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Đề thi thử vào lớp 6 môn Tiếng Anh năm theo mẫu THCS

Cầu Giấy số 11
Quiz ID: 4395

Question 1 (Question ID: 145-128672)

Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. collect
B. research
C. examine
D. decide
Question 2 (Question ID: 145-128673)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
A. sight
B. bought
C. daughter
D. cough
Question 3 (Question ID: 145-44212)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. documentary
B. community
C. competition
D. individual
Question 4 (Question ID: 145-43964)
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress.
A. nation
B. picture
C. attend
D. answer
Question 5 (Question ID: 145-16237)
He is going to the post office _____ he wants to send a letter.
A. despite
B. because of
C. because
D. though

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Question 6 (Question ID: 145-64318)
My brother and I _____ television every evening.
A. watches
B. listen
C. are
D. watch
Question 7 (Question ID: 145-64509)
_____ are they going to stay? - For a week.
A. When
B. What time
C. How long
D. How often
Question 8 (Question ID: 145-64511)
Let’s _____ swimming. It’s very hot today.
A. to go
B. going
C. go
D. goes
Question 9 (Question ID: 145-64518)
They are going _____ in Hue for a week.
A. to stay
B. to visit
C. staying
D. stay
Question 10 (Question ID: 145-64570)
These vegetables don’t taste _____ to us.
A. well
B. freshly
C. fresh
D. deliciously
Question 11 (Question ID: 145-68060)
_____ can make you relaxed. You enjoy them in your free time.
A. Exercises
B. Leisure activities
C. Riding a horse
D. Flying a kite

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Question 12 (Question ID: 145-64583)
There is _____ oil in this bottle. We should buy some more.
A. a few
B. few
C. little
D. a little
Question 13 (Question ID: 145-13091)
She has just bought _____.
A. an interesting old French painting
B. an interesting French old painting
C. a French interesting old painting
D. an old interesting French painting
Question 14 (Question ID: 145-63443)
He felt _____ with the results of his exam.
A. disappointing
B. disappointed
C. disappointedly
D. disappointment
Question 15 (Question ID: 145-350832)
Bill watches TV for about two hours _____ night.
A. every
B. all
C. some
D. any
Question 16 (Question ID: 145-175151)
Which would you prefer, living in a town or in _____ country?
A. the
B. X
C. an
D. a
Question 17 (Question ID: 145-241684)
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
Maybe they'll come tomorrow.
A. Recently
B. Possibly
C. Certainly
D. Suddenly

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Question 18 (Question ID: 145-44705)
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).
This is a difficult topic. Please explain it in plain language.
A. easy
B. new
C. different
D. detailed
Question 19 (Question ID: 145-511493)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The whole conference was a mess - nobody knew what they had to do.
A. nothing
B. something
C. everyone
D. none
Question 20 (Question ID: 145-511490)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
They started building the house in January.
A. began
B. finished
C. appeared
D. continued
Question 21 (Question ID: 145-108523)
Ann: “Would you like to have lunch with us?”
Beck: “_____.”
A. Thank you
B. Yes, I'd love to
C. Not at all
D. You are welcome
Question 22 (Question ID: 145-44282)
- “When did your pen pal arrive?”
– “_____.”
A. Since a week
B. In five days
C. For two days
D. Last Sunday

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

Question 23 (Question ID: 145-511494)
Read the text and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Owning Q23.1.................... car has several advantages. First of all, you can go wherever you want,
whenever you want. You don't have to depend Q23.2.................... public transport, and as a result,
you will feel more Q23.3..................... Besides this, you are able to give gifts to friends or carry
heavy loads of shopping. On the other hand, there can be certain financial problems, especially if
you live in a city. Running a car can be costly Q23.4.................... you have to spend quite an
amount on items such as petrol, servicing the car, and repairs. You might also Q23.5.................... a
problem with parking, as everywhere is more and more crowded with cars. Overall, most people
feel that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages.

Q23.1. A. the B. an C. a D. X

Q23.2. A. to B. at C. on D. from

Q23.3. A. healthy B. confident C. independent D. dependent

Q23.4. A. although B. due C. since D. however

Q23.5. A. meet B. see C. have D. come

Read the passage then choose the correct answer to each question.
The thing I liked most when I was small was the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and
winter – I could see them all come and go and each one was completely different. Now in the city,
you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegetables all the year round. Whereas, in
the country, I could only eat things at certain times of the year, for example, strawberries in June
and turnips in winter. I lived my childhood with the seasons.
We also made most of our food and would never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything was fresh,
so it must be better than the type of food I am taking now in the city. City people may think people
in the country miss a lot of things about modern life. In fact, in my opinion they miss a lot more
than people in the country, they miss real life.
Question 24 (Question ID: 145-508540)
What did the writer like most about living in the country?
A. Flowers in spring
B. Leaves in autumn
C. The wild animals and plants
D. The change of seasons

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Question 25 (Question ID: 145-508541)
What does the word “them” refer to?
A. Four seasons
B. Winter and autumn
C. Countryside people
D. Plants
Question 26 (Question ID: 145-508542)
In the countryside which season can we buy strawberries?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. Winter
Question 27 (Question ID: 145-508543)
Why did the writer never eat tinned food when living in the country?
A. Because it was frozen.
B. Because it was contaminated.
C. Because it was very fat.
D. Because it wasn’t very fresh.
Question 28 (Question ID: 145-508544)
Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. People in the city can grow vegetables all year round.
B. In the countryside turnips are grown in winter.
C. The writer often eat frozen and tinned food now.
D. Many city people think they live better than those in the country.
Question 29 (Question ID: 145-147035)
Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

surfing|Many children|lots of|every day.|the internet|spend|time

Question 30 (Question ID: 145-147070)

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

the|most|famous writers|was|in|one of|Mark Twain|America.

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

Question 31 (Question ID: 145-147034)
Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).


Question 32 (Question ID: 145-147072)

Rearrange the words in a correct order to make a complete sentence (kéo từng từ/cụm từ về vị trí
đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh).

would you feel|from Harry?|How|when|receive|you|a present

Question 33 (Question ID: 145-451671)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The child is too short to reach the cupboard.
=> The child isn't ..........

Question 34 (Question ID: 145-197964)

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first.
The cake was so hard that I couldn't eat it.
=> It was ..........

Question 35 (Question ID: 145-186237)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
Finish your homework or you can’t go out with your friend. (IF)

Question 36 (Question ID: 145-152490)

Complete the second sentence using the word given so that it has the same meaning to the first.
My sister does not speak English as fluently as me. (THAN)

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Đáp án (Answer Key)
Quiz ID: 4395

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1. Nhập question ID vào ô search sau đó click vào “Luyện ngay”

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Question 1. A Question 2. D
Question 3. B Question 4. C
Question 5. C Question 6. D
Question 7. C Question 8. C
Question 9. A Question 10. C
Question 11. B Question 12. C
Question 13. A Question 14. B
Question 15. A Question 16. A
Question 17. B Question 18. A
Question 19. C Question 20. B
Question 21. B Question 22. D
Question 23. Question 24. D
23.1 C 23.2 C 23.3 C 23.4 C Question 25. A
23.5 C Question 26. B
Question 27. D
Question 28. A Question 29.
Many children spend lots of time surfing the
internet every day.
Question 30. Question 31.
Mark Twain was one of the most famous We haven't got any information yet.
writers in America. Question 32.
How would you feel when you receive a
present from Harry?
Question 33. Question 34.
The child isn't tall enough to reach the It was such a hard cake that I couldn't eat
cupboard. it.
Question 35. Question 36.

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

If you don't finish your homework, you I speak English more fluently than my
can't go out with your friend. sister.
You can't go out with your friend if you
don't finish your homework.
If you finish your homework, you can go
out with your friend.
You can go out with your friend if you
finish your homework.

Đề thi được tải về từ Hệ thống ôn luyện thông minh

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