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Angeles, Marian

Dong-e, Duncan

Mendoza, Alexa Qursten

Quisquirin, Chantal Marie

Racca, Chiara Mae

Guarin, Alliana Isabel

1. Identify a particular religious and cultural practice which you commonly observe or
which you are very much interested in. Explore other religious and cultural practices other
than your own affiliation. You can provide photos.

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, dating back to around 2000 BCE. It is practiced
mostly in India, although there are significant Hindu populations in other countries
such as Nepal, Bangladesh, and Indonesia.

2. Describe the religious and cultural practice which you have chosen. Provide a short
profile/background about the practice. You can provide pictures.

One of the most prominent features of Hinduism is the belief in multiple deities or gods and
goddesses. Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and that one's actions in life
determine their fate in the next life. Hinduism also emphasizes the importance of karma, the idea
that actions have consequences and that one's actions can impact their future. In terms of cultural
practices, Hindus celebrate various festivals throughout the year, such as Diwali, Holi, and
Navratri. They also practice yoga and meditation to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment.
One aspect of Hinduism that has been debated and criticized is the caste system. This system
classifies people based on their birth and has been the source of discrimination and inequality in
India for centuries. However, many modern Hindus reject the caste system and work towards
greater social equality. Overall, Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion with a rich history and

3. Reflect on the practice and write your insights. What value/s can you learn from that
practice which can enrich your own religious and cultural practices? As a final output,
create an infographic material/photo-collage/graphic design to present your answers.

- Respect for all living beings: Hinduism promotes the idea of ahimsa (non-violence)
towards all living beings, including animals, which can be valuable in promoting
compassion and empathy towards others.
- Karma and Reincarnation: Hinduism believes in karma, the idea that one's actions have
consequences, and reincarnation, the belief that the soul is reborn after death.
Understanding these concepts can promote personal responsibility, self-reflection, and
the belief in a higher purpose.
- Spiritual practices like meditation and yoga: Hinduism is known for its spiritual practices
such as meditation and yoga, which can help individuals cultivate inner peace,
mindfulness, and physical health.
- Acceptance of diversity: Hinduism has a long tradition of accepting and celebrating
diversity, including different beliefs, cultures, and traditions. This can promote tolerance,
respect, and understanding among people of different backgrounds.
- Respect for ancient wisdom and scriptures: Hinduism has a rich heritage of ancient
scriptures such as the Vedas and the Upanishads, which contain valuable insights into
human nature, spirituality, and ethics that can enrich one's own religious and cultural

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