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Reflection 2

Two Characteristics of God’s Kingdom is that it is a gift and a task. How

do you see it as a gift and as a task being a teenager facing a lot of
challenges and dilemmas brought by the present problems in the
society? How will you make the members of your household feel that
God’s reign is upon your family even in these difficult times?

Even if I have a lot of problems as a teenager, I see it as a gift and a taks
by Seeking professional aid.This has become increasingly common and
accessible as times have changed. It is critical to arm the teen with
information about obtaining help even if the parent is not around. It is
also critical for a parent to be conscious of his or her own needs and
limits, as well as to be willing to seek or accept support. Teenagers
nowadays encounter a wide range of concerns, many of which are
interconnected. Parents, teachers, and other guardians should be
aware of the issues that today's youth face and be prepared to address
them to the best of their abilities.
Together, we can serve others.As a family, perform modest acts of
service. Compassionate service will draw your family closer to each
other and to your Heavenly Father, whether you conduct formal
volunteer work, rake leaves in a neighbor's yard, or just bring soup to a
sick family member. "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings,
ye are simply in the service of your God," the scriptures say (Mosiah

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