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914723, 1108 AM Qk - Syllabus [POF] -atnyla a SQL Syllabus [eenrions Poe] 1. About SQL Tutorial 2. SQL Basic Overview 3. Query Language 4, SQL Server 5. MySQL 6. Oracle Database 1. SQL*Plus 2. Connect with System User 3. Create a new Database User “4. Log into new User Sign up on myMSC & Book Online tps uiwww.atny.comisylabuslsqus 10 914723, 1108 AM Qk - Syllabus [POF] -atnyla a 5. Rename Database 1. Create table 2. Create Table in SQl Server 3. Delete or Drop table 4. Insert Data into table 5, Select Distinct 6. Select Top 7. Where Clause 8. Aliases 9. Update Table 10. AND, OR, NOT TIN 12. Between 18, Order By 14. Group By 15. Having 16. Exists 17. ANY and ALL 18. CASE Statement Yo calant into tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls 2110 914723, 1108 AM 3. Unique 4, Primary Key 5. Foreign Key 6. Check 7. Default 8. Index 9. Auto Increment Field 10. Cascading referential integrity constraint Il. Identity Column in SQl Server 1. Keywords Introduction 1. Data Types introduction 1. Operators Introduction 1, Wildcard Introduction 2. Like 1. Joins Introduction 2.Inner Join v tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls SQL - Sylabus [POF] -atnyla 914723, 1108 AM Qk - Syllabus [POF] -atnyla 8. Cross Join 9. Advanced Join |. Introduction 2.Min 3. Max 4, Count 5. Avg 6.sum 1. Views Introduction 2. Advantages of View 3. Updateable Views 4, Limitations of views 1. Dates Introduction 1. Stored Procedures Introduction 2. Advantages of Stored Procedures 3. Simple Store Procedure <. Stored procedure with input parameters tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls 914723, 1108 AM Qk - Syllabus [POF] -atnyla a 3. Scalar Valued Functions 4, Stored Procedure VS Function 5. Multi-Statement Table Valued Functions 6. Function WITH ENCRYPTION 7. Function WITH SCHEMABINDING 1. Ascii() 2. Char() 3.Ltrim() 4. Rtrim() 5. Lower() 6. Upper() 7. Reverse() 8.Len() 9. Left() 10. Right() 11. Charindex() 12. SubString() 13. Function Real time Example 14. Replicate() NB crane) tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls 914723, 1108 AM a LISDATE() 2. DAY() 3, MONTH() 4. YEAR() 5. DATENAME() 6. DATEPART() 7. DATEADD () 8. DATEDIFF() 9, Real time Example 1.Cast() 2. Convert() 1. Mathematical Functions 1. Local Temporary tables 2. Global Temporary tables 1. Clustered Index 2. Non Clustered Index 3. Unique Index Vv tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls SQL - Sylabus [POF] -atnyla 914723, 1108 AM ‘SOL - Sylabus [POF] atryla a 4. instead of update triggers 5. Instead of delete trigger 6. Common table expression (CTE) 1. Backup in SQL Server 2. Database Restore @ sau SQL Syllabus SQL Tutorial | SQL Interview Questions ORACLE 61% of Oracle Cloud | customers improved forecast accuracy* eet tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls m0 914723, 1108 AM ‘SOL - Sylabus [POF] atryla tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls a0 914723, 1108 AM Qk - Syllabus [POF] -atnyla a Math Problems Solved Ask questions and get ans' tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls 914723, 1108 AM ‘SOL - Sylabus [POF] atryla a Useful Links Home, ‘About us Terms of service Guest Post Advertisement Login login sign Up Visit All Home syllabus Subject Library Gk/MCQ Blog Social Links Join Whatsapp Group Join Telegram Group © Copyright atnyla. All Rights Reserved Designed by tps Awww. atnyla.comisylabuslsqls 10110

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