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Difference between -

1. Cognitive arousal and Emotional arousal

a. Cognitive arousal
- Also known as Intellectual arousal.
- It merely the arousal that comes out of a consumers thinking and mental
stimulation, a state where consumer explore, learn and discover interesting
things out of curiosity and general interest.
b. Emotional arousal
- Also known as Affective arousal.
- This arousal happens when consumers get emotionally pumped up and starts
feeling passionate about something. We may be angry, excited, scared, joyful

The main difference that lies is that, Emotional arousal is mostly central to other
arousals as well, cognitive and physical arousal are more likely to be
accompanied with a degree of emotional sensation that a consumer feels.

2. Selective exposure and selective attention

a. Selective Exposure
- A certain amount of grey area that is required for a certain category of
consumers objective to their personal interests, i.e: a consumer is pre-bias
- Like a college student having interest over
b. Selective Attention
- A certain amount of attention that a consumer demands or wishes to
intentionally or un-intentionally with objective interests.
- The exposure
3. Stereotype and Halo effect
- First of all it is a perceptual distortion

Write short notes on –

- Full form “Consumer Ethnocentrisms Tendencies SCALE.
- CETSCALE is a mode of measurement that is used to predict, to
represent the consumers beliefs, attitudes, purchase intentions and
consumer choice.
2. JND
3. Big 5 personalities
4. Classical conditioning
- Given by Pablo Escobar, a Russian scientist.
- Classical conditioning is a type of learning process that creates a conditioned
response by associating it with unconditonal and neutral stimulus.

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