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105-day expanded maternity leave law

✗ R.A. 11210 was signed into law on February 2019
by President Duterte.
✗ Extends the previous 60-day (78 days for caesarian
section delivery for women workers in the private
sector) paid maternity leave to 105 days.
✗ The law also entails an option to extend for an
additional 30 days of unpaid leave. Additional 15
days paid maternity leave shall also be granted to
female solo parents.

2. Prohibition on discrimination against women
✗ R.A. 6725 prohibits discrimination with
respect to terms and conditions of
employment solely on the basis of sex.
✗ Under this law, any employer favoring a
male over a female employee in terms of
promotion, training opportunities, and other
benefits solely on account of sex is
considered discrimination.
3. Anti-violence against women and their children
act of 2004 (Anti-vawc)
✗ R.A. 9262 recognizes the need to protect
the family and its members particularly
women and children, from violence and
threats to their personal safety and

4. Assistance for small-scale women entrepreneurs
✗ R.A. 7882 or the act that states the
Provision of Assistance to Women
Engaging in Micro and Cottage Business
Enterprises, and for other purposes
✗ This law seeks to provide all possible
assistance to Filipino women in their
pursuit of owning, operating, and managing
small business enterprises.
5. anti-sexual harassment act of 1995
✗ R.A. 7877 addresses the issue of sexual harassment
committed in employment, education, or training
✗ Sexual favors made as a condition in the
employment or granting promotions or privileges, or
the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in
limiting, segregating, or classifying the employee
which in any way would discriminate, deprive, or
diminish employment opportunities is punishable by
6. Safe spaces act 2019
✗ R.A. 11313 penalizes wolf whistling,
catcalling, misogynistic and homophobic
slurs, unwanted sexual advances, and
other forms of sexual harassment in public
places, workplaces, and schools, as well as
in online spaces.

6. Safe spaces act 2019
✗ This law, while being closely related to
R.A. 7877, expands the meaning of ‘safe
spaces’ to the public domain – from public
places to cyberspaces, from schools to
workplaces, and from streets to high-rise

6. Safe spaces act 2019
✗ The new law also expands the meaning of
sexual harassment and who can be
considered as an offender.
✗ While R.A. 7877 limits the definition of
offenders to authority figures, R.A. 11313
recognizes that anyone can be offenders.

6. Safe spaces act 2019
✗ Under R.A. 7877, an offender must have
influence, authority, or moral ascendancy
over the offended party;
✗ Under R.A. 11313, a peer or someone of
lower rank may now be held criminally
liable under the expanded definition of
sexual harassment.

7. The anti-rape law of 1997
✗ R.A. 8353 states that any person having
carnal knowledge of a woman through
force, threat, or intimidation, or by means of
fraudulent machination or grave abuse of
authority will be punished.
✗ Depending on the severity of the case, the
offense may be punishable by reclusion
perpetua or life imprisonment.
8. Rape victim assistance and protection act of 1998
✗ R.A. 8505 declares the policy of the State to
provide necessary assistance and protection for
rape victims.
✗ The government shall coordinate its various
agencies and non-government organizations to
work hand in hand for the establishment and
operation of a rape crisis center in every province
and city that shall assist and protect rape victims
in the litigation of their cases and their recovery,

9. Magna carta of women
✗ R.A. 9710 is a comprehensive women’s human
rights law that seeks to eliminate
discrimination through the recognition,
protection, fulfillment, and promotion of the
rights of Filipino women, especially those
belonging in the marginalized sectors of the
✗ It conveys a framework of rights for women
based directly on international law.
10. National women’s day
✗ R.A. 6949 declares the 8th day of March every year
as a special working holiday.
✗ This ensures meaningful observation of the holiday,
where all heads of government agencies and
instrumentalities, including GOCCs as well as LGUs, and
employers in the private sector shall encourage and afford
sufficient time and opportunities for their employees to
engage and participate in any activity conducted within
the premises of their respective offices or establishments
to celebrate National Women’s Day.

p.d. 603
12 rights of a filipino child
1. Every child has the right to be born well
Every child is endowed with the dignity and
worth of a human being from the moment of his
conception, as generally accepted in medical
parlance, and has, therefore, the right to be born

It is the responsibility of the parents to make

sure they can provide a safe environment for
their unborn child.
2. Every child has the right to a wholesome family life
Every child has the right to a wholesome
family life that will provide him with love, care
and understanding, guidance and counseling,
and moral and material security. The
dependent or abandoned child shall be
provided with the nearest substitute for a

2. Every child has the right to a wholesome family life
✗ The child’s first learning environment
and teachers are their home and
family. They are entitled to be a part
of a loving family that will instill
ethical values and morals in them.

3. Every child has the right to be raised well and become
contributing members of society
Every child has the right to a well-rounded
development of his personality to the end that
he may become a happy, useful and active
member of society.

The gifted child shall be given opportunity

and encouragement to develop his special
3. Every child has the right to be raised well and become
contributing members of society
The emotionally disturbed or socially
maladjusted child shall be treated with
sympathy and understanding, and shall be
entitled to treatment and competent care.

The physically or mentally handicapped child

shall be given the treatment, education and
care required by his particular condition.
3. Every child has the right to be raised well and become
contributing members of society
✗ Parents and guardians can shape the
personalities of their young to be
useful and contributing members of
their respective communities.

4. Every child has the right to basic needs
Every child has the right to a balanced
diet, adequate clothing, sufficient
shelter, proper medical attention, and
all the basic physical requirements of a
healthy and vigorous life.

4. Every child has the right to basic needs
The four basic needs of people outlined in the
law are as follows:

1. A balanced diet;
2. Adequate clothing;
3. Sufficient shelter; and
4. Proper healthcare.

5. Every child has the right to access what they need to have a
good life
Every child has the right to be brought up in
an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for
the enrichment and strengthening of his

A child’s needs must always be attended to so they

feel the support of people around them, which in
turn will build and strengthen their character in
6. Every child has the right to education
Every child has the right to an education
consummate with his abilities and to the
development of his skills for the improvement
of his capacity for service to himself and to his

In an ideal world, every child should have the means

to go to a classroom and have access to books and
learning materials.
7. Every child has the right to play and enjoy their youth

Every child has the right to full opportunities

for safe and wholesome recreation and
activities, individual as well as social, for the
wholesome use of his leisure hours.

Children have the right to engage in

wholesome recreational activities.

8.Every child has the right to be protected from danger
Every child has the right to protection against
exploitation, improper influences, hazards,
and other conditions or circumstances
prejudicial to his physical, mental, emotional,
social and moral development.

This includes all hazards that could affect

their physical, mental, and emotional states.
9. Every child has the right to live in a productive
Every child has the right to live in a
community and a society that can offer
him an environment free from
pernicious influences and conducive to
the promotion of his health and the
cultivation of his desirable traits and
9. Every child has the right to live in a productive
✗ Children should be surrounded by
safe communities that inspire them
to give back when they are older.

✗ This means staying away from bad


10. Every child has the right to be cared for in the absence of
their parent or guardian
Every child has the right to the care,
assistance, and protection of the State,
particularly when his parents or
guardians fail or are unable to provide
him with his fundamental needs for
growth, development, and
10. Every child has the right to be cared for in the absence of
their parent or guardian
✗ If the parent or guardian fails to fulfill
their role, the State shall assume
custody and care for the child,
providing them with their
fundamental needs for growth and

11. Every child has the right to good governance
Every child has the right to an efficient
and honest government that will
deepen his faith in democracy and
inspire him with the morality of the
constituted authorities both in their
public and private lives.

11. Every child has the right to good governance
✗ Children have a right to be born
under the presence of good
governance that can inspire them to
become a helpful and active citizen.

12. Every child has the right to freedom and peace
Every child has the right to grow up as
a free individual, in an atmosphere of
peace, understanding, tolerance, and
universal brotherhood, and with the
determination to contribute his share in
the building of a better world.

12. Every child has the right to freedom and peace
✗ Every child is entitled to do whatever
they want in their lives, so long as it
contributes to the peace and
betterment of the communities they
are a part of.

Rights of cultural
minorities or
indigenous people
R.A. 8371
✗ R.A. 8371 is an act to recognize, protect,
and promote the rights of indigenous
cultural communities / indigenous people,
creating a national commission on
indigenous peoples, establishing
implementing mechanisms, appropriating
funds thereof, and for other purposes.

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
1. Rights to Ancestral Domains

✗ Ancestral domains refer to all areas

generally belonging to ICCs/IPs comprising
lands, inland waters, coastal areas, and
natural resources therein.

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
2. Rights to Ancestral Lands

✗ Ancestral Lands refer to lands occupied,

possessed, and utilized by individuals,
families, and clans who are members of the

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
2. Rights to Ancestral Lands

✗ Indigenous concept of ownership sustains the view

that ancestral domains and all resources found
therein shall serve as the material bases of their
cultural integrity. The indigenous concept of
ownership generally holds that ancestral domains
are the ICC’s/IP’s private but community property
which belongs to all generations and therefore
cannot be sold, disposed, or destroyed.
Salient rights under r.a. 8371
3. Right to Self-Governance and

✗ Self-governance and self-determination

respects the integrity of their values,
practices, and institutions.

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
4. Right to Participate in Decision-Making

✗ Right to participate fully, if they so choose,

at all levels of decision-making in all
matters which may affect their rights.

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
5. Right to Determine and Decide Priorities
for Development

✗ The ICCs/IPs shall have the right to

determine and decide their own priorities
for development affecting their lives,
beliefs, institutions, spiritual well-being,
and the lands they own, occupy, or use.
Salient rights under r.a. 8371
6. Rights During Armed Conflict

✗ Right to special protection and security in

periods of armed conflict.

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
7. Freedom from Discrimination and Right to Equal
Opportunity and Treatment

✗ It shall be the right of the ICCs/IPs to be free from

any form of discrimination, with respect to
recruitment and conditions of employment, such
that they may enjoy equal opportunities for
admission to employment, medical and social
assistance, safety as well as other occupationally-
related benefits.
Salient rights under r.a. 8371
8. Community Intellectual Rights

✗ ICCs/IPs have the right to practice and

revitalize their own cultural traditions and

Salient rights under r.a. 8371
8. Rights to Religious, Cultural Sites, and

✗ The right to manifest, practice, develop,

and teach their spiritual and religious
traditions, customs, and ceremonies; the
right to maintain, protect, and have access
to their religious and cultural sites.
National commission on indigenous peoples (NCIP)
The primary government agency responsible
for the formulation and implementation of
policies, plans, and programs to promote and
protect the rights and well-being of the
ICCs/IPs and the recognition of their ancestral
domains as well as the rights thereto.


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