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NAMGYALMA MANTRA (4*"*"*)Namgyalma is powerful mantra for purification of body and soul. TIBETAN BUDDHIST PRAYER NAMO BHAGAVATE TRAILOKYA PRATIVISISTAYA BUDDHAYA BHAGAVATE. TADYATHA, OM, VISUDDHAYA-VISUDDHAYA, ASAMA-SAMA SAMANTAVABHASA- SPHARANA GATI GAHANA SVABHAVA VISUDDHE, ABHINSINCATU MAM. SUGATA VARA VACANA AMRTA ABHISEKAI MAHA MANTRA-PADAI. AHARA-AHARA AYUH SAM-DHARANI. SODHAYA-SODHAYA, GAGANA VISUDDHE. USNISA VIJAYA. VISUDDHE. SAHASRA-RASMI, SAMCODITE, SARVA TATHAGATA AVALOKANI, SAT-PARAMITA, PARIPURANI, SARVA TATHAGATA MAT! DASA-BHUMI, PRATI-STHITE, SARVA TATHAGATA HRDAYA ADHISTHANADHISTHITA MAHA-MUDRE. VAJRA KAYA, SAM-HATANA VISUDDHE. SARVAVARANA APAYA DURGATI, PARI-VISUDDHE, PRATI-NIVARTAYA AYUH SUDDHE. SAMAYA ADHISTHITE. MANI-MANI MAHA MANI. TATHATA BHUTAKOTI PARISUDDHE. VISPHUTA BUDDHI SUDDHE. JAYA-JAYA, VIJAYA-VIJAYA, SMARA-SMARA. SARVA BUDDHA ADHISTHITA SUDDHE. VAJRI VAJRAGARBHE, VAJRAM BHAVATU MAMA SARIRAM. SARVA SATTVANAM CA KAYA PARI VISUDDHE. SARVA GATI PARISUDDHE. SARVA. TATHAGATA SINCA ME SAMASVASAYANTU. SARVA TATHAGATA SAMASVASA ADHISTHITE, BUDDHYA-BUDDHYA, VIBUDDHYA-VIBUDDHYA, BODHAYA-BODHAYA, VIBODHAYA-VIBODHAYA. SAMANTA PARISUDDHE. SARVA TATHAGATA HRDAYA. ADHISTHANADHISTHITA MAHA-MUDRE SVAHA. The Namgyalma mantra is Om Bhrum Soha Om Amrita Ayur Da Dai Soha While it can certainly be difficult to directly translate many of the mantras of Buddhism into English, the essential meaning of this mantra is to beseech upon Namgyalma to guide you toward the right pathway that will lead to your own enlightenment and happiness. Namgyalma is also asked to help with the elimination of illness and disease that are responsible for suffering, and also is asked to help with longevity that will help to ensure we are able to further our journey toward enlightenment. In numerous sacred texts and illustrations, Namgyalma is depicted as being accompanied by the other two deities of longevity. Collectively, Namgyalma, the White Tara, and Amitayus are referred to as the Three Long-Life Deities of Tantric Buddhism. Namgyalma is described with a body that is pure white in color, not unlike an autumn moon. She is said to have three faces. Her left face is blue in color. Her right face is yellow in color. Her central face is white in color. Each of her three faces has three eyes and a unique expression, with the blue face holding something of a wrathful expression. Despite this wrathful and pained expression, she is actually a peaceful soul who would mean no one any harm. Namgyalma is described as having eight arms. Her first right hand holds a vajra at the level of her heart, which is representative of the indestructibility found in balance. The second right hand holds a lotus, on top of which sits Amitabha, who is said to be the Buddha of pure love; this is symbolic of Namgyalma reassuring those who follow her that at the time of their death, she will be there to guide them to the pure land of Buddha Amitabha. The third right hand holds in it an arrow, which is representative of her ability to guide her followers in the right direction towards enlightenment. The fourth right hand is in a gesture most often associated with being the gesture of granting generosity. Her first left hand holds within it a noose. The second left hand clutches a bow. The third left hand is in a gesture that is associated as being the gesture of reassurance. Her last left hand is in the gesture of meditation. On her lap she holds a vase that is filled with the nectar of longevity so that all sentient beings can reach the enlightenment that will free them from suffering. She is depicted most often sitting in the lotus position and wearing the crown that is representative of the five Buddha families. In illustrations and statues she is often depicted with a pair of cymbals at her feet, with the auspicious mirror also lying at her feet. The Namgyalma mantra is a very powerful mantra for purification of the body and of the soul. The Buddha Shakyamuni taught his followers of the many benefits that can come from reciting the Namgyalma mantra. It can increase your lifespan, help to free you from disease, purify your obscurations, and ultimately help you to achieve nirvana. si a m im B Ir 0 Ic = 2 ME Ad} g Oleh OBE CE Col AsfeILICE 2] Be HES Bole ay UIs AS BAS] Oz + QUAI, HE 2}O| AIA|O1 O]O|s= ZOO} APS] MISES ROR ONE SUS Ue eesy FeT Waste AILICH. HIZO: WSS] elo] Site Va WIS otoHa, SE Fe 1] SSO] Se FHS SoD ARSC. o EW IR of © me of " [et mi mu Be SAAS YASS Ys SAO GE F BFS] Ast Bl Qe AOS SASUC ‘SAO, HEtep OE SAS SAO] HSet Silo] 3H B+ Woe SRC. S2OS 718 SAa Ste] SOF ASU. AGE A 2) SSS 71a UCT SELICh. 2B Use FEWAUCh 223 dae Seach. AYS| SY ABS SAHAUCh Al SBOE 224 Ml S| SASS St BAO] WEG, FESS Exo HAYS AD ASU. O| Bro TEARS BBS SoD AYE WAS SPOS SS NAA] QE BHSS SSAC. ‘SAO Bol Os 7H WE ALS BASU. AYS| A HM SEAS YB H0/9 HAAS ST WEA, OE PSO SUSE SAS SUaUC. FHM S242 ARS S72 YH, A HOE SES ASS] HAE WAT OFDESO! QtOr ASUCH OE S20 AS EE ASO! 3S Hf OSS Bex Usa S Alaa YAIE AS SSAct. Al Him] SESS SHS ST USGI, Ole FSNSS NSS St SUS PHOS USE SAS SAAC. U| HM] SEAS BSS WIS MAAS 71S AVE ABSIE MAMA. AM ALS T toll S7O1S S72 WSC. FAM at] #3 AD USuct. A Him ALS eto] MAME ASSES MANS Hot WSUCh OA AAS BHO] HAAULICH PEUS SE SHO] VSAM HS + We MISO SSS + USS B+ 180 827 R498 S72 USC AYE AR AME UO SSS soe YAS & SSOP 7B AF BASU HSS AALUME SS AAO St YO] YA SARS ASE PLO SO We 2GO2 BABUC S2O PEAS Sat SSS Baste he SHS WEA. A7ISU SAS SAO EAS ioe AS + ME LS AYO Chal FSARSOA TEAS. FS SAT, BHM HOUT, HIS Bstopa, SIACE SHO ESSE O| SSO] B+ ASU NAMGYALMA MANTRA (4*°5**="|35") BUDDHIST MANTRA T.. NAMO BI E TRAILOKYA PRATIVISISTAYA BUDDHAYA BHAGAVATE. TADYAT youtube

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