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NAME: Felipe Sandoval

1: B

2: A

3: B

4: C

5: A

6: A

7: C

8: B

9: B

10: D

11: D

12: A

13: A

14: A

15: C

16: C

17: reliable

18: well-organized

19: cautious

20: critical

21: climate change

22: environmentally friendly

23: solar energy

24: global warming.

25: C. may drive

26: C. will we have said

27: B. are more likely to

28: A. don’t suppose

29: D. may pass

30: B. am sure

31: A. could well have

32: C. certainly won’t have

33: probably won't survive

34: suppose that the bad weather will get here tonight

35: There's no way we will have a holiday this year.

36: It's likely that I'll stay in my present job for many years.

37: By the end of next year, my younger brother won't have left university.

38: won't be coming

39: will have disappeared

40: I'll be watching

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