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Moral message of a painting of a Young Painter by David Bailly (1651)

All the object in painting highlighted the human existence. Our life and our time
here on earth is very short just like the candle, the bubble, the wine in the glass and
the faded flower. The hourglass and the skull remind us that our life has an ending
because there is death. And when we are dead everything we own like the pearls
and coins will not have value anymore. Overall, the painting of David Baily is a
universal wisdom of his own life existence.
The Artist's Choice of Subjects

The man and the mouth. this discribe my personality of being confused my fate
when I was a 10yrs old kid I was already aware of the reality and hardship of life
bearing on what others said and difficulty ascend in life. one day I think it's
wrong, it's wrong for me to listen to what is being said and force me to change my
destiny now I'm trying to change and change what I'm used to I can prove to
myself that I can I can change my destiny

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