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‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS, Lemme see ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Dont look! Dont look at me Look off Eat yr chocktue (tes massing. He has his bck oh. He sath itl lok at her ver is seule, He comms) THE VENUS. ‘THE BARON DOGTEUR lin polite THE VENUS. Love me? THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THe VENUS. _ THE BARON DOCTEUR And my wale. She and Tare chiles you know (fest) ™ Wear this uhround yr neck and never take it off liv ub good luck feather, Uh son of anule eanight help THE BARON DOGTEUR smells of yo Line me? THE BARON DOGTEUR You dont want to go home’ THE VENUS THE BARON DOCTEUR Te, THE VENUS Lie down, ‘And Kis me, Bere: And here, And here, And here, ou mised a spot THE, BARON DOGIEUR Deasheart, THE VENUS. ‘You could discover me ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS. THE BARON DOCTEUR Res. THE BARON DOCTEUR. THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR, Tove you, Git IE VENUS. Lights on Scene 13 Footnote #7 The Negro Resurconist rads from The Baron Decors ace, THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST. Footaote #7 Histoneal Extract: Category: Media: CALLED VENUS HOTTENIOT ir) Her hair was black and wooly, much lke tht of the com mon Negro, che slit of the eyes horizontal as in Mongol, not ‘blgues the brows straight, wide apart ad very each fa ened loge to the top ofthe nove, but jutting out atthe temple above the cheekbones; her ees were dark and lel her lips blackish, ternibiy thie: er complexion very dark, (fet) Her eae wete moch lke those found in monkeys Smal, velly formed atthe tage, and vasshing tchind alenont Complete” "Her breass she usually Hited and tightened beneath the imide part of her drew, bu, let fre, they hung bulky and terminated obliquely in Backs areola about 1 and H inches in diameter pitted with radsing wrinkles, nea enter of what wat & tipple 40 atened and obliterated 38 (0 be barely visible: The color of her sin was on the whole a (est) ler movements had rapidity an came wnexpeced calling to ‘mind well, wid all respect © het, the movements of a ton ey: Above al, se Rad away of pushing ont fer Ups just ke the monkeys do. Her penonalty was sprightly, her saemory ood. She spoke low Dutch, tolerably good Engsh — the fen a dhe Arademy and [tried to tech ber French. She danced after the fahion of her owa country and played with, 2 fry good ear upon a file instrasnene she called a Jew’ Hap? “She had no body bairapatt from afew short flecks of woo like that on het head, seaterad about her pubic pat, "The wonders of her lower regions, will be fleshed out in reser desi ats Inter date (Rat) his information was gleaned, as has been sa upon the firs and subsequent examinations which were performed in the office of bev personal physician Ae tated forthe record, ‘he submitted to these examinations a¢wlingh a 4 patient sulnmite to hit Socios eyen and anda” (Fest) Scene M2 Scene 12 Love Iduhnt What/She Used To Be The Venus stands alone. She's desl n eos dr cand lnk fabs ‘The Chorus of Anois wonders in ont by one. They ot ‘The Bar Docewr wander in He watchs. He wore his Feat ome ANATOMIST #6, “The book on the table THE VENUS. Lelie et ter le tale! “The book i om the floor THE VENUS. porte ANATOMIST 48 "And now the book ion my shoulder!” THE VENUS. ANATOMIST 48, a my head! THE VENUS. The Anatomie opal met rpc ANATOMIST #8 Thats excellent! And shes only been here THE BARON DOCTEUR 15 months thats right ANATOMIST #8 Throws al of thse throwback theories back in dhe lake, Pd Tov em hack inthe lake! THE BARON DOCTEUR We study a people at group And dont throw away our yeas of tae because of one most gloriour exception THE CHORUS OF ANATOMISTS. hahahahahabakabababa (The Anatomie and The Baron Daler lnigh gosta, The Venu oie in. Whe they lug new Anatoist wend este He is The Baron Daur Grade Scho! Chum. He surety Ande The Born Deer alter and andes off) THE BARON DOCTEUR. Enough ply, gentlemen Lets get to work (The Vs des, Pre 2 of the female An osha she lightly lite bn ther fd We'll mar with simple Sgure drawing Aa snportant skill fr ay promising Amacom (fat) Sweetheart, and here where the light is perfect on you Just relax ‘Only doctors here Thats beau, (fat) Aight, gentlemen! Pose #1 (The Venus stands in refit. The Anatom Bron Dace stands apart end wads his ltr (Dear Sir Im sure you remember at leat my face mre went to schoo! togedher. How interesting {hat we're both inthe doctering busines, But no time for reminiscing, old friend, 1 rau ct stsight tothe poi 1m yrlason with that Negess, Si, you digrace yet, Not to mention the pain yr easing yr eet lovely wif Ayear im herbed is plenty, Si. Surely ye Heed of her Send the Thing back where she came fn and return yee to the bootom of yr snsce Inn speaking plain because a an old fiend Ie made it my responsiblity to bring yu Back, Sincery yr A GRADESCHOOL CHUM") (Ret) ue a Gensemes! On to pose #21 Sweetheart, reverse profile, if you please (The Vas stands in rere profi, The Anatom draw Buy The Baron Dei stands apart) “Sincerely ys, A GRADESCHOOL CHUM, (at) (at) im sure you remember atleast ry fee (eat) A. GRADESCHOOL CHUM" \GRADE-SCHOOL CHUM.” Ha Just some busy eager besver Tying to eat oxy sme, Tbe (iat) THE VENUS, ‘THE VENUS. (te) ‘THE VENUS. THE BARON DOGTEUR How couldat B ‘THE VENUS, est) (fet) THE BARON DOCTEUR. Thine 1o practice Measurements (The Anatomie measure The Venus, The oper) From that vertex to tht hin THE CHORUS OF 8 ANATOMISTS, 80 inches. ‘THE BAROW DOCTEUR the top of shoulder in inches: THE CHORUS OF 6 ANATOMISIS, 90. Ta thud upper part of thub stem THE CHORUS OF 8 ANATOMISTS, 10. THE BARON DOGTEUR a thu formal crags ti 16s. aon Dacor sands THE AARON DOCTEUR THE. CHORUS OF 5 ANATOMISTS. To the unbaeu ws THE BARON DOCIEUR, To the pernacum THE CHORUS OP 8 ANATOMISTS. To the perencum: THE BARON DOCTEUR. “To the middle Fingers ip the arm being placed by she side THE CHORUS OF § ANATOMISTS. THE BARON DOCTEUR. To the middle agers tip the arm being extended from the side: ‘THE CHORUS OF 6 ANATOMISTS, (asin, The Gradeihoot Chuo wanders nad serpttionsy hands The Bar Daca avathe eter ‘This tne The radeSthodt Cham joins the group of measures} THE BARON DOCIEUR, ‘To the mile fingers ip the arm being extended towards the viewer fall fone ‘THE CHORUS OF 8 ANATOMISTS sa ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR To the lower edge THE, CHORUS OF 8 ANATONISTS. 415 THE BARON DOCTEUR To the sole of the foot THE CHORUS OF § ANATOMISTS, To the sole of the foot (at) ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘Dear Si, peshaps my fit letter went unnoticed, one scrap of paper tne among the several thousands Hitering yr desk and yr bot ted Ret) Tranmerse breadth ofthe hea THE CHORUS OF 8 ANATOMISTS. ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR rovers neath ofthe shoulders THE CHORUS OF # ANATOMISIS, | a rr THE BARON DOCTEUR (Another year has pased ace T fst wrote ‘And aldiough youve not marred yr pet Hottentat and play good part with yr dear wf (es (dike to dink my note thats moved you to setara hone aihough you reek of Hottemotamour, Si, and 38a collegue its my ‘uy to speak pai, Sir se all small) (he (fea (The Anatomie si the aie) THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE BARON DOCTEUR THE BARON DOCTEUR (The Boron Doce i ot in tought The Antonis wit pation for him to un, te, targa back to The Venn, thy sel ster oer tr shoulder and jerk off machi The Dectur did in Scene 140} ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR (OF the spine to che las usar vertebra Circumference ofthe chest atthe loner margin of the Ge i Span of che anms when extended Pll em all the way owt, Gentlemen THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, The meauirements of her knisbones val of course ster maceration, Si ‘THE RARON DOCTEUR "THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, THE VENUS. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONISE Footnote #8 Definition: Medical: Macation process performed on the subject after the subjects death, The subjects body pars are soaked ia chemical soluton to Separate the flesh frost the bees so dat the bones may be messed with eater accuracy” (Ret) THE BARON DOGTEUR, Thats enough for now. Gendemen: Thats pleny al extusted ut yr hands together, St. Sow Ven pr appreciation. oe today and Im sure our lovely mubjees (They appa pli) THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Scene II For the Love of The Venus” Act I, Scene 12: Scene 11 “For the Love of The Venus,” ‘Act II, Scene 12 ‘Tha Baron Dot's hai i ety. The Nero Resection He sex he loves a Howtenta, THE MOTHER. Dont spall THE BRIDETO-BE A Hate Blow yr not ‘THE DRIDE-TORE, THE MOTHER. Wipe 7 ye >My sont Tos his mind but have uh plan Listen up His bead has tamed foun yr bright sun. ee roams in thuh dark Lec ne speck pla: He duane lore you fnay more THE BRIDE-TORE, [Uh multude of responses are amiable Th antiquity response woul! be thu Asp. Get yref uh potaonenae, Clap it th yt boot. (On thuts let side. Let i il yr heart with death Cleopatra. Very moving. Old hat now though Th clasical responte would be th hang yet Hiizabethean response would be tah drown rel. THE BRIDE-TOBE. Ophelia THE MOTHER Good gi They ako drank poison. Fell on ther words In modern dres they at thei wre, Fill their pockets with rocks. Jump fom bridges. Sleeping pila Take one or two too many, Taal do Hunger strike: sim yr face tot wall dont eat for weeks, That lke pining. Bur more dramatic To simply waste vay —] have uh plan Get th (Our young maa wants wh Hotlentot th lone Uh Hlttentoe yr not, my dear ‘But with some sl you can pretend. Pretend ‘THE MOTHER Lets gett work. Tl get that Unde on our side 4 a We'l get you up, make you Took wid Get you up likes Hortemiot THE BRIDE-TORE Like a Howtentae THE MOTHER. Aad bring miy son this knees! Lets got to work ‘THE BRIDE-TORE Lee get to work (Curtain. The Chorus applauds Scene 10 Footnote #9 THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST (fest, Footnote 40 Hintorial Extract Category: Medical es “The female Howentot under may care has the wl falling of of appearance common in women of 80 Jears old. Her tmownae are Naccid and elongated. While er gt muscles along with their coverings, the 2 prominent pecular hem Spherical cushions of fa, are quite remarkable, more rena ate sl are the long appendages wich hang down fom her (The Boron Duce snatches is nak fom The Nag Revernctona’s bende) THE BARON DOCTEUR. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST 135 i ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST, Her Charming Hands An Anatomical Clubus Scene 9 Her Charming Hands/An Anatomical Columbus The lth son ach wraped up her hin in large Phe Baron Dace 1s above er wng shiny a Hes ging he @ have THE BARON DOCTEUR There nov. (Open yr eyes and take a look ‘THE VENUS. THE BARON DOCTEUR. 1s almost perfect. THE VENUS, Im nervous Teo be bal ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Ive got the steadest hands inthe business THE VENUS Nov Not bad, Atte uneven on the left just there (tle sens ont br hain) THE BARON DOCTEUR. Dic yr dresses come today THE VENUS. ‘Wear the yellow one tonite THE VENUS. We're having company? THE BARON DOCTEUR “Tonights dinner is just you and me ‘THE VENUS. ‘You and sme this roo that table Wie dont go ont You dont want me sea, ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR, Ye seen enough at the Academy THE VENUS That dont count ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Wie go for rides, THE VENUS, Ok Ob Lcontes: Tanna keep my Sweets allio yell Im very greedy Take another look. THE VENUS, Looks all ight Mm THE VENUS, THE BARON DOGTEUR. Ok, up up Ihe got some work o do before we Put yr hand here, THE BARON DOCTEUR. ‘THE VENUS, Upset stomach? Tl fx yom something ‘You eat too many choclate you kom Tigiveem to yo by the tackle ut you dont have to eat them al Pracice some resta Drink this THE VENUS. THE BARON DOCTEUR, Drink thi fst. "THE VENUS, No. Feel me ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR, What ata Tfeling? Guess. ‘THE VENUS. THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR (Shes pregnant) (at) ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR God. is there anything we ca do about i? Ire a wife A career. A reputation, Ts there anything two can do about ic we together in Ire got various equipments in there ‘ve Could figure something out ‘THE VENUS. THE VENUS, THE VENUS. its cause for celebration A simple ye oF no wil do, Gil Yes THE BARON DOCTEUR, After dinner, Yes thats fin, 130 _ THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR THE BARON DOCTEUR THE BARON DOCTEUR (es, (The Grade Scio Chao appr asi oof thin i THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, THE BARON DOCTEUR. THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. The door was wide open I walked right in "You 2 should keep yr voice dow (fet) Dott you recognise me? ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. We went to school together ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Tyas the one who ripped the wings off the Hes We were lke bothers Hug met THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM What that thing around yr neck? THE BARON DOCTEUR. [None of yr busines THE GRAPESCHOOL CHUM Shes not Fr ype THE BARON DOGTEUR Goo evening, Sr Tl show you ou THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Ye wiles dstaught THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. Ye reputation i in shable. THE. BARON DOGTEUR My dicoverell ight chat THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. You beter publish thore discoveries soon, Old Friend The Academy wont walt for ver ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. Giving trendy advice THE BARON DOCTEUR Friend To her [at a mere Anatomical Columbus of wae Ine writen so a. Were to begin? Uh thm (Pl ads frm his nts) (C.the tant proiberance of her batocks {he somewhat bish appearance of her face) THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, So, get rid of her! Break with her ick her out om her ft THE BARON DOCTEUR Bat, 1 Tove her ove het Scene 8 “For the Love of The Venus,” ‘Act II, Scene 9 ‘The Neg Rescate onyeudince The Unde presents The Bride Toe due as The Hotere Von THE UNGLE, Pretening Presenting Young Man, to you for love alone The Wild Thing of yr hears dest: From she disk jungles say present “The Hens THE YOUNG MAN. THE BRIDE-TORE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS. THE YOUNG MAN. ‘THE BRIDE-TODE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS (Rat) ‘THE FATHER Young Man, sy something THE YOUNG MAN. Good god good Goa. She is 0 6d ‘Youre Love ‘THE BRIDE-TOAE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS 7 a ES THE BRIDE-TORE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS. THE YOUNG MAN, (es) THE YOUNG MAN, ‘She doesnt speak? THE UNCLE Not many words we undersand, Her hometowa ingor uh ange one, ‘Therefore, Hosentor Venus dating, allow me to interpret et) Howentot Ven, you speak fist THE UNCLE THE BRIDE-TOBE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS ‘Young Man, she says shes Love THE YOUNG MAN, Whisper, ask her, f shes wil (Mine licking. More clucking “THE UNCLE. ‘THE HOTTENTOT VENUS. (et) ‘THE UNCLE, She sez she comes fom far ubyay where its quite hot ‘She sex shes pare bred Hotentoe 135, She seri wks your desire the comes from The Wilds and she carries then behind her. [Wild is her back ground her fandament 30 to speek and although shes groen aceoustomed to ote ways she sill holds the Wilds within her wich i to sy, that all yr days with her val Be a lively Towely bls.) {THE YOUNG MAN Letiae look at her! Gitele around set all her angles, (he Young Aton obits bis) THE YOUNG MAN ‘THE BRIDETORE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS. THE YOUNG MAN (tt stars hand othe, Taboos.) ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST. vas feet Li and 1/2 inches, The foal weight ofthe body was 98 pounds avvindypis The great amouois of wabcutaneous fat were ‘vite woprisng Scene #7: 136. Scene 7 She'll Make a Splens Conpse Brightest ‘The Venus ine Bedroom daydreaming. She ear ig THE VENUS, He spends all his re with me becatse he loves me He hardly vss her at al, She may be his wife all ight bu shes all dred wp, He te not aut ont ehelng ay Ive ha bt hin gold makes ‘up thu difference and bhbh ove hi He yal eave that wife for good and we'l get marred (we Dever of Ilmake a seme) oh, we'll get marie And ree wil ein bed and iaake lve Hahaha Weil set tongues wagging fr the rest of the cent The Doctor will introduce me to Napolgon hitzell: Ob, yes yt Royal Highness the Negro question docs keep me brake at night oh yer it does. Serva gi! Do this and that! When Tim Mistres TIL be 2 tough cook. Tirule the house with an iron fst and have the most veonderful partie, Society wil eck me outs Wheres Vest? Right her Hohn. Taced ul ew wig very aernoon TH ake 2 5 hour bath. In ot rsewater After any bath theyll pat me down 20 sera wil attend ine, Tey rub ty body with the mos expensive ols ‘esfume my big bauocks and sprinkle them with gold dust (The Baron Doce enters nd wate Come here quick, save and attend me! Fetch my sweet! Fix ty hat Do this do that do this that Habahahahabat! Mauna ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR, What are you doing THE VENUS on. Im mnning mye. THE BARON DOCTEUR, Then you should have parasol THE VENUS, Kis me, THE BARON DOCTEUR Lite Hotey-Toisey Come to bed ‘THE ARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS. Men, THE VENUS. ‘THE VENUS. T dont think T wanaa goto yr Academy iy mor THE BARON DOCTEUR Dont be sly They all lowe you there Aad ye French is brillant 1s only been 2 years and yr sounding Uke a native Yea linguistic ensue! Everybody agrees THE VENUS. THE RARON DOCTEUR, How could they not Touching you is — well it their job, THE VENUS Theyre lacivous THE BARON DOCTEUR Jesus Dont be hyperbolic THE VENUS. You secu half there ea) THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS (fet) THE BARON DOGTEUR, Im bere arent P ft 7 THE VENUS, THE VENUS, Flake up one day youll be gone Yee THE BARON DOCTEUR, Wrong. THE BARON DOCTELR. Im bere to stay Gs Things ze jun ithe off a work that all od. Not get some sleep "THE VENUS, THE VENUS. THE BARON DOGTEUR Touch me IE BARON DOCTEUR, ‘THE VENUS. What iste Whats “maceration.” THE VENUS, THE BARON DOCTEUR, ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Hab? res THE VENUS (Shes pgnant agin “Maceration THE BARON DOCTEUR ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR (Can we do anything? Oh Go. hyd you ask? THE VENUS. THE VENUS. Of Gee They aways sy ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR “maceration.” Whats it mean? ‘A. simple yes oF 80 all do, ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE VENUS. “Maceratons” French for “hunch Tem ot feling very wel “After Lunch?” we alo sy Is hot in here at) Lave me? Ye my rae Love Now get some sleep, THE BARON DOCTEUR. A simple yes or no wll do, Ci (Phe stp, Ester Th GraeSchic Cham. As fn 0 dsm. The Baron Devoe wale pith 0 start) M9 ny THE GI Cog ADESCHOOL CHUM, THE BARON DOCTEUR. unt THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. Turn yr head. (Cough ubgain ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Ye not my regular physician. THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Nope Say “Aaaab, THE BARON DOCTEUR. “Aaah” THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Bigger “THE BARON DOCTEUR i ‘Shes my True Lov ‘She'd make th splendid wie ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Yr sick THE BARON DOCTEUR, ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, THE BARON DOGTEUR True Love THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Ye reputation is in sharable, THE BARON DOCTEUR soe THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Ye wifes cst THE BARON DOCTEUR, THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. ‘Whats so great about the black gel cll Get lest THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Yr will chiles wth the Mrs, arent you, ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. And a laughing sock ofthe Academy to boot ‘Whats chat uound yr neck? THE BARON DOCTEUR, Ub charm. For hick. Get lost, THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Here take 1 pill Doctors orders o on, Doctors orders. Tate it now. Wah it down Aaah? THE BARON DOGTEUR Aaah The Grade Shs! Oho tas he pill The Bar Dc’ mouth ‘and The Boron Dicer sells dum. The GradeScoo! Chum tudes the al) THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Yr breath off, Smells ike — woahs fuck TTwouldat wear that Looks like bad ick. ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR You hin? ‘THE GRADESCHOOL. CHUM, 1 do. Let take i off Im doing you a favor, Mans Im packing yr bag ad In bringing you with me. THE BARON DOCTEUR, Do Ihave a choice? ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, But you know, of cout, 3 not the only Doe ‘Whos got biel ub: Hotentot THE BARON DOCTEUR. THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. Speak plainly, Find, THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Some chap in Germany or romethin Got his hands on one, Fe performed the stop to Word is he'l publish inny minute ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR ell beat me tothe punch! THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. What do you care yin be THE BARON DOGTEUR THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. THE BARON DOGTEUR Shes not fecting 20 well Suid 40 hersld, THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Shell probably outlive wal, THE BARON DOGTEUR Shes got the clap, ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. The cap THE BARON DOCIEUR. Perhaps Je makes my work with her ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, indecency” ‘We could clap her into jal for that THE BARON DOCTEUR, We could? ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. (at) Remember who you ae, Sir ‘and make the fight decison Say yes and we'l have her gone by morning. THE BARON DOCTEUR, There most be some ther solution THE GRADE-SCHOOL CHUM, Well clap her ito ja. And if her elap rans its course, well, That fate, Fiend. ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR, ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, A simple yes oF no will do, Doctor. Come’ on. THE BARON DOCTEUR Such a fovely creature in her wa. She hae» grace Say ye Before she wakes, ‘THE BARON DOCTEUR Her charming hands — THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Shes just 2 bit sideshow freak, She would have made uh splendid wie THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Ob, please ‘Shel make wh splendid compe. (The GradesSchol Chum exis eng The Baron Deter bythe had. The Vnat wah op th art. She is alone) THE VENUS. THE VENUS. ‘THE VENUS. THE VENUS, THE VENUS. (Oe jase me ‘THE VENUS. THE VENUS, (A bot of Spc gute around her) THE CHORUS OF SPECLATORS, LookieLookieLockie-Lookic Hubba Hubba-Hubbe Hub Looe Loakie Lockie Lookie Hobie Hubb HubbeHubha THE CHORUS OF THE SPECTATORS. ‘THE VENUS. THE CHORUS OF THE SPECTATORS, (The Chorus of Spats bans inte ait. The Venus fla.) ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Order! Order (Suddenly The Venus i again imprisoned chained like dog in the yard. The Nag Resection nats Knife her He her und THE VENUS, ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THe VENUS. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Indeceney So clap fer ito jul for cha! THE BARON DOCTEUR Gap her into jl or that? (The Chas of he Spcators applaud.) OY Scene 6 Some Years Later, at Tiibingen (Reprise) The Chor ofthe Spectr aploud. “The Baron Dolsur mais from hs nolbok THE BARON DOCTEUR Rat.) "in regards to the foination of her buttocks we inake the following remacks: The faty cushion, ake Sueatigia was 9 laches deep. Her busocks —* THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Scene #6 Several years Inter at @ Conference in Tabingen. The Discrememberment of The Venus Hottentot P THE BARON DOCTEUR er batocks hed ney Torte moseaar flrs were mpg thin and aby ed ey badly destoped ts showing that toy dependent om the accumulation of fx at) The Vewus is haved. The Nags Resarctonst tas watch | You ever Love? THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE VENUS, ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Nope. THE VENUS Ever been loved THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Uh ubann, (ep rr a bf a (Rest) * ’ Chockius. Here Theyee not fray me Theyre from 2 man who ser he knew you when. Doctor think he sed THE VENUS, Doctos THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Maybe once when you were ick? (The Baron Duce cote with ret ify) THE BARON DOCTEUR Oh God my mind was wandering Where wat 7 * Uh heh 150 White the wteras had dhe ordinary form of tht organ in a once of tice impregnated female, The external characters, especially ofthe reproductive organs, fore, in this view, the centerpiece of Sty (Rat) The labia majo were small The clits sized moderate 1 large and lad a elideveloped prepuce al situated far more conspicuowsy than in the Burepeatferale (ie Her most remarkable features were the long appendages hich ang down fom her pudendum They semble 2 thongs ach about the thicknes ofa cedarnood pencil Exactly like sips of sheepskin, slighty twisted, ind aparently wscular. On separating her faba ound the appendage fo be te nymphor elongate Took up her appendages Aind led ie right one Fouad her right side ‘Above he gluteal projection Siiary Ted her left appendage round her Jet side Ad their ends tat at her spine it) There was no trace of bymen. Rit The remarkable development of dhe labia minora hich heretofore f ao general a cacterise of the Hottentot of Bushusan race vas oo sullclenty well masked d From tose of at ofthe omfinay varieties of the human att well dintingsshed sett Agi thei deence was 29 marked thei formation 3 dsiagished thae they formed hs sts centerpiece. 18 “This author recommends further examination of sid (eat) Thank you. (ite stands thers holding his wt A and ongng is head Scene 5 ‘Who Is She To Me? Tha Ven slaps. The Negro Resuraconist stands watch ‘THE GRADESCHOOL. CHUM. Yon waich The Venus Hotentoz THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONISI In her Watchman, hat igh. And Tl pc her safely ia he gro rad when she des too ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, T recognize you, Man [know yo from way back, Youne gota memorable face, THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST. So what THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. You used to unearth bodies for my postmortem cla, Aa illegal erat I remember, THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONISI 1 quit that ine years ago | THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Once digger always one. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Getto the point THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, A fiend of mine in the mesial profession is very imeresed in the body of yr wad For scientific analysis only of course. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, 1 have to ell the cope on you. Theyl Tock you up. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST I quit that busines THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM. a be eurprised at how the leg sytem works, at) Shes gonna Hck tinny minute Weil pay you for yr trouble, les not for me but for a fiend, He doesnt got the balls to as The Grade Sch! Chum hes hi in the bl) We'll pay you well. In gold THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, 158 Ras. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST, Ub uban, THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, Then i thu slammer, Spi. 1 gotcha by hak throat, adi THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST ‘THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, (et) THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST T mean, vistever Ye uh banards Bastard But fine All ight, Fes Tanean, who i she tome? THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE GRADESCHOOL CHUM, ‘Theres good boy. Hei-Hee Heh Heres hte in advance. (Phe Grade Shot Chan tases fd coin ete the ein bu Ng Reseretion Theres a good boy, Hel-Hel Heh, Heres a bein ance Scene 4 For the Love of The Venus” (Conclusion) The Boron Darr wath fom one plac, The Ven from another The Bride ToBe marquees as The Heist Wenur nd The Young Mat starsat he THE BRIDE-TOAE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS THE YOUNG MAN. THE BRIDE-TOBE AS THE HOTTENTOT VENUS, THE YOUNG MAN, (ie THE YOUNG MAN Tell her Tm smite. THE UNCLE Think she knows THE YOUNG MAN. By thee knees Im bending on True Venus tm forever thine, Titnever change Promive me the same Unde, put that on yr tongue then inher tongue then ta her ear (es What i her answer? THE UNCLE. She promises constancy but swe loose hh sin ayer every day $9 wil she shrug her old se of. ‘THE YOUNG MAN. Siig al you want bat keep thud coe st} (Astounding mtamorphas She rencus he dg) THE BRIDE-TOE, Deasheart your te love stands before you The Young Man goes De Bride TBs «rl heat box of cosa Love thaw. Guten. The Bar Deter oplads Scene 3 A Brief History of Chocolate THE VENUS, (Res A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHOCOLATE 1s writen in the ancleat chronicles thatthe Gods one day Tooked dove with pit iy on the people as they serggled. ‘The Gods reslved to vit the people snd teach them the ways of Love {or Love helps in times of hacdship Asan 2c of Love one Go gives tthe people 2 Uleshrab that had, sail then, belonged ‘only to the Gode ‘Ths war the cacao tee, (at) Time passe, Time pated uhgain ‘We find ourselves i the 1th Century The Arte word ace lteraly “food of the God becomes stead nea a a comes an exotic beverage Chocolate was soon mixed wih milk and sugar aie! formed into lorenges which one could eat on the run Chocolate lorenges ate now found Sn a Fariety of shapes rmixed with eveything from nus to brandy Ghocolae is recognized emotional sirnalanl, for doctors have reeealy nolced the tendency of some persons, cexpeslly women, fo go on chocolate binges binges either ofl emotionally upeting incidents for ian ffor to allow thentelves # bande cident wich may be emotionally upeeting This information i interesting in that it has become dhe practice to presenta git This practice, begu some time ago, contues «0 tis day While chocolate was once ied a8 4 smulant and source of chocolates when profesing Love Ice primaiy today 2 great source of ft, And of coune, please Scene 2 ‘The Venus Hottentot Tells the Story of Her Li The Nig Renureconit fing: is mew gl ein. THE VENUS Where ya get that? THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONISE found it Just thie moming on the street. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONISE THE VENUS. T lot say you were THE VENUS. THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE VENUS, ‘THE NUGRO RESURRECTIONIST (at) ‘THE VENUS, How log you Ured here? “THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Me? Ive ive i thi town all nye used to dig op people ler they been busied, Doctors pay 4 lot for corpses but "Resorection® i legal And I was alway this close to geting arrested Tas Jal Watchia jobs much move carte, THE VENUS, ‘You dont have anything you miss? Yr lucky, Watchman Talay dream of home in every spare stint Te vas shitty ity Hie Butoh T mis i ‘Whats dat sound onside, etowds ‘THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Yes Bont let theta in TIE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST Dont worry ‘THE VENUS. ‘THE VENUS, THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST THE VENUS. Whats eat ouside? Crone THE NEGRO RESURRECTIONIST. Just rin We've having lousy weather Tes jut rin Journeyed some worked some tended op here Tiyould five here T thought but only for wk minut! Had plans to, He had a beard Big bagy of money Where wiz P Tiled may hand at French,

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