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What is the psychological novel?

Psychological novel , work of fiction in which the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of the
characters are of equal or greater interest than is the external action of the narrative.

What are Psychological Novels?

Nandita Nassa

Nandita Nassa

Nandita Nassa

Helping clients grow their business through top-notch content, effective content strategies and
social media marketing | Content & Copy Writer | Author

Fecha de publicación: 19 de abr de 2021


Psychological Novels are the narrative in which the author explores the spiritual, emotional and
mental lives of the characters.

The primary focus is not on the writing style but on the behaviour and perspective of the
characters which ultimately traces a path.

Psychological realism is achieved with deep explorations of the mental states of the characters’
inner person usually through the narrative modes like “stream of consciousness” and “flashbacks”

This term was coined by William James.

In the early 20th century the novels played a significant role in English Literature. Shakespeare’s
Hamlet is a prime early example of it in dramatic form. Although an overtly psychological approach
is found in Samuel Richardson’s Pamela.

The development of psychological novels coincided with the growth of psychology and the
discoveries of Sigmund Freud.

The penetrating insight into psychological complexities and unconscious motivations are the
characteristic feature of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy.
Some other notable works in this field are: -

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

Ulysses by James Joyce

Sons and Lovers & The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence

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