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Child Labor

Follow the instructions below to complete
the activity.
NA Juan José Rodoreda
DAT 06/19/23

The United States Department of Labor created a list of goods it believed were produced by child
labor in violation of international standards. Using the information found on pages 16 and 17 of
the book, as well as the library and online content, choose three products that were on this list.
Beside each entry, write a short explanation of the chosen item. Which countries appear most often
on this list? What do the products have in common?

Product Significance
1. Cotton Child labor was used in the make of cotton in countries.

2. Gold Gold - Child labor is used in small-scale gold mining in

countries such as Mali and Burkina Faso.

The countries that appear most often on this list include:

Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Turke
3. Cocoa Child labor is used in the production of cocoa in countries
such as Ghana and Ivory Coast

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Reference: Pages 16–17
Test your knowledge of the United Nations by answering these questions.

1. In what year did Namibia began its new life as an independent nation?

In 1990.

2. How many people across 80 countries are receiving food and assistance from the UN?

128.2 million people

3. Number of countries that the How many countries has the United Nations assisted with
elections since 1991?

More than 100 countries

4. At the end of 2017, the United Nations estimated that a total of how many people in
Darfur were in need of humanitarian assistance?

5.5 million

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Using the library or online sources, research the sites of some of the worst human rights violations.
Find out where six of them took place, and mark their locations on the map. Fill in the legend below
to note the name of each violation and the date(s) it took place.

A Violation: Nazi-
B Violation: Bosnia,massa C Violation: Nanking-Chin
Date: 1940-1945
Date: 1995 Date: 1937-1938





1,000 Miles

0 1,000 Kilometers


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D Violation: toture- E Violation: national F Violation:
Cambo prisio terrorwarCuba
Date: 1975-1979 Date: 1961-1991 Date: 2002-

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For each violation, answer the following questions:

1. What do these sites have in common?

2. What has the UN response been to the atrocities committed in these places?

3. Has the UN been effective in improving human rights in these nations? Why or why not?

Violation A
Revised Response: The International Coalition was not established during World War II, so there was no direct
International Coalition response to the atrocities committed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. However, the horrors of the
Holocaust contributed to the establishment of the International Coalition and the development of international
human rights norms.
Revised Effectiveness: The International Coalition has played a crucial role in the post-World War II era in
promoting human rights, preventing genocide, and raising awareness about the Holocaust to prevent such
atrocities from occurring again.

Violation B
Revised Response: The International Coalition had a peacekeeping presence in Srebrenica during the Bosnian
War. However, during the Srebrenica massacre, International Coalition peacekeepers were unable to prevent
the killings and failed to protect the vulnerable population.
Revised Effectiveness: The failure of the International Coalition in protecting the civilians in Srebrenica led to
significant reforms in international peacekeeping operations and a reevaluation of its response to genocide and
mass atrocities.

Violation C

Revised Response: The International Coalition did not exist during the Nanking Massacre, as it took

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place before the establishment of the International Coalition. However, the International Coalition
has condemned the massacre and supports efforts to promote reconciliation, justice, and
Revised Effectiveness: The International Coalition, through various bodies like the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Court, works to hold
individuals accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, including similar
atrocities to the Nanking Massacre.

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For each violation, answer the following questions:

1. What do these sites have in common?

2. What has the UN response been to the atrocities committed in these places?

3. Has the UN been effective in improving human rights in these nations? Why or why not?

Violation D
Revised Response: The International Coalition has been critical of the indefinite detention,
torture, and lack of due process at Guantánamo Bay. Various international bodies, such as the
International Human Rights Council and the Committee Against Torture, have issued reports
and recommendations to address human rights concerns.
Revised Effectiveness: Despite ongoing concerns and advocacy efforts, challenges remain in
resolving the human rights issues at Guantánamo Bay. The closure of the detention facility has
been an ongoing topic of debate and faces political and legal complexities.

Violation E

Revised Response: The International Coalition actively campaigned against apartheid in South
Africa and imposed various sanctions on the apartheid regime. The International Coalition
General Assembly and Security Council adopted numerous resolutions condemning apartheid.
Revised Effectiveness: The International Coalition's collective efforts, along with global pressure
and internal resistance, played a significant role in ultimately bringing an end to apartheid in
South Africa. Nelson Mandela's imprisonment on Robben Island became a symbol of the
struggle against apartheid and contributed to international solidarity.

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Violation F
Revised Response: The International Coalition did not have a direct response to the atrocities
committed during the Khmer Rouge regime. However, the Extraordinary Chambers in the
Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), established with International Coalition assistance, has been tasked
with prosecuting senior Khmer Rouge leaders.

Revised Effectiveness: The ECCC, although facing challenges, has made some progress in holding
individuals accountable for the crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge era. The International
Coalition's involvement has contributed to the pursuit of justice and reconciliation in Cambodia.

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1. The United Nations has been taking formal action to protect human rights for more than
half a century. Using the library and online resources, identify the major events that
occurred using the timeline below. In each box connected to a year on the timeline, write the
name of the corresponding event or events.

1947 1959 1993 1994 2006 2010 2013 201


Partition of Oslo Accords Creation of Human

India and the Human Rights
Pakistan: Rights up Paris Agreement
Tibetan Genocide Arab
Uprising: in Rwanda Spring: A
In wave of
March 1959, protests and

2. Choose a major event from the timeline and answer the following questions.

Why would this event be considered noteworthy?

The Tibetan Rebellion marked a major resistance movement against Chinese rule in Tibet.
This led to the exile of the Dalai Lama and attracted international attention to Tibet's
for autonomy and the preservation of cultural and religious rights.

What effect did this event have on human rights? Why would it have had this effect?

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the award and subsequent Chinese removal had a major impact on Tibetan human rights.
This led to restrictions on religious and cultural practices, suppression of political dissent,
and restrictions on freedom of expression and assembly.

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This checklist provides questions to ask yourself when analyzing a primary source. Refer to these
questions while examining the document, and make notes based on what you read and infer.
Then, use your notes to conduct further research and to write your analysis.

S1.andWrahEo. cGreaartceiad. tNheewsoYuorcrek?Times

S2h. owWs hthaet ifsirtsht

ewcorredastoorf’sthineteAnfrdiceadnpAumrpeorsiecafonrEthnigslissohudrcicet?ionary. Only
black people create words in America

3 . W h a t to o ls d o e s t h e cre a t o r u s e t o a c h i e v e th is
I n terv ie w s a n d in f o rm a ti on g iv e n b y t h e c r e a t o rs o f
p u rp o s e ?
th e d ic t io nary

4 . W h o i s t h e i n t en d e d au d ie n c e ?
P e opl e w h o a re i n te re s te d in e q u a l ity and eliminating racism

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B5e. cauHsoewiscaanayporuovdeedtecrimtei,naenidf tahlesosoduertcaeilsis areslitahbeles?ize of
the organization behind the article

f6a. cts Dgioveesnthbey sthoeuracuetphorersseannt danhyisftaocrtics?alIfesvoe, nwtshat are they?

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n Does the source present any opinions? If so, what are they?

8 . W h e n a n d w here was this primary source created?

In US A , m a y 2 0 23

9. What do you know about the historical context of the time and place in which the primary
s o u r c e w as c re a te d ? W h at d o y o u s t i l l n e e d t o find
The c o n t e x t of th e a u th o r an d it s m o t iv a t i o n t o w r ite


1 0 . A re th e r e an y i m p e r f e ct i on s or b i a s e s in the primary
n o t d ire ct in f o rm a ti o n g i v e n t o th e a u t h o r
source that may affect its reliability?

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R11e.lateWdhsaot uortcheesr stoouthrceetsocpaicn iynooutehxepr lboirge

itnoslteitaurtnionmsolriekeabthoeutUtNhis topic?

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Test your knowledge by answering these quiz NA
questions. ME

1 After World War I, U.S. president Woodrow Wilson led a movement to create what
new organization?
League of Nations.

2 What date is known as United Nations Day?

October 24th

3 What does Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights state?

addresses the prohibition of slavery and forced labor.

4 Which city hosted the conference that established the United Nations?
San Francisco, United States

5 Who was the first UN High Commissioner for Human Rights?

José Ayala Lasso from Ecuador

6 Defendants in the Nuremberg cases were tried by a panel of judges from which
four countries?
United States Soviet Union United Kingdom France

What are economic sanctions?

7 measures imposed by one country or a group of countries to exert pressure on another country, organization, or individual by restricting or prohibiting economic activities

8 What group was created by the UN General Assembly in 1947, initially

with 15 members?

9 What was the Dutch term for the strict system of segregation against blacks in South
Africa, and what is the English translation for that term?

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The English translation of the term "Apartheid" is "apartness" or "separateness."

What movement of rebellion against authoritarian rule has swept Middle

Eastern countries since 2010?
Arab Spring

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ambassad indigenous Your
Score is
ors preamble
constitutio protocols
n embargo sanctions
feminists standard of
guerrilla living

1. Your
Score is
a government order 6.
limiting or prohibiting trade punishments imposed as a result of
breaking a rule or law

2. indigenous 7. Score is

relating to the original inhabitants of an official representatives of one country to

area or environment another country

8. protocols
3. unorganized and small-scale warfare
an official document outlining the rules carried out by independent units
of a system or government


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preliminary memoranda often 9.
formulated and signed by diplomatic

the minimum amount of necessities
essential to maintaining a comfortable

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