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Te TTT 2 HOMES I) Look at the homes in the photos. What differences can you see? Where do you think they are? 2) @ 021 Listen to.a conversation in which Jessica talks about staying in each of the three homes. Write A, B or € next tothe phrases you hear. block offlas brand new business disrict convenient cosy okfashioned suburbs ferraced top floor tworstorey house © 092 Work in pairs and discuss which place you think Jessica liked best. Then listen and check. Complete the sentences with some of the words and phrases in exercise 2. 1A is atl building wit lots of homes, one above the other. ‘A mall place which i warm andl comfortable can be described os 1 youre on the ___, youre athe highest level of bulking A house is one of line of houses which ore al connected, The___isthe part of «iy where big companies hove their offices A js home thot has one floor downstairs and cone upstairs A location for @ home is one that is near everything thot you need, IF you lve inthe _____, your home i in an area on the edge of «large own oct. 15) Work in pairs and discuss which of the three homes you like best. (ror DID YOU KNOW? eee werd ain, roe foe Bf vet doyouhink tte ta forthepeoplewhotive | frsonewonk ed a hv, inthe three homes on page 1402 American English British English @) Read these texts about the homes and answer oporiment partment block the questions. Which writer says thot they have a good relationship wih their neighbours? like the view from their home? have lived in their home for many yeors? moved into their home a shor! time ago? don't know their neighbours? euaens ‘employed someone to repair part oftheir home? ‘ive and work in London. Home for me isin a modern block of flatsin the city, so | don't have to travel far to get to my office, and my flatis smart, comfortable and very easy to look after. have the flat cleaned once a week while I'm at work. Mine is the only flat on the top floor, and there's a lft which takes me all the way from the ground floor to my home. This means that | don’t really have any contact with ‘my neighbours, which is perhaps a shame. But, on the other hand, it’s quiet and relaxing up here. | wouldn't want to move. ‘Our house, which was built more than 300 years ago, isa pretty cottage in the countryside. We've only lived here for afew months, butit really feels like home. Before we moved in, we got the roof mended. Our home has ‘thatched roof’, which is very traditional. There was.a period when many English country houses had these roofs, but now they're not so commion because it’s difficult to make them. Luckily, we managed to hire a man whose father and grandfather taught him how to do this very skilled work. He did a brilliant job for us. There's also a nice woman who comes and helps with the garden. My favourite thing about tiving in our cottage i the fact that | can see for miles over beautiful woods, fields and hills. It’s so peaceful here. We've both grown up in this terraced house in the suburbs of London. Our parents moved here before we were born, but now that we'e teenagers the house is starting to seem quite small for us, So, Mum and Dad are thinking of having another room putin the roof. I that happens, i'l be our fist mojor change: we've had our doors painted every few years, but we haven't had much else done to our house in all the time we've been here. Our neighbours, who. ‘reall fariles like us, ore really nice. Infact, most ofthe kids that lve in our street are friends of ours. We love lving here because we get on well with everyone who lives inthe area. FCA sce) AN RELATIVE CLAUSES GRAMMAR ON THE MOVE Watch the video a ‘If Read the sentences and complete the rules with the words in bold. the part ofa city where lots of big companies have their offices :/ (as in cause), but with your mouth half-closed and ‘your lips loose and relaxed. [BB] book at these three pictures. What are the differences? Complete the sentences below. 1 The buldng in picture Chas 2 The bldg pcs Acnd bab hows door. 3 Inpicture B, there's a in front ofthe building. [2 @o»s1isten toa phone convers woman describes her house toa fi picture A, Bor Cin exercise 1to answer this question: What does the woman's block of fats look like now? | + Before you lsen to each recording, look ot the | differences berwesn the pictures ond think abou! the | words you might hear * listen careful fo both speakers ~ the information you need fo answer the question can come from one or bth speakers. One person may mention something, then anether person may give more information [about What does the woman say about the door and the free? What isthe correct answer? [5 @ 007 Read the exam tip above. Then listen, and for ch question, choose the correct answer. Whereis the woman's purse? ees HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE "fi Read the sentence. What does the woman mean? ‘thave the fla cleaned once week while 'm at work? © She cleons her flat She pays another person to clean her ft for her ‘When we felk about arranging for another person fo doa job for us, we can use these consrctons: have/got+ object + past participle Thhad/got 0 photo taken when graduated rom university. Have is nore formal han get % GRAMMAR REFERENCE | poge 218. Find the phrases which mean these things. 1 We've paid people fo paint our doors, We've 2. Nobody has done much ese fo our house We haven't __ | 1 Hove you ever____# your eyes/te!) 2 When did you last * (your hoir/cut 3 How offen do you # kyourtoath/chock) 4 Have you ever ______. for you? (clothes/make) 5 When your phone stops working, do you usualy ___.0F buy a new one? (it/Fix) 6 Which doyou prefer, eating pizza in restaurant or to your home? (i/liver) ® Work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in exercise 3. 1B Read the rule and then look at text C on page 141. peewee ew ew ee ee ee ee ew ee ee ee ew ee ee ee ee VOCABULARY: ADJECTIVES FOR HOMES |) Look at this photo of a flat and the advertisement below. What kind of people might want to live there? sane fn = ¥ Tao Visine exh re inique, individually atop architect and furnished tothe highest 12) Match the words in resin exercised withthe ‘meanings below. ‘extremely impressive and beautiful special and original prety ond attractive in an ole-foshioned way very pleasant ca place which just has homes in it having plenty of room inside very comfortable and expensive containing equipment and furiture ONOHAOKA “13) Choose the correct words to complete these sentences. Like staying in ivestar hotels becouse theyre so forished/loxurious. 2 We spent the summer in a delightul/residential litle cottage by a lake, 3 ee spacious/stunning postin on the op ail 4 This ix atypical 19° century seoside village, so ifs very pictoresque/nique. 1 would you like to live in the flat in exercise 1? Why? Why not? Jonni [aGreariocarion [ZG DETTE TT reamnc] I) Look at this photo of a couple called Joanna and Nick. Do you think that they have lived in their flat for along time? Why? @) Read this email. Why are Joanna and Nick wri ‘Melissa? What do you think a ‘housewarr Dear Melissa, Do you remember that we told you we ) were planting to move house? \ Well, we've done il We fncly moved out oF our ed Rat and weve bought o new ‘one, We moved in here last week. ulations | Were having @ housewarming party next Saturday evening, Can you come? | Our address is Flat 3, Bennett House, ~~ | King Stee, Bridgeford. | lhwould be so nice to see you: | love, | Joanna ond Nick } No, because. (B) Which two of these things are Joanna and Nick doing. in their email? | 1 saying where they live now offer congratulations 2 asking Melissa for her address say what she thinks ebout the flat 3 inviting Melissa to 0 celebration at their home refuse the party invitation politely 4 describing what their new flat looks like i give @ reason why she cant goto the party 5 explaining why they left their old flat make @ suggestion for another arrangement end the email in a postive way Now look at the notes Melissa made when she received Joanna and Nick’s email. What does she think about their new flat? Is she able to go to their party? Dear Joanna ond Nick, ‘Thank you for your email, and congratulations on your new home! Your fat looks beautifull Thank you also for inviting me fo your housewarming party. Id love to come tothe party, but unfortunately I can't. tm ofaid Ill be away next weekend on a saling course. Perhaps | could come and visit you another evening soon? Im realy locking forward to seeing your flat love, Melsso Read this email from your English-speaking friend Chris, and the notes you have made. Write your email to Chris using all the notes. Write your answer in about 100 words. Is great that you can come fo our cottage in the countryside next Saturday! fm really looking forward to it (On Saturday afternoon, we can go sxvrvming inthe lake, o hiking in the bil. Which would you prefer? ‘We've just had an extra bedroom put Under the roof of our cottage, so theres lots of room now. Would you like to sk there on Soturday night? ltl be great i you could spend the whole weekend. ‘Wite back soon. Allthe best Chris fa INFORMAL REACTIONS {if Work in pars and discuss the questions. 1 How bigs your home 2 How many rooms has it ot? 3 Do you think thot your home is too big, or too small, or jus the right size? 1B © o»2vou'e going totisten to two friends talking about someone who lvesinaflat which s very small Listen tothe conversa friends think about this la? Bow fen again. Who says these phrases, the man (M) or the woman (W)? Seevouaen~ u 12 You're joking! No way! How incredible! There's kind of shel Wow Thats unbelievable. There's like, a ig door. Really? There's @ sort of chest of drawers He's got musi, books, games and suf ik thot There's even type of cupboard in the floor. brushes and those kinds of things, That's amazing |B choose the correct option to complete these sentences about the conversation. 2 ‘The words which the man uses fll us that he i @ onneyed «= surprised. © ¢ amused. The words which the woman uses tell us that she 1 doess't know exactly how to describe the objects wants to be accurate when she describes the objects conversation with words from the in exercise 3. Some questions have ‘more than one possible answer. Bl Tinkot some ‘My friend's grandad lives in « house that’s got 50 rooms. You're" ' He does! It's a ? Not Wstnve, There's even, 4, z00 in the garden, vith camels and giraffes and things *. ! castle, Wow. ¢ incrodible 1gs that a very large home might have: a full-size cinema, an Olympic swimming pool, etc. Then take turns telling your partner about this very large hous: respond to the information, from the conversation in exercise 3. ‘Talk about the house and the expressions LISTENING PART 1 EXAM CHECK [El choose the correct words to complete these sentences about Part 1of the test. In this port of he tes, you have to answer 'six/seven questions. For each question, you hear either Zone/three or two people speaking, To answer each question, you listen fo the recording and look at some “sentences/picurs. There are “three/four posible answers for each question. Each recording is played Sonce/twice. 2) ©089For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Whereis the poster nowt 5 What does the woman's home look bike? 3 Where did the man put the key? 434 | 4 What are the gir’ parents going to bring her? [EJ are these sentences true or false? You read an email and some noes. ‘You have fo write a reply to this email You only need to use two or three of the notes, ‘You must put the information in your email in the some order as the notes. ‘You have to write some ideas of your own in your email, You should use suitable phrases to start ond finish your emeil ouaen~ [By Read this email from your English-speaking friend Alex, and the notes you have made. Cia ory Thank you so much for inviting me party Fd love to comet — {im looking forward to seeing your new home. Please could you tell ll me how to get theret ng ooo dink to he pay? o 10041 could make a coke or some pizza if you like. ‘And finally, what should | woar? f everyone going to wear smart or casual ethos? Please let me know! ————~ Te Alex. No, because... “See you so0n Alex Write your email to Alex using all the notes. Write your answer in about 100 words. »@ WRITING BANK / pages 227-229. Juntr 11 | fareartocarion [ZZ] Which room would you prefer? Why? [Ep] Read the text about student accommodation in Grenoble. Decide ifthe sentences are true or false. IN GRENOBLE Grenobleiis a popular place to study, and students come here from all over the world. There is plenty of student accommodation available, but our advice is to start looking two months before you arrive in the city. ‘There are two main kinds of accommodation: university hall of residence and private rented accommodation. Student halls of residence are usually les expensive than private flats. There are three main kinds: ‘traditional furnished room. Toilets, shower and kitchen are shared, usually with between 6 and 10 ‘other students. Average cost: 150€ per month, 2 furnished room with an en-suite bathroom, buta shated kitchen. Average cost: 300€ per month. a furnished studio fla, with its own toilet, shower and small kitchen, Average cost: 380€ per month. [[] Look atthe photos of student rooms. What dferences can you see? You should start looking for accommodation as soon as you get to Grenoble 2 University accommodation is normally cheoper thon private accommodation. 3A studio flats the mos! expensive kind of university accommodation 4 Inaishared fa, there ore some exira costs, os wel as your rent 5 Ancstate agent will usally find people you can share your flat with ‘Most university halls of residence are close to the university, soitis easy to get to classes. You will also have to pay a deposit, which s usually the same amount as one month's rent. You get this money back when you leave the ft, if you leave clean, and nothing is broken. Private accommodation i also available ina shared fat. You will share the rent with your flatmates, and you will have to pay bills, suchas electricity, as wells your rent. Private accommodation is usually inthe city, and may be quite a distance from the university. To find a private rented flat, ou will probably need to goto an estate agent. They will take you to-see some flats, and you will pay your rent to them. It's up to you to find your flatmates. You can choose to share with friends you already know, or look at flasharing websites to EJ ead the text again, Match the words and phrases (1-8) with the meanings (a-h). 1 eacte aun g h @ 200Listen to three conversa halls of residence 5 shored flat furnished 6 deposit studio flat 7 estate ogent rent 8 flaimates ‘en opariment that you lve in with other people calarge building with o lot of student rooms with a bed, chair, desk, ee people that you share an apartment with {en amount of money thal you pay belore you move into 6 room or lat, and get back when you leave someone who organises flats ond houses for people fo rent or buy ‘money that you pay each month fo lve in flat or house ‘room with its own kitchen and bathroom ns about accommodation. Who is each student talking to? There is one answer you don’t need. © 100Complete the sentences and questions with the words in the box. Then listen and check. someone at the university accommodation service « student who lives in hall of residence «an estate agent cancthor student ino shored fat expensive hoppy looking for rent room share take Fm afl. | have two fiends and we want to «ot How much isthe _ 2 Fimbere fo see the __in your fl. im to share. Thots quite Ok, rl coroom there. study one di for each sentence. There's electricity on top ofthat. You have to pay extra for electricity. You don't have to pay extra for electricity. You might be looking ate total of 550 euros. Itmight cost more than 550 euros. tt might cost 550 euros altogether: ‘Would you lke o arrange a viewing? Do you want to go and see the fai? Shall | show you some photos ofthe flat? We try to keep on top of the cleaning. We dor’ keep the fat very clean, We clean the flat regulaly Ws abiton the small side Ws quite small. Iris foo small. There are no additonal costs ‘You have to pay some other bill You don't have to pay any other bil @ Watch the video about Grenoble. What do you earn about these things? the city ‘+ eccommedation for students the university * places eat In groups, choose a city where you might like to out about the university and ‘the accommodation. Compare with another ‘group. Discuss which cit ‘UNIT TT [A GREAT LOCATION is best for students. EDUCATION J) Join the beginnings and endings of these sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 | want fo study medicine so have to get At university you need to toke Daniel thinks he might fil Please pay | roclly enjoy doing Atcollege | have to attend a his exoms. 1b research inthe library high grodes at school. notes in lectures. © lectutes every doy. attention tothe teacher! PASSIVES 2) Rewrite these sentences about the first day in a new job. Use the passive. 1 they gave me a desk and @ computer. /\10 2 They atked my new colleagues to introduce themselves. They showed me around the office. They took me toa nice café at lunchtime They pay the employees well at his company However, they expect us to work very hard ona TRAVEL AND THE ENVIRONMENT F Complete the text with the words in the box. ‘There are two words you don’t cir potion boarding pass checkin deloys departure lounge fuel get into geton platform port ae oo I don't lke fying, There are always *_____when Ifly andi havetositinthe?______for hours. know that’s better than sitingonacold®.._..._whena ‘rains delayed, butt’ stil annoying, Of course, you ‘can getyour# _____ online and print it at home, but if you have big bags, you still have to wait ina queue at 4 ___ However, | think the worst thing about flightsisthe®.___ thatthey cause. Alotof z is used for every light and we really hurt our environmenteverytimewe®___a plane, CONDITIONALS 1B) Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. ifthe bus is/wil be fll, it's not very comfortable. 1 g0 to work on foot when the weather isn'/Avasn’t too bod. 1F you want to buy a bike, Il give/give you some money. You'll be late for work iffnless your bus is deloyed. 5 Unless we stop Aying ond driving so much, well destroy our environment. 6 Ifl/d recycle more waste if here were recycling bins eae my home ‘There wouldn’? be/weren' so many traffic jams i people shared cars 8 I wouldn't buy a cor unless | lived/would live in a place: with no public ranspoe FLATS AND FURNITURE B! Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box. There are three words you don’t need. ‘accommodation block of flats cushion drawers sink rug _topfloor wardrobe | 1 2 3 ‘Arroom in my flat could be perfect ".______ for your holiday! The flat isin a great location near the city centre. I's on the_____. of a three-storey 2. The bedroom is big, with a double bed, sofa and achest of”. You will share a bathroom with me but there is also a in your room. You can check your appearance in a full-length mirror and I can give you a hairdryer, or anything else you need during your stay. HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE 1B Complete the sentences using the correct form of have and get plus the past participles of the verbs in brackets. 1 We ‘our house. every 10 yeors.(have/pcin) a the windows once @ month. (ge/wash) 3 We crit 90 ut now because were «pizza thave/delve) at the carpet____last month cond now is ditty again! (have/elean) 5 tyou cont read ths, you should your eyes (get/chock) 6 Wenever____ the gross | con do it myself hove/eu) RELATIVE CLAUSES 1 choose the correct options to complete the text. When | go’on holiday, | want o stayin lat "YhatAvhere/vho | can cook big meal. tm a person Awho/hose/which loves shopping ot ‘markets and cooking, soa fais better than hotel room, and ithas to be fat Swhere/ ‘whose/Ihat has «a good kitchen. | usualy go on holiday with my best fiend, Ina, Swhich/whoAwhose father isa fomous chef, and with other friends. Is relly fun to spend a day preparing a meal with Ino. First we go to 0 market, *hat/which/where wwe look forthe best ond freshest meat, Fish cand vegetables. Then we offen cal Ins dd, S¥hose/iho/that can give us ideas for inleresing ways fo cook ther, (Our friends usally go tothe beach, but we ‘re happy to spend a whole afternoon in the kichen preparing the dinner, which/ tha/who does not feel ke hord work For me, a perfect holiday evening is one Ssho//where| share with relaxed people at « big table with fantastic meal ‘Aad « perfect day is spent preparing for ind one mistake in each sentence and rewrite the sentences. Sally's favourite film called Avatar ‘Alot of clothes made in Asia, ‘My best fiend itis called Gerry ‘This house is built 100 yeors ogo. When Ihave any questions ll ask you. Hell visit me later ihe! have time. Ilike people which have o sense of humour We played tennis, that is « sport we really enjoy. 1 ai 3 4 5 6 7 8 HOMES AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1) Choose the correct word for each gap. ur teacher asked us to write an! ‘on homes and the environment. 'm learning a lot. ! would love to live ina 2 ___ inthe country, but you use a lot of energy inthis type of home. You need less energy ina flat ora? house where you have neighbours on both sides. Flats are the best because * you have another home under you, you don't need to heat your home so much. Moreover, if you live in the middle ofa city it’s easier to get? : ‘and you don't need a car. So generally, you use less ‘ Ifyou livein a city Ta sory email ¢essey lecture 2 a cotage b boot ¢ polce tent 3 wbub b holiday block terraced 4 a wheher b if co unless 5 a ito bby < ote around 6 a hel —& dimate € —packoging time

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