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cupcares TO EGGS m Demonstrate understanding of how materials enable technological products to function INT [=| DUCTION: MY, PRODUC My products will the cupcake which was submitted earlier in the year in the “Walkato Culinary Food Fare” in Hamilton. This ensured that the cupceke must reach certain standards in order to be worth being submitted in such a competition. | had to take note of its size, its colour, its texture, its flavour, and its moisture levels and if it catches the attention needed for the judges to like my cupcake. It will need to have been soft and fluffy, while being rich in flavour, also keeping in mind that people have various differing, preferences so | had to attain a flavour which appeals both people with sweet tooth’s as well as others who prefer the not so sweet tastes. For that | needed to make various tests as well as stake-holders whose feedback would help me achieve the requirements set by the competition as well as the goals set by myself. A cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person, which may be baked In a small thin paper or aluminium cup. For the cupcake we had decided to perfect a chocolate cupcake recipe as it was chosen as one of the most popular flavours for cupcakes. So we reviewed the recipe and its ingredients on how to make it the best it could be. We also reviewed on the visual side of cupcakes to see how we could make it visually appealing for the judges to catch their attention. Before we came to our chocolate cupcake recipe | had researched many other recipes and saw that one of the ingredients that came up on every great recipe was eggs. It showcased ‘on every recipe as well as exact instructions on how to handle this particular ingredient during the process of making the product. After researching some more | found that eggs are a very popular essential ingredient for most baking recipes. ‘The egg is one of most useful and best food products in today's society. They have high quality protein and provide us with the appropriate balance of amino acids to match our requirements and are healthy addition to maintain a healthy diet. They also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are important, and are a source of omega-3 fats and antioxidants. PROCESS AND RESULTS OF PRODUCT Ue eae ya CUPCAKES: ICING: 1% cups flour $0.42 [200g Butter $1.30 %4cup cocoa powder $0.37 {50g Cocoa $0.30 ‘htsp baking soda $0.01 [50g Icing Sugar $0.90 tsp salt $0.01 1 cup sugar $1.00 1/3 cup vegetable oil $0.56 TOTAL CUPCAKES MADI 22 lege. $0.20 TOTAL PRICE: $6.21 1 tsp vanilla $0.04 [PRICE PER CUPCAKE: $0.52 %cup buttermilk $1.10 EON INGREDIENTS When we make the cupcakes from our edited recipe, we first combined the dry ingredients using a whisk to have the more air intake within the dry ingredients, during the combining of these dry ingredients; we'd beat together the sugar, oil, egg and vanilla essence. Beating these ingredients together made a thick liquid, like a paste, which was good to combine with the dry ingredients. When this was done, we once again whisked the dry ingredients and buttermilk into the wet mixture, alternating and beginning and ending with the dry combination. Again we used the whisk to keep the mixture aerated and light. The eges were an essential ingredient in order to make appealing cupcakes. Eggs are a sticky liquid substance which is used like glue in making cupcakes for its benefit of being able to bind ingredients together, especially when beaten; eggs could hold many differing ingredients tog((pr, while also being able to expand three times their original volume. During the process <=) of making our product, the egg aided our product in many ways, such as, binding the wet mixture together which meant our cupcakes would stay together and not crumble while also acting as leavening agent by making our product rise when being baked when it releases carbon dioxide and traps it within the product. SENSORY RESULTS OF THE PRODUCT ‘After every trial we had tried our cupcakes, as well as have various stake-holders whom judged our cupcakes by categories we decided to focus on as they were the essentials for a good cupcake. Flovour: Our intended flavour was for that perfectly chocolaty, sweetness that melts at the consumer’s taste buds which we were close to achieving. Aroma: Smelt almost like melted chocolate crossed with fresh baking right out of the oven, with a chocolaty tinge. ‘* Texture: Dense yet light and slightly fluffy, as well-balanced of moisture and dryness, the popular texture most consumers would ‘expect from a cupcake. ‘© Rotio: Smaller than hand size as itis not a muffin but with a filling ratio that would satisfy consumers. ‘Presentation: The cupcakes were a good chocolate brown. The icing was a similar colour just slightly darker giving a rich look of chocolate, so having had no variation the whole product looked like chocolate which helped the chocolate taste to be enhanced. COMPOSITION OF EGGS INTRODUCTION: EGGS Most eggs that are used for cooking come from chickens, although they could also come from ducks, geese, turkeys and ostrich’s. Eggs have three main parts to their Structure: + The Egg Shell: it is made by 9/10's of calcium carbonate and 1/10's of protein. + The Egg White: It made up with 7/8's of water and 1/8's protein. + The Egg Yolk: it contains 1/2's of water, 1/6's of protein and 1/3's of fat. ‘These parts all have their own duties during cooking, baking, etc. FUNCTION OF EGGS ‘These are just @ne of the functions eggs can provide during cooking or baking. © Thicke ‘gg white coagulates (sets) at 60°C, the yolk sets at 70°C, so when these temperatures are reached they begin to set and thicken the mixture. Do not allow to exceed these temperatures of the mixture will set fully and curdle (scramble) © Binding: The egg sets when cooked sticking other ingredients together * Glazing: Before cooking foods can be brushed with beaten egg. During baking the egg glaze goes golden brown. ‘© Coating: Foods can be brushed with egg then dipped in breadcrumbs. Nuring cooking the egg coagulates (sets) and hols the product together. © Trapping air: The protein in the egg white stretches when beaten and craps air. © Enriching: Adding richness and extra nutrition to foods * Coagulation: This happens when eggs are cooked and cannot be re’ ied and turned bad@Hjto a raw egg. Egg is protein so when heated, the liq. proteins are turned to gel. The eggs water content will decrease when heated |_ cause of the proteins. The protein in eggs is three dimensional, which mean the trap water when heated, especially during coagulation. © Garnish: Eggs can be used to add garnish (decoration) to foods either poached or boiled and sliced. Eeeyels have emulsifying properties that come from the fat and lecithin. Yolks provide r, flavour and texture. Egg whites, when beaten, will provide the product with extra volume and an airy texture. The whites foaming ability comes from the two proteins in it Albumin and Ovalbumin. Egg. whites are especially used for binding ingredients together because of its ability to expand and stay sticky to hold other ingredients together. COMPOSITION OF EGGS ‘A single egg contains up to 11 different vitamins and minerals: Selenium (antioxidant which protects our body and immune system) Folate (for growth and maintenance of healthy cells) Pantothenic acid (Vitamin BS ) (releases energy from our food for our body to use) Vitamin B 2 (for brain and nervous system functions and blood formation) Vitamin A (for growth and eye health) Jodine (to ensure proper function of our thyroid gland) Vitamin F (antioxidant to protect our bodies against disease) Phosphorous (helps build strong bones and teeth) ron (to produce haemoglobin which carries oxygen around our bodies) ‘Thiamine (to turn carbohydrates into energy our body can use) Zinc (helps in growth, wound healing, blood formation and maintenance of tissues) Vitamin D (important in bone health) It is recommended that to maintain healthy diet that our intake for eggs is to be limited to six eggs per week as they provide us with nutritional benefits without increasing the risk of heart disease. NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION OF EGGS [Serving Size: 92grams, Amount Per Serving: Nutrients Amount (grams) Recommended Daily intake Calories 0.36 a Total Fat 21.2 33.00% | Saturated Fat __ftos 53.00% | Cholesterol (0.05 17.00% Sodium 0.25 10.00% a Potassium 0.24 7.00% Total Carbohydrates 441 ~-145.00% Dietary Fibre 27 11.00% - Sugars 29 50.00% ‘| Protein Be 9.00% References - -,.nz/health-nutrition/ - hitp:// - ~ https://wmfgroup - hitp://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Yorkie_(chocolate_bar) - http://chefinyou,com/role-of-egg-baking-cooking/ -

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