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8729923, 358 PM Give the meaning of migration. Answer [Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtions for Goyal Brothers Prakashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE | KnowledgeBoat Movement of people from their home to another city, state or country for a job or shelter is called migration. Question 2 Distinguish between immigration and emigration. Answer Immigration When someone moves to a country from another place, it is known as Immigration. When a person immigrates to a country its population increases. Question 3 Emigration When someone moves out of a particular place, it is known as Emigration. When a person emigrates from a country, its population shrinks. State the meaning and causes of rural-urban migration. Answer Rural-urban migration involves the movement of people from rural areas or countryside to urban areas of the same country in search of new job opportunities and lifestyles. hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration 522 ‘790, 3:58PM ‘Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtons for Goyal raters Prokashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE |KrowledgeBoat The causes of rural-urban migration include marriage, employment, education, lack of security, etc. Question 4 State any two advantages of migration to destination country. Answer Two advantages of migration to destination country are- 1. Cheap labour is available for different types of services. 2. Skilled labour contribute to the knowledge and production in the interest of the country. Question 5 Explain briefly the causes of brain drain in India. Answer The causes of brain drain in India are- . Absence of research facilities . Employment discrimination . Economic underdevelopment . Lack of freedom . Lack of job opportunities 1 2 3. 4 5. Poor working conditions 6 7. Discriminating cultures 8. . Political intolerance hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration 622 8729923, 358 PM [Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtions for Goyal Brothers Prakashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE | KnowledgeBoat Question 6 State the effects of brain drain in India. Answer The effects of brain drain in India are both positive and negative: Positive effects 1. People get opportunities to learn new skills and expertise. This knowledge they can utilise to the advantage of the home country once they return. 2. The migrants send money to their relatives living in the home country. This money can help stimulate the economy of the home country. 3. The money remittances help in reducing the level of poverty in the home country. Negative effects 1. The investment in higher education is lost as the highly educated people leave India and they become assets to other countries. 2. The shortage of skilled labour and competent people in India. 3. Loss of potential future entrepreneurs. 4. Loss of innovative ideas and investment in education. Question 7 What are the advantages and disadvantages of migration hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration m2 8729923, 358 PM [Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtions for Goyal Brothers Prakashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE | KnowledgeBoat Answer The advantages and disadvantages of migration in destination countries are as follows: Advantages 1. Cheap labour 2. Skilled labour 3. Cultural diversity Disadvantages 1. Job loss 2. Discrimination and racism 3. Social pressure 4. Breakdown of culture and tradition 5. Disease The advantages and disadvantages of migration to the home country are as follows- Advantages — 1. Remittances 2. Better job opportunities for locals 3. Knowledge and skill flow Disadvantages — 1. Loss of skilled labour 2. Fallin demand of home goods hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration ane 8729923, 358 PM [Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtions for Goyal Brothers Prakashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE | KnowledgeBoat 3. Social impact Question 8 What does emigration mean? In what way it affects the country from where the migrants come? Answer It means leaving one's resident country with the intention to settle down elsewhere. It is especially migration from one's native country. Emigration has advantages as well as disadvantages: Advantages 1. Remittances 2. Better job opportunities for locals 3. Knowledge and skill flow Disadvantages 1. Loss of skilled labour 2. Fall in demand of home goods 3. Social impact Give reasons for the following Question 1 The trend of brain drain is considered a problem in the developing countries. Answer hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration 922 ‘790, 3:58PM ‘Chapter 3: Migration | Sohtons for Goyal raters Prokashan Geography by Veena Bhargava Class 8 ICSE |KrowledgeBoat The trend of brain drain is considered a problem in the developing countries because in this, the most highly skilled and competent individuals leave the country and these people contribute their expertise to the economy of other countries. Question 2 In India, rural to urban and urban to rural migration is important. Answer In India, rural to urban and urban to rural migration is important because rural to urban population provides labour to the industries in the urban areas. This labour sends remittances to their family in the rural areas and hence help in rural development. Also, when people move from urban to rural areas, they bring new ideas with them. At times, the industrialists move to rural areas to set up factories, which provide employment to the rural people and help in raising their standard of living. Question 3 Migration has positive impact on the home country. Answer Migration has positive impact on the home country because migration brings in foreign exchange as remittances, better job opportunities for the locals and in case of seasonal migration, migrants often bring new ideas, skills and knowledge that they have acquired during travel. hitps ww knowledgeboat comfeamiclass-S.cse.veena-bhargava-goyal geography/solutons/KOjavimigration sore

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