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LATIHAN SOAL! Kerjakan soal dibawah ini dengan benar dan jelas! Read this dialogue to answer some questions below! * ‘Sonia : Congratulation, Hadi! You won 1000 km free ticket from an international flight. That must be nice! + Thanks, Sonia. I still ean believe to luck out so great. However, there are many beautiful destinations in the wor'd. 1€1 win the 1000 km free ticket, 1 will find some international foundations that need volunteers, and offer myself to do some work to help. Having more meaningful actions ‘during your travel will make your journey precious. If it wase’t for you, such things would never come to my mind. : How about your start-up company? Is it progressing? = A little bit. My marketing team advices me to take advantage from abroad market share. Is the 1000 km free ticket can be transferred to other people? If yes, you can ask two or three of co-workers to attend an international product exhibition. There, you could find ‘new market stream for your start-up. + That's brilliant. Is that true? : Ifyou are not sure, you should ask the free ticket provider. It must have a toll-free or ‘customer-service phone number. If you ean reach it by phone, you can visit its office. = Thank you, Sonia, I really appreciate it 1f you want your start-up to rise above the crowd, you must spend your free ticket wisely and be bountiful to your partner. 7 fi fF OK i 07.54 © Ful @ Please complete the dialogue below! * Dialogue 1: If clause + a prohibition ‘Mum : The science talent hunt is around the comer. I didnt see you busy. Sarah : I did, Mam. 1 just need some fresh air to breath. ‘Mum : The talent hunt is your ticket to MIT scholarship. If you really want it, Jawaban Anda Please complete the dialogue below! * aloo Melnne acai anda ae ‘Santi : Dea, you doesn’t look very well. Anything, I could do for you? have been on my bed the whole weekends. Yet, it gets worse 7 ‘ = Thave made an appointment with dr. Kalyla tonight. But, I don't think I ean make it. Tean drive you there, if EFERE Jawaban Anda 07.54 Ball Did Sonia help Hadi solve his problems? How did Sonia help Hadi? * Jawaban Anda In your opinion, how is Sonia? What is the realtionship between the two? * Jawaban Anda Find clauses in the dialogue above ana answer the questions below: Here are the example! * Af Lwin the 1000 km free ticket, Lill find some international foundations that need volunteers. —> If lause + future activities. (J ox! Il 0 a Please complete the dialogue below! * Dialogue 3: If clause + will-Future Activity ‘Ahmad; Bambang, If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you will Bambang: Yet, | don't think I have the stamina, or intelligent to do it. Ahmad _: You have thousand people underestimate you. Never let yourself to be one of Jawaban Anda rliease complete the dialogue below. ‘Student: I can’t find the book I'd like to read. Can you help? Librarian: Let me check. Oh, I am sure you woa't find the book here. Jawaban Anda

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