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In forests deep, where shadows play, A regal creature finds its way, With golden eyes
that gleam so bright, The tiger roams, majestic sight.

Through emerald canopies, they stride, Their presence felt, far and wide, Yet,
shadows loom, and dangers prey, As humans venture to invade their domain.

Oh, guardian of the forest's grace, Protector of this sacred space, Your roar resounds,
a fierce alarm, A call to arms to keep from harm.

In jungles rich, a balance thrives, As each life's thread in harmony ties, The tiger's
role, both bold and grand, A linchpin of this vibrant land.

By culling prey, they keep control, Ecosystems flourish, heart and soul, Without their
grace, a void would grow, And nature's symphony would ebb and slow.

The rivers' flow, the forests green, A tapestry woven, yet unseen, The tiger weaves,
with silent paws, A priceless web of nature's laws.

But greed and ignorance threaten their reign, As forests shrink, and wildlife wanes,
Yet hope remains, a flickering light, Through tiger conservation's might.

With hearts united, we must strive, To keep their flame of life alive, Preserve the
forests, let them roam, And safeguard tigers' precious home.

For in their survival, we ensure, A thriving world, forever pure, Where nature's balance
finds its way, With tigers walking, come what may.

So let us stand, both hand in hand, And pledge to safeguard this cherished land, For
tigers, forests, and our Earth, A future bright, of boundless worth.

By- Yashwanth.A

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