the kingdom, the All – Amen!
power, and the glory are P –Graciously be present to
your people, we pray, O Lord, P –Go in peace, glorifying the
yours, now and for ever. and lead those you have imbued Lord by your life!
with heavenly mysteries to pass All – Thanks be to God!
Sign of Peace from former ways to newness of
Breaking of the Bread life.
having been prepared for us, if we did not the Life from which all living beings derive
know how to get there. Jesus does not their existence and on which they depend
leave things half-done. He is not only the for their continuation. From him, as the
designer, the architect and the construc- source of our life, flow all worthy initia-
tor of the mansions. He is also the sure, tives and enterprises, all the inspiration
straight, and tested way that leads to and creativity that constantly renew and
them. improve our life on earth. Invulnerable to
Jesus is also “The Truth” in all its full- all attacks of decay and death, Jesus as the
ness – the truth about God, and the truth fullness of Life is the ultimate aspiration of
about man. He is the truth that really all hearts.
matters and that gives meaning to all other Jesus is all this to us, and much more.
truths from which we derive our certi- Our response to him can only be what
tudes in life. Without Jesus as the “foun- he himself suggests at the beginning of
dational truth,” we would be submerged today’s Gospel passage: “Do not let your
in an ocean of doubts and fleeting theories hearts be troubled. You have faith in God;
that change from one moment to another have faith also in me.” For, if we really
and which would shroud our lives in end- believe in him and put all our trust in him,
less uncertainty. we shall never be disappointed, and noth-
Finally, Jesus is “The Life”: the original ing – absolutely nothing – will ever be able
and lasting Life, without beginning or end; to trouble us.

TThe Trail off Light

help us realize the importance
and community life.
Eveer season of the year, except Lent,
is a golden opportunity to be
re Available
renewed throughinthe
pamphlets, posters,
Trail of Light.
of the Resurrection in our pe
andtarpaulins (by order).

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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