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What is Dialect?

Simply said, a dialect is a particular area's or "local" version of a dominant language. To set the stage for
a better grasp of the term, let's start by looking at the precise definition of dialect: "A kind of language
that people speak in a particular section of a country, comprising certain different terms and grammar
etc." At first glance, that could seem a little perplexing, but it's not. A dialect is simply a variant variety of
a language, to put it simply. primarily based on a person's location; it is a type of language unique to a
particular geographical or social group in terms of its vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

We have 3 types of Dialects: Regional,Standart and Sociolet.


A regional dialect is a dialect spoken by the people in a specific region of a country or continent. Regional
dialects are often influenced by the environment, technology, and contact with speakers of other
languages. For example, in Southern Louisiana, many people speak Louisiana French (otherwise known
as Cajun French). This started in the 17th century, and over time as French immigrants and native-born
Louisianans lived in close proximity, their languages influenced each other and Louisiana French was the
dialect that resulted. Another example of a regional dialect is Southern American English, which is
spoken by many people living in the United States' Southeast region. Someone from the Southeast part
of the United States might greet you by saying, "howdy."


A standard dialect is a dialect of a language that is commonly thought to be the most correct and
professional form of that language. In reality, one rarely adheres to the standard dialect of their language
at all times. Most of the time, people will only use the standard dialect of their language when in formal
or professional settings. An important point to note is that any dialect of a language could be selected as
that language's standard dialect. In American English specifically, the chosen standard dialect is
influenced heavily by colonialism. Someone using Standard American English dialect might greet you by
saying, "hello."


A sociolect is a dialect that is associated with a specific social group. Common groups that share a
sociolect can be based on age, race, class, and gender. For example, African American Vernacular English
(AAVE) is considered an ethnic dialect, which is a subcategory of sociolect. Additionally, some sociolects
have been altered and influenced due to the rise of the internet in the 21st century, particularly among
younger generations. Someone using a sociolect associated with a younger generation might greet you
by saying, "what's up?

Second I will cover... Accents..... (Interuption)


An accent is a way of pronouncing a language. in other words, Speaking that language but using the
sound intonation and rhythm of your own native tongue. Accents are a result of how, where, and when
we learned the language we are speaking. Considering that all of us speak in distinctive ways, it is
reasonable to assume that there are endless types of accents in the world, or even inside a country or
region. Let’s think of the United States of America. English might be the most commonly used language,
but we all agree that the way people speak in Texas has nothing to do with the way people talk on the
West Coast. A question arises here. Why people have accents? Firstly, it is the bottom line to mention
that there are 2 types of accents: a foreign accent and our native language accent. Foreign accent occurs
when we speak one language using some of the rules or the sounds of another language. Our native
language accent can be determined by our region, social group , ethnicity. In both cases, the accents
come from our living circumstances. When speaking a foreign language, our accent is influenced by the
structure and sounds of your native language, which is why it is usually more noticeable. For example, if
you are a German trying to learn English, you are likely to have trouble with the sounds found at the
beginning of the words wish and this, because they don’t exist in German. In short, people have different
accents because they have different heritages. Sound patterns also differ from language to language, but
they can also vary within the same language as Canadian English and South African English. As many
studies conclude, even ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and age can all affect language usage.The next
most asked question is which country has the most accents? Actually it is practically impossible to
answer this question. English, for instance, being the most widely spoken language in the world, has
many known accents like Canadian, American, Australian and etc. even inside these countries, many
different accents can be found. English is not the only one. Undoubtedly, Mandarin and Spanish are in
the same situation like English. The next question arrives. Is it bad to have an accent? Actually it
depend on the situation. Accent is like a part of your identity, however, you must always assess if it it is
understandable by people.


Hi guys. Globalization effect the world communication and a lot of people are learning new languages for
communication. When you learn a new language, your accent becomes more noticeable. Accents
actually reflect your identity and are a part of you. Therefore, you should be proud of your accent. While
socializing at times, some are ostracized because of their accent. This makes them want to change their
accent. It can affect yourself badly. However, if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can change your
accent. There are even private tutors for this and they very supportive for accent. They're called speech
therapists or SPLs. SPLs teach you to stress and make your speech more understandable. Professionals
also get help from these teachers and they say that they can shift a job and accept a new job more easily
because of this. They help to make a living. Accent is different on the world and is welcomed differently.
For example, in England, if you speak with a British accent, you are ahead 1-0. Because the British give a
lot of importance to the accent. But in America, your accent doesn't matter much, people don't mind it.
The accent is also related to the person in front of you. On the other hand, according to research, 83% of
people find the other person more attractive than their accent. Researchers also conducted a survey on
this. This is true for America. The best accents are British, French and Australian accents. A higher
percentage than for any other dialect (52%) of respondents indicated they like the British accent. The
overall consensus among men and women who identified as such was that the British accent was the
most catchy and reliable. Additionally, it was the accent that gave off the strongest impression of
intelligence. The worst accents are welsh, Korean, Swedish. Only 5% of those surveyed indicated they
like the Welsh accent. Welsh give negative vibe to the person opposite. Welsh names and words are not
only unpleasant to hear, but also challenging to speak.

Another topic is accent in business. Companies now require their employees to know more than one
language. A lot of people are trying to develop themselves in language, and most of this time does nas
an example that people think that Indians face a lot of problems because of their accent. This is not true.
Because accents have almost no effective in the business world nowadays. We can show this as proof,
the CEO of Starbucks is Indian, one of Google's CEO is Indian, one of Twitter's CEO is Indian, one of
Adobe’s CEO is Indian. In fact, they are all people with different accents, but they are very successful, the
main reason for this is that they are understandable. This shows that accent is not that important. If you
know a language well, there will be no accent problem. Many people try to speak with a better-than-
normal accent when they go to a job interview, but they don't pay much attention in the circle of friends.
This is also a type code-switching. However, this is not always the case, and attention is always drawn to
intelligibility, not accent.


Language of any culture has over the year’s undergone changes in different degrees. This reason of
shifting is adding new vocabularies to dialects from other languages. So this process has contributed to
the rise of dialects in the respective languages in the world. As my groupmates said, Accents allow us to
make a distinction between people from different regions. I tried explain their meaning like reminder.

By and large, There is no doubt about that everyone has at least one accent and one dialect—yes, even
you!—and it's also possible to have more than one. Accents and dialects can represent the region you're
from, your ethnicity or race, your age, your religious group, and many other dimensions. Both of them
are a part of identity.

However, most people think that dialects and accents are so similar that they cannot distinguish. But I
don’t think so. Actually from my point of view, a dialect and an accent can be differ from each-other. I
would like now to discuss difference between accents and dialects.

Initially, I want to say that Accent refers to pronunciation. If we're specifically mentioning our accents, we
mean only the pronunciation differences. Dialect refers to a whole group of language features, including
pronunciation, but also differences in vocabulary, grammar, and how the language gets used. While
shifting accents would be challenging, dialect can change over time. If the sentence would be
understood by most people in the country, it is likely an outcome of an accent. If the meaning of the
sentence is demanding to decipher, it is likely a dialect. This is because different dialects use distinct
words to say things, which can be confusing for people from a different region, whereas accents only
influence how we sound.

This scheme can help you what I want to say.






Language is the biggest terms of these. As you see it, language encompasses both the concept of dialect
and accent. Ultimately, accent is merely a part of dialect. An accent refers to how people pronounce
words, whereas a dialect is all-encompassing.

Another instance of is that So if you and I speak different dialects of English, we probably have some
differences in what words we use (maybe I say zucchini and you say courgette), some grammatical rules
(maybe I say Do you have any tea? instead of Have you any tea?), and how we use those words (some
English dialects say Pardon? and I could too… but more natural for me is Excuse me?).


Hopefully, you now have a resource that is simple to use to help you distinguish between dialect and
accent. As you can see, it's not as difficult as it could have originally appeared to be. There is frequently
confusion since one is a sound and the other is a structure. They are thus very similar.

-Lala: I totally agree with Emil and my groupmates. However, I want to emphasize something about this
topic. Some people, who speak with their own accents and dialects unintentionally, are self-conscious.
Specially when people comment on their accents/dialects directly, this attitude bothers person who
speak with accents and person obviously starts to feel embarrassing. My tip for these people is being
yourself. Do not get hung up about your accents/dialects. I firmly believe that you have other people
accept you the way who you are.

-Emil: If you spend enough time in a place, you can pick up both a dialect and an accent, but the
principles won't ever change: "Dialects are several language variants. Languages sound the way they do
because of accents. Today, technology is developing and this accent and language problem will disappear
after a few years. In the new program developed by the Google company, we can now communicate with
the other party even if our languages are different, even when we talk on the phone.

Smth like that pls add all your speech here then in call we will discuss each part

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