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Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak Getting rejected from too many jobs? This strategy will help you turn rejections into job offers. It's called a "Post Rejection Thank You Note." Here's how to write one in <3 a AOLNtSe Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 1/ Rejection Isn't The End Too many people completely cut ties after being rejected. But your interviewers are people you spent 30-60+ minutes connecting Wha al They know your value, they know Wale ele ROlni-1e They can be some of the best leads for new roles if you let them. Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 2/ Thank Them For The Consideration Open your note by thanking the person and wishing them success Nida Uat-m al come A iT el-e =e ere ee Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me last week! I'm super excited for you all and I'm wishing you a ton of success." Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 3/ Share What You Enjoyed Was it talking to them? The culture? The mission? Show them you paid attention and why you were excited. =e "lL really enjoyed interviewing at [Company], and | especially enjoyed our chat about the future of blockchain in the health tech space." PNT est) (r-) a) @austinbelcak 4/ Ask To Stay In Touch Finally, open the door for future conversations. Ask if it'd be ok for you to stay in touch with them going forward. 6 "If you're up for it, I'd love to stay in touch! Either way, have an awesome rest of the week." Here's a copy of the full example: e Austin Belcak @ Hi Jamie, Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with me last week! | heard the team made a hire, I'm super excited for you all and I'm wishing you a ton of success with the new blockchain-based EHR rollout at SMC and beyond! Il really enjoyed interviewing at Stratys, and | especially enjoyed our chat about the future of blockchain in the health tech space. If you're up for it, I'd love to stay in touch and hear how things are progressing. No pressure at all though. Either way, have an awesome rest of the week. Be well, Austin cutivareo CO? SUEUR Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 5/ Stay In Touch! Add every person who says "yes" to a spreadsheet. Set a reminder to check in with them every month. When the time comes, send a note asking them: - How they're doing - How [Specific Initiative] is going - Mention some company news Rinse and repeat. Austin Belcak @ @austinbelcak 6/ My Microsoft Offer This strategy got me my job at Microsoft. In my initial process, | lost out to an internal candidate. | sent post-rejection notes to everyone | spoke with. A few months later? | used those contacts to get in the door for the role | eventually won. Grab a seat for my free masterclass on landing your dream job in 10 weeks without applying online. Sign up for free: Coct iaye-t este (ite Mess VIEL ccl eet ty How To Land Your Dream Job In 10 Weeks (Without Applying Online!) Hosted By: Austin Belcak stele olay elem Ed

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