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Keyword:Santa rosa de lima


In a distant land, 'neath the golden sky,

A saintly soul emerged, in silence did she lie.
Santa Rosa de Lima, a beacon of light,
A virtuous woman, through darkness did she fight.

Born Isabel Flores, with grace in her heart,

She possessed a love, only heaven could impart.
Devoted to God, her spirit forever kissed,
She yearned to serve, in a world often dismissed.

Strong and steadfast, her resolve never waned,

Through trials and tribulations, her faith remained.
In a small cottage, she dwelled with humble pride,
Whispered prayers echoing, breaking through the tide.

With roses as her emblem, devotion would bloom,

A vibrant garden of faith, in a world filled with gloom.
Tending to the sick, her touch would heal,
Their ailments vanquished, as her compassion would reveal.

Self-flagellation, her penance to atone,

Yet her spirit soared, on wings not of her own.
An anchor of hope, for the desolate and weak,
A guiding light, in despair so bleak.

Santa Rosa de Lima, a patroness so revered,

Her life a testament, to that which we hold dear.
A testament of faith, sacrifice, and love,
A saintly presence, watching from above.

Her legacy lives on, in the hearts she touched,

Her example guiding, inspiring so much.
Santa Rosa de Lima, a name we hold high,
A gentle soul, whose spirit will never die.

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