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1. Is it good for people to try new things?

I think yes because trying something new broadens people’s horizons and gives
their soul a boost. Of course, it’s a bit daunting at first but anyway it is worth doing
as it allows people to expand their minds and makes them feel like they are high in
the sky.I t also facilitate people vanquish their fears and gives them afresh
perspective, which feeds their creativity and increases their confidence. So yeah,
its definitely good for everyone.
2. Do you think it’s better to have new experience when you young or when
you older?
I suppose learning new knowledge doesn’t limit by age and everyone.
However. It should be better to have new experience when you young
because older people often feel they have already had all experiences they
need and do not even take any steps to trying or learning something new. In
addition, Older people often will not have much energy in learning because
their physical and mental health is not what it used to be. So, young age is
the best time for new experiences and new skills
3. Do you think hand-writting is important nowadays?

Definitely yes, handwriting is one of the most important thing that could
open my knowledge. Hand-writting is a great way to facilitate boost the
ability to memorize the content better. Beside, it show how genuine and
considerate you are towards the person I love and care for. When you’re
giving someone a gift, it’s nice to handwrite a card so they feel special
4. Do you think that it is necessary to be tidy?
Definitely yes, I can't stand living in an untidy space. I want my things to be
organized like my books on my shelves are arranged based on colors and
thickness, where they look pleasant to my eyes, fold and hang my clothes in
organize way so it easy to me find a perfect outfit for the day. It allows me
appear more atractive towards other people
5. Do you usually read newspapers or magazines?
To tell the true, i often read online newspaper instead read newspaper. But
when I have time on hand I like read newspapers more than magazines. It
allows me to gain deeper insights into what is hhappening around us.
Aditionally, it update the information about ecomics, politics, environmental
issue news are correct in every detail.
6. What kind of clothes do you never wear?
Speaking of this, I’ve always try to avoid wearing clothes too skimpy
because it make me feel uncomfortable and create a feeling of disrepects for
others (when wearing the wrong situation)
10. Can you concentrate on work during the noise?
Abolutely not, I would be exemely uncomfortable if there were too much
noise while i need to focus on doing sth. For example, last weekend when I
was studying for my exam , I couldn’t really focus on my study because my
neighbour had a party and the music was too loud. therefore, i usually find
another quiet place to study and focus 100% on study.
9. In the future, do you want to work in a museum?
that’s an interesting one! It sounds tempting but I’d rather not. I guess
working in a museum is quite a tedious job. I would have to spend most of
the day in an enclosed building, showing people around, setting up some
displays or exhibition. This isn’t for me as I love flexibility and outdoor
8.Do you think it is important to make most of the weekends
Absolutely agree with this idea. Weekend is a perfect time for revision and
also planning ahead for the incoming week. Especially with final-year
students, our weekends are no different from our weekdays except for
classes. And I think we had better get familiar with it and try to make use of
our weekends.

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