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u C O N T E N T S

2 Flight Safety in
sub hunter flying A~C FS Carpenfer

DOUBIE-C R OSS C HE CK Air Officer Commanding

a trust can sometimes Maritime Air Command

let you down badly

sneeze or snuf~le

12 C2 H5 OH
0 one would argue that the prevention of accidents is an end in
alcoholidaze elf . It is, however, one of the most important means of achieving
ur aim . In this age of increasingly complex and expensive weapon

Editor-in-Chief-Squadron leader W. A . Smith 1H INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEMS systems it is vital that we avoid the reduction of our operational cap-
ability caused by accidents .
a review of some salienf facts
Editor-Miss A. V. Mclntosh last year, sixty-nine per cent of accidents in the RCAF were the result
of human error and it is especially disturbing to note the number of
Editorial Assistant Miss R. Mayhew ~9 DING-DONG DECIBELS fatalities and destroyed aircraft caused by irresponsible acts of dis-
obedience of orders . It is clear that we must constantly re-examine
Circulation-Flight lieutenant 0. G. Amesbury too loud for comfort our effectiveness in the areas of supervision nnd discipline and that
we must continue to emphasize these basic elements of successful
Artists-J. A, Dubord
H, K. Hames military management .
So far the record has been good in Maritime operations but we can
Features only be satisfied when our full potential is utilized . We in Maritime
OFFICIAL INFORMATION -The printing of Air Command are in accord with the principle that a well trained crew
this publication has been approved by the with competent knowledge of equipment and what it will do for them
Minister of National Defence. Contributions 1 Editorial is a positive approach to safety . Expert knowledge will give them the
are welcome, as are comment and criticism.
confidence and attitude to fully exploit the job ahead . If any member
Address all correspondence to the Editor,
Flight Comment, Directorate of Flight Safety,
6 Good show of the team, either aircrew or groundcrew, should fail, the whole pro-
RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa 4, Ontario. ject fails .
The Editor reserves the right to make any
changes m the manuscnpt which he believes 9 Regulation Roundup Operations and accident prevention go hand in hand . Our safety
will improve the material without altering the program teaches sound operating practises and thus assists in
intended meaning. Service organizations may ~ Heads- Up achieving the goal of maximum operational capability from the re-
reprint articles from Flight Comment without urces available. Thus, the prevention of accidents through a vigorous
further authorization . Non-service organiza-
hons must obtam offiaal permission m
2~ Ar rivals
' and Departures ight Safety Program enables us to make the most effective use of
writing- from RCAF Headquarters before our resources by helping to eliminate the unnecessary loss of our
reprinting any of the contents of this publica- operational capability . For this reason our Flight Safety Program
tion. The opinions expressed in Flight Com- warrants the strongest support from all of us in Maritime Air Command.
ment are the personal views of contribufing
writers ; they do not necessarily reflect the ~ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE
official opinion of the Royal Canadian Air
Force. Unless otherwise stated, contents
should not be construed as regulations, orders F
_. r .


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by FlL GA Saull SOFS, MAC

Ima g ine y our s elf at t h e cont rol s of a 74 ton aircrew have not the excitement of fast flying
aircraft in a 45 degree turn at 300 feet some- nor spectacular exploits, but cope with hours
where over the North Atlantic . The weather is of wearisome flying, listening and waiting .
grim as usual, turbulence jars you, Through Hazardous? It can be if aircrew have not
a blinding rain you peer intotheinky darkness maintained their proficiency at a high level,
to watch the red pin point glow from flame The Operational Training and Aircraft
floats which mark your target position, For Conversion Unit at Summerside have a chal-
several hours youwillfly around concentrating lenging job to mold aircrew into competent
on your pattern ; this is part of the operation professional sub hunters . Their task is to
in the Argus in the systematic search for subs operationally orientate experienced pilots to
in the mysterious ocean depths . It is easy to safe ASW mission accomplishment . Tactical
become disorientated and the sweep of the sea procedures, best altitudes to fly for maximum
eneath you will appear pretty foreboding, radar effectiveness, and advantageous sono-
Combine this task with hours of grueling buoy patterns, will be new to pilots training
y and night low altitude flying inany weather for anti submarine patrol . They will face
and you get the picture of aircrew in anti- problems of long range and endurance ; aircraft
submarine warfare patrol which is part of are often on Patrol 14 hours at low s Peed and
Maritime Command operations, This is not at low search altitudes, Crews will have to
for me, you say, especially if you have been spend many hours of study before they can
flying jets for the last couple of years, This hope to master the tons of sophisticated elec-
is true, it will be quite different . The ASW tronic equipment of the Argus .

Submarines operate inallweather conditions Maritime Proving and Evaluation Unit have
so must sub hunters . In most other commands made a significant contribution to our low
aircrew can alter their flight plan to avoid accident rate by continually evaluating new
"weather", not so in Maritime Command, equipment and correcting deficiencies, The
Most operational flying must be done between maintenance men, likewise are part of a crew
100 and 2000 feet right in whatever weather that helpkeepthe ASW patrolat near maximum
happens to be in the area, It has been justly operational capability, A good safety record in
said that the North Atlantic has some of tl e past is a stimulus to continue our efforts .
dirtiest weather in the world, lt often includ Flight safety and pilot proficiency are
icing, turbulence, excessive static electricity closely linked, but due to operational commit-
and even the occasional waterspout, There is ments in Maritime Command, flying hours are
seldom a chance to fly through and leave it be- ata premium . Because of the length of patrols,
hind, Usually an ASW aircraft is committed to the ratio of takeoffs, landings and approaches,
a specified area and must remain there,regard- to total flying time,is very low, For safety~s
less . Aircrew are conscious of this safety sake hours allotted for pilot proficiency should
hazard, and by anticipating, planning and train- not be reduced . This is one of our most valu-
ing to meet the elements, they can cope safely able requirements .
with whatever is encountered, So far, although The ocean sweeping ASW aircraft are rela-
unpleasant, the dirty weather has not caused tively free from the congestion and rigid
an accident, control of the civil airways . Nevertheless,
Maritime Air Command integrated with there are control problems, With no pin point
NATO Atlantic Command has the responsibility or radio aids in the areas of operation, the
for an enormous areaof criticalocean between navigators mustbe very accurate at computing
Europe and North America . The ASW patrol and maintaining their required tracks, Loran
has the assignment of sweeping this vast area has limitations at low altitudes and in bad
in search of the elusive sub target, During the weather, Radar cannot be depended on to
14 hours a crew are on operations they may provide separation from other aircraft because
search f~0, 000 square miles, To alleviate during operations it is used in pre-determined
fatigue from these long hours on duty, a cre cles ratherthan continuously, The possibility
of 15 is carried in order to rotate position collision is avoided by separating the tracks
There are three pilots, allowing, each one to y a wide margin or by assigning different
work on a cycle of four hours in the cockpit, altitudes to aircraft relieving one another, or
two as co-pilot and two as pilot, and then two forced to transit through the other~s area .
hours for rest and food, The co-pilot, as well Liaison is necessary with all the other forces
asthe pilot inthe cockpit, must be keenly alert using the area and if the number of patrols are
to monitor the flying closely, as a double check, significantly increased, the present control
The Neptune on the West Coast has only two may become inadequate, For this reason
pilots but their length of patrol is short and improved methods are constantly under study, _
-rr, _ _'
accommodation is limited, Although much has Maritime Air Command has also two Rescue
been done to minimize fatigue during tthe Units and a Communications Flight, 107 "R"
lengthy patrol there are still tiring problems Unit operates Lancasters out of Torbay where
to cope with, A critical time is the return to wind and weather are also wicked . In spite of
base phase when a weary crew are faced with some adverse conditions the faithful "Lancs"
let down and approach in marginal weather, can still do a good job, 103 Search and Rescue
However, the proficiency and understanding Unit at Greenwood carried out 40 searches and
of the control tower and GCA personnel lessen 125 airevacs last year without an accident,
this safety hazard considerably, Similarlytha Communications Flight at Shear-
The efforts of many skilled men are required water flew nearly 5000 hours without an
to getthe maximum benefits from the Maritime accident,

I combat resources . It requires technical a Maritime Air Command has flight hazards
well as operational skill and much experienc culiar to its operations, We are pleased
is demanded to understand the cornplex Argus, with our success in coping with them but we
and to keep it serviceable, Accidents caused appreciate that we are up against a battle
through materiel failure have in several cases never ending, Our ultimate aim is to eliminate
been traced to faulty design which although a "preventable accidents" entirely, and thereby
hazard, were fortunately discovered by tech- strengthen the Command~s operational effect-
nicians before causing major accidents . The iveness,
;, fllllll SIIIIII Double-Cross Check
by F~L D Broadbent
1 Stn Comox

Lookin g down from thirt Y -one thousand feet trip was, as they say on Dl4s, routine,
the pilot of the T-33 admired the scene be- What was wrong? Radar had made an error,
neath him, The snow covered mountain peaks How? An electronic quirk, A misplaced IFF
sparkled in the Spring sunshine as they jutted return which responded to all challenges as if
through the even brightness of the surrounding it were a true return, All challenges that is
deck of cloud, A pretty good forecast he thought except comparison with the skin paint which in
-u pp er winds seem "on the mone Y " too, He this case would have been seen along the same
reached Princeton a minute early, radial about fifty miles further out in ranoe,
A slight frown of concentration crossed Such false radar returns are fortunately
his brow as he revised his estimate for Comox, rare, Sometimes the IFF return may be mis-
Vancouver ATC acknowledged his PX and soon placed in azimuth ; sometimes, as in this case,
released him to Comox Terminal as there was in range, Even more infrequently false skin
little traffic on this quiet Sunday afternoon, paints appear on the scope, It should be stres-
He was offered a radar approach and gladly sed thata radar controller must nottake lightly
ccepted-should get home for supper with the his decision to order an aircraft to descend,
'ds after all he reflected, particularly when the radar position varies
Radar came through loud and clear, The considerably with the pilot~s estimated posi-
confident voice checked the T-Bird~s heading, tion, Chances are that the radar is right and
gave its position as twenty-five miles north- the pilot wrong but maybe this time  Every
LAC JW THORBURN east of Comox, andclearedthe pilot to descend available procedure (comparison of skm paint
to six thousand feet, and IFF strobe would be one such procedure)
IrAC JW Thorburn of 6RD Trenton was The pilot slghed - ten mmutes to ETA and should be used to eliminate any possibihty of
detailed to carry out a BFI on a transient C45 . they say I'm only twenty-five miles away - and deception or ambiguity, But you~ve heard of
During the inspection, the airman discovered asked for a check on his position . IP Mode Murphy~s Law,
a small panel trapped between the trailing edge was selected and the given position confirmed, Generations of aircrew have learned about
of the wing and leading edge of the flap . As no The pilot swore gently and began the descent the errors of a range leg and have seen back-
panels were missing on the aircraft, it was a trifle humbled and determined to flight plan bearing errors on ADF, The present generation
presumed to have been lost at some previous more accurately next time, Hewason the dials has added TACAN 135 c Y cle azimuth error to
CPL. TG O'DOWD time . before entering cloud and probably never felt a the list, We should also be aware of the pos-
lie continued his inspection and noticed that thing as the T-Bird smashed into the mountain- sibility of error with ground radar - generally
CorPoral TG 0'Dowd of 1 Win g Marville two rivets on the underpart of the fuselage and side, so infallible thatexcessive trustand dependence
was conducting a primary inspection on an adjacent to the tail wheel were extended ap- may develop, We should beware of both trust
engine installed in an F-86 . While rotating proximately 1 /8 of an inch . He carefully in- This accident didn~t happen . But before you and humility - in excess,
the turbine assembly he detected a faint rattling spected anddiscovered a fracture in number 13 turn the page in disgust, let's sayitdidn~t quite When complete trust is placed in any one
noise which caused him to suspect the condition former and placed the aircraft unserviceable . happen . Thetimeandthe place are immaterial, aid when back-up aids are available, discretion
of the engine . It was removed from the aircraft Further investi g ation of this area showe ut under similar circumstances the T-Bird has been discarded, The secondaryaid may be
and further investigation revealed a 7 / 16" nut that former 13 was completely broken a 'd start to descend after its position had been only FTS type mental DR, but it is a double
trapped in the area between the 1 st and 2nd buckled in two corners and cracked in a thir' onfirmed by radar, Then the pilot rechecked check on position, A double-cross check if
stages of the turbine . corner . One part of the "X" bar was broken his own estimate, was puzzled and confused you like,
Corporal 0'Dowd's vigilance and conscien- near the weld and another part atthe connecting for radar now had him twenty miles out and he Humility has its place, Mental DR for most
i .ousneas has possibly saved the RCAF an point of "X" bar and former 13 . reckoned on another nine minutes . Something of us is by no means error free, But one can
aircraft and the life of a pilot and is most LAC Thorburn deserves a "GOOD SHOW" or someone was in error, He broke off the be too self-effacing . Re-checked DR in this
deserving of a "GOOD SHOW" from Flight for his conscientious and thorough inspection radar approach, climbed to the range station, cautionary tale prevented an accident, One
Comment . which possibly prevented a serious accident . and arrived there on ETA, The rest of the can be fatally humble,

I levelled off at successively,lower altitudes . instruments clearly enough to carry out an
At each level I would have to re-adjust to the instrument procedure, I was prepared, and
pain intensities and force myself to see clearly, advised by the COpsO, on my visual descent
The pressure seemed to relieve itself slightly to turn toward an unpopulated area and bail
as I was able to maintain visual contact with out if I could not see clearly in the circuit .
the runway and make a successful landing, but
;h extreme pain in my tooth and cheek, Editor's Note :

I had over 1000 jet hours at the time of this

LJ ident and felt that I understood the symp-

n s of sinus trouble, but this one really had
'Assessing the risk of ear or sinus bara-
trauma in cases of mild colds is not simple
me perplexed, It was the fact that the pain was for the pilot or the M0, The MO must depend,
in a ~tooth, and actually felt that the tooth had in part, on the pilot's experience and under-
split in two or three pieces with somebody standing of the risk . Nor is the 'nose-blowing~
by F/0 MS Joyce jamming a screwdriver in the opening, If I test a very reliable indication of ear or sinus
RU Saint John, N.B . had known for sure it was a blocked sinus I ventilation expecially the latter, In cases of
would have spent more time trying to clear it, mild nasal congestion extra care in clearing
usin g the reco g nized method of holdin g the the ears and sinuses is advisable using gentle
1 had com P leted an airtest on the en g ine nose and blowing (I have since discovered that nose blowing (Valsalva, manoeuvre) promptly
limiter operation of an F86 and was doing a the roots of the molars extend into the cheek if necessary, Pain from ear or sinus bara-
beacon let down followed by a GCA approach, sinuses hence the pain in t}~e tooth), trauma may be referred to adjacent parts such
The weather was partially obscured,visibility I was 'grounded' for two weeks, due to the as jaw, teeth, eye or neck, The increase of
0,9 of a mile in haze and smoke-a very com- left chee}cbone sinus being full of blood . This pain with pressure change (especially on
mon condition at 4 Wing, cleared up and I have had no after effects . I descent) and the lessening of the pain with a
I had a slight cold but considered my ears therefore feel that I got off lightly, However, reversal of the pressure change are more
and sinuses were O,K, as I had given them my if weather conditions had prevented a visual significant diagnostic clues than the precise
own personal check outbefore taking off, hold- approach, I don't think I would have seen the pain location .'
ing my nose and blowing, thereby "cracking my

ears and feeling air passing into my sinuses ."
I had also flown a mission earlier the sam
day w'it h o u t i nc ident ,
Just after I had established contact with
GCA in a penetration turn at about 12, 000
feet, I noticed a slight pressure building up in REGULATION ROUNDUP
my left cheekbone, which was followed by a
pain in a back upper tooth on the same side,
By the time I had reached 7, 000 feet in my
Inthis column w e intend to acquamt readers engaged in ope rational or practice tactical
descent the pain was excruciating and I could
with current changes in flying orders and air flying are permitted to conduct such flights
no longer see my instruments . I attempted to
regulations along with some background in- "clear of obstacles and terrain"! ! !
transmit to GCA but could only manage a groan,
formation on the reasons for these changes . Flying orders, like aircraft, seem to be
I put on full power, closed the speed brakes
CAP 100 "The Pilot's Bible" is soon to be no sooner off the drafting board than they are
and pulled back on the stick . By 12, 000 feet
retired . Replacing it will be a brand new pub on their way to obsolescence or extensive
the pain was bearable again and I could see
to be known as CFP 100 - Flying Orders for modification . CFP 100 has been no exception .
clearly once more, The GCA operator thought
the Canadian Armed Forces, the first of a The ink is still wet on the presses and already
I was blacking out and advised rne to check my
series of Tri-service publications . an impressive list of revisions has been com-
oxygen equipment . I explained that I was under
Each regulation was reviewed and, if neces- piled .
control again, changed frequency and advised
sary, rewritten to give it Tri-service applica- Readers are encouraged to comment on
the tower of my emergency,
tion . Only in rare instances was it necessary these new "Flying Orders" or other flying
I tried to assess the situation but could not
F 0 MS Jo Y ce I'oined the RCAF on the ROTP to modify existing regulations extensibly, or regulations , Any corre spondence should be
readily understandhowtheincreasing pressure
p lan in Se P tember 1957 and after training at ake them apply to one Service only . An addressed to the Editor-in-Chief Flight Com-
of a descent could have such an effect on
e Man . and Chatham N .B . was posted
Porta 9~ ample of this was the order restricting low ment . Every attempt will be made to answer
tooth, I had heard of aircrew having troubl
ying in prescribed low flying areas to 50 feet these letters either personally or via this
to #4 Wing and is now stationed at Recruiting with poorly filled teeth on a climb but never
above all obstacles . Canadian Army pilots column in the "Dear Abby" fashion,
Unit in Saint John N.B . on a let down, I had about 20 minutes fuel re-
maining so I decided to make a visual descent
and landing, I requested medical advice but
this was not immediately available, I com-
menced letting down and as the pain increased
runway barrier just prior to touchdown . The to starboard, The pilot immediately applied
accident was assessed as 'Ground' because a full left rudder but it had no effect . Brake and
design failure had allowed the stanchion to overshoot power succeeded in straightening
erect when it shouldn'thave . It was not reason- out the aircraft while still on the runway and
able to expect the pilot to notice it while on a successful overshoot was carried out .
his approach . Only one other unitin 1 Air Divi- At this time F/0 Lapointe was not sure if
sion is equipped with this kind of barrier and the student had contributed to the initial swing
ey have been advised of the potential hazard . or if there was something wrong with the air-
eplacement of all arrestor gear of this type craft . The student was briefed not to touch
should be completed this fall . the controls on the next landing . On the after-
For the cool, competent, and professional landing roll, the aircraft went into a violent

manner in which F/0 Peveril completed the swing to starboard and could not be controlled
landing with no left brake, and avoided dam- by immediate application of full left rudder and
aging the aircraft, Flight Comment is pleased left brake . He applied powe r and finally
to award him a "Heads-Up" commendation . brought the aircraft under control about 60
degrees off runway heading . The shear pin
in the tail wheel knuckle assembly had been
LAC JL HEBERT CPL. N MICHAUD sheared allowing the tail, wheel to castor freely
in the locked position .
"Heads-Up" to LAC JI . Hebert of Station Investigationlater revealed thatthe hydrau- "Heads -Up" to Cpl N Michaud of North Bay F/0 Lapointe displayed a high standard of
Gimli for alertness on the job which in all lic reservoir was empty and that hydraulic for the conscientious attitude to his work which
professional ability in maintaining sufficient
probability averted a serious accident . fluid was leaking from the left-hand brake eliminated a very hazardous condition .
control of the aircraft at night to prevent the
LAC Hebert w~as standing byasanExpeditor assembly where a bleed screw was broken out. CplMichaud wasperforming abetweenflight
mcident from becommg an accident . Flight
was started up in preparation for a flight . He The unit had been damaged when the aircraft inspection on a T33 when he discovered an
Comment is pleased to include this pilot in the
noticed a leak from the port engine and signalled struck an aluminum support stanchion on the oxygenleak atthequickdisconnectfitting where
"Heads-UP" category .
the captain who then shut down the aircraft . the seat adjoins the floor of the aircraft . On
Subsequent investigation revealed a failed further examination he found the buckle from
fuel pump which could easily have resulted in
an engine failure or a fire after takeoff .
the pilot's seat harness jammed under the
rmrest . This jamming caused the armrest
LAC Hebert has shown professional attitude acket to lift which in turn caused the oxygen Sgt AG Lowry and his crew consisting of
to his work and Flight Comment is pleased to onnection to separate . Cpl JAT Cousineau and LAC JH McKinnon
rank him in the "lleads-Up" category . Cpl Michaud raised an Unsatisfactory Condi- were performing a Post Inspection run follow-
tion Report on this subject and suggested the ing the installation of Number 3 engine in an
fitting of a bracket to prevent the buckle from Argus . Some thirty minutes after start-up
F/O RN PEVERIL ~ammmg under the armrest . LAC McKinnon who was acting as ground ob-
Cpl Michaud's diligent attention to duty and server heard a 'dull thud' and reported it to
F/0 RN Peveril, Z Wing, was captain of a prompt corrective action has earned him a Sgt Lowry . Immediately the fire indicators
T33 on a routine instrument training flight . "Heads-Up" in Flight Comment . showed a fire in zones 2 and 3 of Number 3
During GCA, the pilot in the back seat, who was
engine . Vhithout hesitation the crew performed
flying on instruments, checked the brakes OK
as part of his normal pre-landing cockpit check . F/O MB LAPOINTE the correct drill, and extinguished the fire .
The fire was causedby a leaking Fuel Master
At GGA minimum, the captain took control and
Control Unit and it can be appreciated that a
prior to touchdown again checked the brakes as F/0 MB Lapointe, a pilot instructor was

moment's inaction or indecision could conceiv-
serviceable . Touchdown was at the normal giving night instruction in circuits and landings
, ablyhave caused the loss of an entire aircraft .
point, on the centre line . in a Harvard . He had completed an hour and
The quick and proper reaction by this run-up
On the first application of brakes, the left fifteen minutes and had returned to base to
crew is ve ry commendable and Flight Comment
brake pedal went completely forward, and it change students . No abnormalities were noticed
is pleased to cite this example of Heads-Up
was immediately apparent that there was no on this trip .
.~; - profes sionalism .
leftbrake whatsoever . The aircraft was flamed The second student, while giving a taxiing
out and the captain steereddown the centre line demonstration commented that the rudder
with rudder control until it became ineffective sponse seemed sloppy . The instructor took
We are changing the name of the column "Heads-Up Flying"
at approximately 40 knots . The aircraft con- ontrol but could not notice any malfunction .
to simply "Heads-Up" to recognize professional maintenance
tinued on the runway until approximately 15 The student tookoff and carried out a success-
by groundcrew. There are many cases in which their prompt
knots, which was slower than the minimum ful touch and go landing, The instructor then
and correct action in handling emergencies, have saved thou-
barrier engagement speed . He then applied took control with the intention of playing the sands of dollars for fhe Air Force. There are also many ex-
right brake to bring the aircraft to a stop, part of an FTS student, A normal circuit and amples in which groundcrew through diligent performance of
without damage , on the gra s s to the right of the landing were carried out and on the after- their duties have averted serious accidents by noticing a
r un «~a y . \ landing roll the aircraft made a decided swing malfunction which might otherwise have gone undetected .

10 11
2 H5 H

he DRINKING of alcoholic beverages is a

A very high standard of fitness must be maintained by air- .w genial custom, the origins of which are buried
crew engaged in flying duties. One of the prices they must in antiquity, It is naturally open to conjecture
pay for the privilege of being accepted a : airaew is to whether this is due simply to remoteness in
treat their health with the respect that such a role demands . ; time, or whether it may be related more spe-
Physical exercise, good eating habits, recreation and re- cifically to the effects of alcohol on the un-
laxation, induding temperate drinking, contribute to meet- inventors . It is
accustomed heads of the
ing the standards demanded. The latter item, however is
reasonable to assume that these pre-historic
one which sometimes worries supervisors when they read
vintners produced their initial brews by ac-
from Boards of Inquiry such excerpts as :
;,ident rather than by design, and also that the
"It seems certain that the pilot was not primorily affected results of their labours remained somewhat
by thE aftermath of too much drinking but it is not so certoin crude in character for a long time afterwards .
that the culmination of late nights, coupled with a moderate Happily for most people, the idea caught
amount of beer drinking, could not have affected his usual on, and over the centuries a steady improve-
high standard of mental olertness"
ment has been effected in manufacturing
techniques and in the resulting products . We
Also, "It is krawn that the pilot had consumed some cham-
pagne during the day, patficularly in the hour or so before 1 have long passed the stage at which certain
takeoff. Although the Board does not wish to over-emphasize wiseacres undoubtedly remarked : "Alcohol
this poiM, and is quite convinced that ha had nof drunk an has come to stay ."
excessive amount by a normal standard, it is of the opinion The consumption of alcoholic drinks has
thot he may well have had sufficient to make him less cau- become a necessary and perfectly respectable
tious than usual in the air. It might also have been enough to part of the social scene in all civilized com-
slow down his reaction time and cause some confusion at a
munities, but although fine art, music, and
time of emergency."
literature have, on occasion, been favourably
"Prior to takeoff the pilot had consumed not leu than six influenced by the effects of alcohol, it would
half-pints of loger-type beer and from the evidence there obviously be foolish to consider intoxicating
can be no doubt that his powers of co-ordination and mental drinks as having been a major factor in the
readians had thersby been affected . There can be little evolution of the world~s more advanced civil-
doubt that he wa : quite unfit to undertake the flight." izations .
One of the more interesting characteristics

"A contributory cause of the accident wos the physical and
of alcoholic drink is thatthe mere contemplation
mental condition of the pilot which in the opinion of the
Board, must have been impaired as a result of activifies of such beverages inspires some writers and
during Fhe preceding 24 hours" speakers to emotional outbursts of exaggerated
praise, and others to equally intemperate con-
While fhe above quotations do not indicate inordinate demnation . The truth must lie somewhere
drinking, the fncts speak for themselves in respect to Fhe between, but, surprisingly enough, one seldom
extra disdpline airuew must subject themselves, to meet the
find s a balanced and ob'ective assessment of
demands of their rigorous profession. Perhaps the following
the situation .
nrtide by Group Captain &own from the ~stitute of Avia-
tion Medicine will shed some light on how alcohol generally One possible explanation of this is that
affects mental and physical health. moderate drinkers contentedly consume their
alcohol quite un-selfconsciously and seldom

have reason to give serious thought to some- differences between people who have spent an The following table shows the amounts of achieved in the blood stream, However, some
thing which, to them, is neither an inspiration evening drinking gin, and those who have been some drinks equal to nine fluid ounces of variationhas beennoted betweendifferent types
nor a problem, While considering myself to fortunate enou g h to s P end the same p eriod whisky : of alcoholic beverage, There is one authority
be within the meaning of the term "moderate drinking champagne, Again, many people have who even remarks on differences in oxidation
drinker", I have nevertheless felt for a long observed that, whereas anevening spent drink- Brandy 50 per cent alcohol rate between two equally potent brands of
time that there is some loose thinking on the ing one brand of whisky has been without retri- 7 measures (1 oz each} whisky, In spite of that, it is obvious that the
subject among my fellow moderate drinkers, bution on the following morning, a similar time taken for complete elimination of alcohol
and that some of this loose thinking has almost amount of another whisky consumed on a di{ Gin 40 per cent alcohol from the body, must depend very largely on
achieved the status of folklore! It is for this ferent occasion has given rise to unpleasa ' 9 measures (1 oz each) the maximum concentrationwhich was reached
reason that I have written the following brief, effects next da Y , The followin g are exam P les in the blood stream,
but essentially factual, account of some of the of the sort of thing we find in our drinks, be- Port or 15 per cent alcohol The maximum concentration of alcohol
effects of alcoholic drinks on the human body, sides ethyl alcohol : higher alcohols (C3H70H, Sl-.erry 12 Glasses (2 oz each) achieved in the blood depends on the mass of
There are, of course, many aspects of the C4H90H, etc,), esters, volatile oils, organic the subject, the total amount of alcohol drunk,
subject that I have not mentioned, acids, and tannins, Sorne of these compounds Wine 10 per cent alcohol the rate of absorption, and the degree of
Since human beings continue to spend vast can produce quite specific effects of their own, 9 Glasses (4 oz each} practice which the subject has in the consump-
sums of mone Y on alcoholic refreshment it is A further point is that, inthe normal oxida- tion of alcoholic beverages . In the last-
reasonable to suppose that theyare actuated in tion of ethyl alcohol within the human body, Beer 4 per cent alcohol mentioned point, it must be remembered that
this by well defined motives, The following acetic acid and certain aldehydes are formed 4-1~2 pints if we take a total abstainer and an experienced
may be regarded as the principal reasons for as intermediate products in the ultimate con- t o p er , and administer the same amount of
drinking, but it should be realized that in any version of alcoholto water and carbon dioxide, Thus, alcohol well diluted with water is alcohol to each, there will be a significant
one drinker, itis more than likely that several Where large amounts of alcohol have been absorbed more slowly thanare stronger drinks, difference in the results,
of these factors willbe working simultaneously : consumed, these intermediate substances can and alcohol taken with food is, similarly, To quote one example : the drinking of 102
The aesthetic enjoyment of the flavour and be present in the body in amounts sufficient to absorbed more slowly than alcohol taken on ccs of alcohol by an abstainer raised his blood
bouquet of certain types of drink ; to stimulate cause unpleasant toxic effects, an empty stomach, Experiment has, however, alcohol to a maximum of nearly 0,14 per cent
a sense of wellbeing ; as the friendly accompa- All the available literature concerning shown that a ten per cent solution of alcohol is in two hours, whereas when a heavy drinker of
niment of social occasions, both formal and experimental work on this s~ibject, is, un- probably the strength at which the most rapid the same weight was given 105 ccs of alcohol,
inforrnal ; as an aperitif ; as a "night cap" ; fortunately, restricted to assessing the effects absorption takes place, the concentration in his blood reached a maxi-
merely to fall in line with one~s friends ; to on the body of ethyl alcohol alone, and there Depending on the amount of alcohol swal- mum value of 0,06 per cent in one and a half
give the impression of being "a bit of a lad" ; would appear to be scope for further iuvestiga , wed, 90-99 per cent of it is oxidized in the hours, In each case the rate of oxidation was
to achieve drunkenness, either as a means of tion into the actions of some of the other su dy, the remainder being excreted unaltered approximately the same, and from this it
forgetting worries, or because the complete stances involved, Of necessity, therefore, the in the urine the breath and the sweat, How- naturally followed that, whereas the habitual
removal of inhibitions is amusing to the indivi- following discourse largely concerns the effects ever, when small quantities are drunk, the drinker was back to a negligible blood alcohol
dual concerned and the compulsive drinking of of in g estin g eth Y lalcohol and for convenience alcohol is almost all burnt up in the tissues, level in about six hours from takin g the test
the true dipsomaniac, these effects are considered under the headin g s : Since absorptionis usually complete within 2 - drink, the abstainer required a period of about
If one neglects compulsive drinking, which Acute Effects, ~Hangover~ Effects and Chronic 2-1/2 hours of the last drink, this marks the 11-1/2 hours to arrive at the same degree of
is in a category of its own, frequently repeated Effects, Finally, the implications of alcohol point in time when - under average conditions sobriety, Therefore, both in terms of the level
drinking (whatever its reason) can result inthe consumption in relation to aircrew duties are - tf~e P ercenta g e of alcoholinthe blood reaches of blood alcohol reached, and of the time to
develo P ment of habit, However it is not of the also discussed, It is convenient to consider its maximum value, From then on, the body recovery, the habitual drinker was very much
same nature as that which one associates with that the principal factors concerned in the disposes of it by oxidation, ata rate of roughly better placed than was the abstainer,
drug addiction, and, with normal people, it is production of the acute effects are absorption, 30 ccs of pure alcohol or one fluid ounce of In the average case, a peak blood alcohol
not a difficult habit to break, A possible ex- oxidation within the body, blood alcohol levels whisky per hour, so it follows that three level of 0,15 P er cent is attained when nine
ception to this assertion is in the case of some and the over-all effect on human performance . double whiskies, six fluid ounces, could take fluid ounces of whisky are administered to a
lonely, elderly people who, for one reason or Alcohol is rapidly absorbed from the 2-1/2 + 6 = $-1/2 hours for elimination from 140 lb, man . Tf~is works out at 1,5 ccs of pure
another, seem only able to find congenial stomach and the intestines - on the average, the body . Similarly, two normal whiskies alcohol per kilograrn of body weight, Taking
company around bar counters . 20 per cent passing tothe blood stream through two fluid ounces, might not finally disappear whisky as containing 40 per cent of pure ethyl
The well-known effects of 'drink~ result the stomach walls, and 80 per cent via the until 2-1/2 + 2 = 4-1~2 hours following the alcohol a similar de g ree of intoxication could
principally from the absorptionof ethyl alcohol walls of the small intestine, In both cases, emptying of the last glass . In both cases an be produced, - theoretically, at any rate - by
(C 2H50H), but it would at the same time be alcohol reaches the blood in its original che- ultimate blood alcohol of virtuallv zero is as- the amounts of other drinks shown in the table,
very misleading to suggest that that is the only mical form - that is, it is not subjected to any summed . It might be argued however, that In each of the examples it would - again
factor involved, The chemistry of alcoholic digestive chemistr Y , while in the stomach 0 ome slightly higher figure would be tolerable theoretically - take about nine hours for the
drinks is extraordinarily complicated, and it intestines . om most practical points of view, and if this alcohol to be removed from the body, and -
varies between different types of drink, and Generally speaking, the absorption of alcohol were so, it would be reasonable to accept that very roughly - about 4-1/2 hours if the doses
even between drinks of the same type, but is complete within about 2-1/2 hours of takin g normal function would return one hour less were halved . That is, assuming a subject is
produced by different manufacturers . the last drink, but it must be understood that than those quoted, only a moderate drinker .
The importance of chemical substances the simultaneous intake of food or water can The rate at which the human body oxidizes Certain experiments have shown that rela-
other than ethyl alcohol, may be appreciated make a considerable difference to the rate of alcohol remains remarkably constant, irres- tively small doses of alcohol, 2 ounces of
by reflecting on the emotional and constitutional absorption, pective of the initial percentage level that is whisky or one pint of beer have no demonstr-

ia is
Sustained high blood alcohol as the result here, There should never be any question of alcoholic effects which I have mentioned, Apart
able effect on the performance of non-skilled
intake of liquor, This aircrew reaching the chronic stage without from anything else, it has been quite clearly
work, In the case of semi-automatic tasks of a very considerable
someone in authority having taken appropriate established that a hangover of any sort will
like writing and reading, such doses of alcohol gives rise to what is frequently referred to as
action at an intermediate stage . increase susceptibility to airsickness, reduce
have actually caused a slight increase in the a 'carry-over' - the feeling of still being under
The very existence of the condition is tolerance to g, and impair mental functions
speed of performance, the influence of drink,
generally accepted as indicating an underlying generally . In addition, as we very well know,
By doubling the dose, this favourable effect Dehydration, This means an excessive loss
defect ; mental or physical, hereditary or there are some 'hangovers~ which sti11 have
lasted for only half an.~ hour, and was then of water from the body, and it accounts for the
quired in the sufferer, The diagnosis and not completely disappeared even two days after
followed by a marked de ession in efficiency, very active t hir st whi c h can follow alcohol I
eatment of such causal factors is regarded the party .
Some workers have faile to show any deteri- over-indulgence .
s a primary principle in the treatment of All the above may seem somewhat long-
oration in the performance ipf discrimination, Gastritis and enteritis due to irritation of
chronic alcoholism, The cause and the effect winded, but I am sure that the background
co-ordination and control st, when their the lininp, of the stomach and intestines, Heavy
of chronic alcoholism could each be regarded information which I have given is necessary
subjects were given the equ alent of 2 ounces beer and the reinforced wines are particularly
as sufficient reason for marking a man as to illustrate the extraordinary complexity of
of whisky, but this almost cert~ nly means that prone to cause gastritis, but much must ob-
` unfit for aircrew duties, the whole subject, From this it can be appre-
the tests were not sufficiently nsitive, viously also depend on the inherent sensitivity
It is necessary to draw a sharp distinction ciated that difficulties lie in the path of anyone
There is no doubt that fun tions such as of the victim~s storr~ach, Nausea, vomiting,
between the true chronic alcoholic, and the attempting to evolve legislation which can
judgement, memoryandattentionaz'~e adversely and a disinclinatiorl for food are the main
young man who gets into the habit of taking effectively be applied and which will not be
affected by very small quantities 4~ alcohol, in symptoms of alcoholiC gastritis, while irration
too much too often, even though the youthful unduly irksome to aircrew to ensure that
spite of a popular but quite mistakei~~ belief that of the intestines gi rise to varying degrees
reprobate will assuredly suffer from mental alcohol shall not adversely influence flight
drink can stimulate and sharpen one!'~ mental of diarrhoee - a e Y tom must frequently as-
and physical deterioration if he maintains too safety, It would, for example, be easy to
faculties, The delightful buzz o~ animated sociat~ti with ovey ulgence in certain brands
consistent an interest in the bottle, produce harsh regulations which might, in
conversation at cocktail parties, and the of beer,
The latter is susceptible to reason and the turn encourage secret drinking,
brilliant shafts of wit which may emanate from Nasa1 a~d pharyngeal catarrh, A sore
total withdrawal of alcohol will produce no In short, it seems that the major hope of
normally dull people on those occasion~, are throat and nasal or sinus catarrh frequently
serious effects, whilst in the case of the true success lies in explaining the whole situation
more logically explained by the fact that con- follow alcohol excess, but there is little doubt
chronic an appeal to reason is unlikely to be to aircrewand placing reliance in their appre-
versational inhibitions are removed, The that a badly ventilated environment and too
successful and in addition, during his acute ciation of the practical importance of abiding
listeners have also similarly become 1ess many cigarettesarepotentcontributoryfactors,
phases, the complete withdrawal of alcohol by such rules and advice as may be put forward,
critical in their judgement of the spo~en word, Toxaernia, This probably provides the
can cause trouble, One is a disciplinary There are of course, limitations to the effect-
It is within the experience of mo~t people greatest single contribution to the whole con-
atter, the other medical, iveness of any'Gestapo' observation which can
that if 1ar g e amounts of alcoholic drink are dition, Expressed simply, it refers to tl
There is some rather circumstantial evi- be applied by station commanders and others
consumed, malaise and impaired physical and general adverse effects on the body of a varie '
ence which suggests that 'hangovers' may in authority,
mental function are experienced, even after of chemical substances normally contained in
have playeda significant partinthe occurrence It is certain that the great majority of us
the body has been ridden of all its alcohol . alcoholic drinks, of substances formed by the
of certain flying accidents, but there has not will continue to look forward to relaxation over
The nature and degree of a 'hangover~ vary interact.~on of certain constituents in non-
been a serious indication of acute alcoholic the occasional convivial glass, and that there
enormously according to the total amount of com patfble drinks ~ and of P oisonous inter-
effects as a salient feature in any accident so will be times when we will consume more
drink consumed, the rate of consumption, the mediate by-products resulting from the break
far reported, Thatis not to suggest that lunch- alcoholic refreshment than we should, It is
nature of the drink, whether or not a variety down of these substances and the oxidation of
time ~sessions' are harmless as a prelude to also equally certain that boys will continue to
of types of drink have been injudiciously ethyl alcohol,
an afternoon flying programme, but rather be boys, However, even accepting these situa-
'mixed', whether or not drinking has been~ I referred earlier to the existence of poisons
that we must keep things in their proper pers- tions as inevitable and quite beyond legislation,
accompanied by the consumption of food, and othe r than ethyl alcohol, Headache, depression,
pective, concentrating on those circumstances I am still sure that we can all do much to
whether or not there has been a simultaneous and mental and physical lethargy are examples
which seem to be of major significance in ensure that flying and drinking of alcohol are
excess in the use of tobacco, of 'hangover' symptoms which can be explained
causing aircraft accidents, not mixed, Remember, the effects of such a
For a given set of circumstances there are, onthis basis, Differentdrinks contain different
I feel that this reasoning applied inthe case mixture are likely to be far more drastic than
of course, variations among different people, chemical substances and we know, for example,
of 'hangovers' which, in the aviation context, those of, say, a mixture of absinthe and Scotch
and even for any one person on different oc- that certain beers tend to produce violent head-
can be regarded as the most important of the whisky,
casions, In the last mentioned point, the main aches whereas the consumption of the same Wave-Qf~
factors involved are recent practices in drink- amount of other beers of similar alcoholic
ing and the state of the individual's general content causes relatively mild after effects,
health, As can be appreciated, the variable s In the same way the drinking of pure ethyl
are enormous, and when referring to the term alcohol suitably diluted with water is known to
'hangover~ weare not considering one circum- produce fewer unpleasant after effects than '
scribed bodily defect, but rather a who drinking of more palatable conventiona ~/
catalogue of conditions, any or all af bev . ~ _
may be present . As far as the human frame The stead y mental and p h y sical deterioration
is concerned, each one adversely affects human which results from continuous long-term addic-
performance, and taken together they may be tion to the bottle is fairly generally known and,
regarded as additive, Broadly speaking, these naturally, it is rather too rare with practising
separate conditions are : aircrew to merit any very special consideration

endanger his life by descending to the altimeter
check altitude P rior to reach the outer marker,
From these two examples, it can be readily

seen that descending to the altimeter check
altitude when the glide path is inoperative can
be an extremely hazardous procedure,
What is the solution? The most obvious

La n
answer is to maintain the procedure turn alt=
tude until over the outer marker inbound al ~ I~
then descend to the ~~g lide p ath off~minimu«~,
At certain aerodromes this method has the

Systems disadvantage of requiring a high rate of des-

cent to achieve the minimum altitude a reason-
able distance from the airport, For example,
approximately a 1000 feet a minute rate of
descent would be necessary at Lakehead if
Althou g h the Instrument Landin g Svstem the procedure turn altitude was maintained
has been used by RCAF pilots for many years, until over the outer marker inbound . i
observation by the staff of the Unit Instrument Another possible solution is to descend to
Check Pilots' course has disclosed that some an altitude 500 feet lower than the procedure
of our pilots have been blithely performing ILS t~zrn altitude after the procedure turn has been
letdowns with the glidepath inoperative,in such completed at the published altitude and the air-
an unsafe manner as to raise the wrath of craft is aligned onthe localizer, To understand

the most stoical flight safety officer, the reasoning behind this suggested procedure,
With the gline path inoperative, it has been we should be familiar with the "Manual of
noted that many pilots descend to the altimeter Criteria ~or the Development of Standard Ins-

have you any drums . . .

check altitude immediately after completing trument Approach Procedures and Holding
the procedure turn, To refresh your memory, Area", a joint Department of Transport and
the altimeter check altitude is that altitude Department of National Defence publicatior
published on an ILS letdown sheet where the This manual stipulates that the procedure tui Si L J Regan
altitude must be 1000 feet above the hi g hest DFS, AFHQ
glide path intersects the vertical radiation
pattern of the outer marker, When the aircraft obstruction within that portion of the procedure
. . , . . . . . .eardrums that is, andthe chances "Listen to her go! ? It's hardly fair to
is on the glide path over the outer marker, the turn area which extends 10 statute miles along
are that you have two very good ones . And switch scenes so fast on you, but since you're
indicated altitude should be approximately the the prescribed track from the outer marker
because you are a likeable sort of character here you might stay with it for a bit . We are
same as the altimeter check altitude if the with a width of 10 statute miles on the rnan-
who goes for nice sounds like sweet music, "listening to her go" down on the flight line
current altimeter setting is used, The dif- oeuvring side and 5 statute miles on the non-
running streams, the swish of a beercan being now, and those 20 to 60 decibels are being
ference between the indicated altitude and the manoeuvring side . By descending 500 feet
opened, and the laughter of your lady love, completely drowned out . "She" might be a jet
altimeter check altitude can be considerable after the procedure turn, the pilot is assured of
500 feet obstruction clearance if the procedure we'd be happy to invest a few minutes of your or a piston job and she can make enough noise
because of altimeter error and glide path
time to talk about how you can go on enjoying to damage your hearing before you can say
error . The altimeter check altitude is not a turn is completed within 10 miles of the outer
the se treasure s . permanent impairment . Pity, because you
magic figure that guarantees obstruction clear- marker, This reduction of 500 feet would make
By the way, a lot of other good people who can handle this gal just as well as you handled
ance over the entire letdown area ; it is slmply possible a rr~ore acceptable rate of descent and
like listening to the same things you do also the first one . In both cases all you need is the
a check on the aircraft's altimeter, still guarantee 500 feet clearance above all
don't mind a very different kind of noise : the proper equipment . For the big gal use what-
To recognize the fallacy of descending to obstructions from completion of procedure
roar or whine of a powerful engine, for ex- ever is in vogue at your place of work : ear
the altimeter check altitude when the glide path turn to the outer marker, Five hundred feet
ample . The noise of power sort of gets you . defenders, ear plugs-your boss can put you
is inoperative, examine the Lakehead low alti- is the normal obstruction clearance during
Too bad really, that it can bring on deafness . right . For the little gal, well, you're a skilled
tude ILS runway 07 letdown plate . Take careful this portion of a letdown whether it is a range,
Not all at once, mind you, but gradually , Often ope rator so you don't need any advice there .
note that a hilot descending without the aid of ADF, VOR, or ILS approach .
so gradually that you might not be aware of it
the glide path to the altimeter check altitude of Choose one of these solutions, but never
r days, weeks, or even months . "Would you please repeat the Question?"
1820 feet would only have a vertical clearance blindly descend to the altimeter check altitu
That feminine laughter we agree is good
of 155 feet over the 1665 feet obstruction shown without first ensuring that this altitude wi
o hear, is nice enough to be counted in deci- Er-uh oh yes, facts . (Never fails, as soon
on the localizer, This clearance could be con- provide 500 feet above all obstructions m the
bels, and according to how much fun, and of a s you get a nice friendly chat going some egg-
siderably reduced if the errors associated with area from completion of procedure turn to the
whatkind, you are having together, those deci- head wants facts . Let's keep him quiet with
altimeters are considered, outer marker,
bels may total anywhere from about 20 to 60 . the se) .
Lakehead is not an isolated example, The
by F, l J Simpson This kind of exposure «dll do you more good More accidents happen in noisy places than
ILS approach to runway 05 at Toronto Inter- UICP Flight
than harm, so by all means listen to he r go . in quiet ones . Noise makes you tired, so you're
national is another instance where a pilot would CF$ Gimli

18 19
not as sharp as youneed to be . Some mainten-
_ .__i, _ - serves as a reminder that it could happen to ever, this is the third time this year that T33
ance accidents have been hooked up with these z any of us . Flying an airplane is no time to undercarriages have collapsed without this
links- be complacent . device performing its intended function . Per-
NOISE FATIGUE haps it's time to have another look atthe speci-
fied tolerance . And pilots are you in the habit
POOR WORKMANSHIP CRASH SURPRISE! of checking this device for proper function
before start-up on every flight?
An instructor and a student on a routine
Although the sound level of 120 decibels is
trument training trip had completed the
usually where you startto feel discomfort, even
ercise and landed at base with the instructor
the 90 decibellevel can cause loss of hearing
Resumes of accidents are selected for their interest and the lessons flying the aircraft . During the landing roll,
if you have to put up with it for long periods
which they contain. The time required to complete the accident in- the instructor heard the control tower clear
of time . vestigation and the additional time necessary for publication gener-
another aircraft for a full stop landing on the
Stand by one, he wants more . For long ally totals six months .
same runway . In an attemptto facilitate traffic,
time exposure, 85 decibels is thought to be the
the instructor who had done a 'short field'
maximum safe level .
landing decided to turn off at an intersection .
Now we'll throw him the door prize .

During the last portion of the roll on the run-

Aircraft at idle power can ring out 110 - way the instructor, who was wearing a seat
pack parachute, disconnected his lanyard . In
120 decibels . HYPOXIA

AND attempting to make his decision to turn off the

runway known to the tower, he dropped the A pilot was carrying out an airtest on an
parachute lanyard to push ths "press to trans-

CF104, a full card after engine change . Prior
mit" button . After initiating the turn, he to start all oxygen checks had been made as
reached down to retrieve the disconnected per procedures .
lanyard and when lifting it up, was surprised to After getting airborne and climbing
see the nose of the aircraft starting down . 35, 000 feet, cabin altitude was noted to be
He 'jumped' on the brakes and since the aircraft 17,000 feet and oxygen content four litres .
was moving very slowly, stopped with only the The pilot did not check blinker action at this
You just overshot the maximum safe level ose gear retracted, The heavy lanya rd had time but oxygen system appeared to be working
by 55 decibels . Do not pass "GO", but do ught unde r the unde rcarriage handle and normally . Initial portions of the airtest were

collect $200 from Community Chest . You'11 used an up selection . executed and then a Mach run was commenced .
The assessment, of course, was pilot error At approximately Mach 1 , 85 he noticed a
need it .
Itlooks as if we have impressed the egghead . because the instructor did not follow pre sc ribed restriction to his breathing and suffered the
procedures when disconnecting his parachute first symptoms of hypoxia . He immediately
He's travelling at a high rate of knots to pick
up some proper ear protectors . And we were lanyard on the runway, rather than at "shut- checked the blinker, noted that it did not close
all warrned up to round it off with some wishy- down ." on inhalation and then selected emergency
But why did the device, that is designed to oxygenposition and 100% oxygenbut once again
washy stuff that seems to comfort some types .
"If you can get away from it all to let your prevent the lever frombeing selected UP when the blinker did not function . Realizing that
the weight of the aircraft is on its wheels,not hypoxia was imminent, he selected the emer-
ears recover between periods of high exposure
OOPS! work? In this instance itwas checked and found gency oxygen bottle, decelerated and com-
the re is a chance that you won't suffe r any ill
effects ." But it's only a chance, so you are On completion of a mutual IF trip in a T33, to be within the tolerance specified in the EO . menced descent .
still doing the right thing by taking the proper the pilot rnade a norrnal touchdown . He held It didn't work in this case because the aircraft During this time the pilot checked normal
was light and being in a left turn, the left oleo oxygen hose connections at least three times
precautions-just like you've been doing all the nose high for maximum aerodynamic braking
along, you and the other smart ones -using and, as the nose began to settle, decided to (where the micro switch is located) extended and found the connection was secure and mask
raise the flaps to make wheel braking more sufficiently to de-activate the switch . How- hose anchored to the parachute strap by dome
the equipment that is yours for the asking, and
playing it safe . effective . However, instead of the flap lever fasteners . He descended to 7000 feet cabin
he raised the undercarriage lever! He im- altitude where the symptoms of hypoxia dis-
mediately realized the error and put it back appeared . He notified the control tower of
DING-DONG DECIBELS down but too late--the aircraft came to rest his problem and requested a medical officer
HAVE YOU ANY DRUMS? with the nose gear up, although the main gea- to meet the aircraft . The landing was routine .
YES, SIR! YES, SIR! did remain down . After landing, the oxygen regulator was
WELL PROTECTED ONES . When questioned later, the pilot could not removed and sent to the safety equipment lab
really explain why . He was well aware of which where it was revealed that the regulator failed
PROTECT 'EM ON A PROP JOB, lever was which and there is no similarity the pressure breathing indicator test . Failure
PROTECT 'EM ON A JET , between them . He, like many others before of the aneroid assembly was suspected . The
BUT WHEN YOU'RE WITH YOUR LADY LOVE him, was just another victim of complacency MO confirmed that the pilot had indeed ex-
NO SWEAT! or preoccupation . This pilot's misfortune perienced acute hypoxia . His prompt and

20 u
correct action saved both himself and his the left struck the ground and the aircraft This incident should help pilots realize how
aircraft . sustained major damage . necessary it is to be cautious on shorter than
To date there havebeen fewserious hypoxia Obviously this accident was due to inex- usual runways when landing aircraft such as
incidents but the hazard is ever with us . Both perience and is something we will probably the Neptune not equipped with anti-skid brake s .
ground servicing and aircrew must increase never be able to eliminate . However it brings Pilots should be aware of the accepted approach
vigilance in this regard and use extra caution, up the question of which is the better initial speed and length of runway required, to pre-
We must not become careless now . action to correct a developing ground loop-- clude any undue anxiety and haste in landing .
ake or rudder . Possibly a little application
BANG! right brake in the early stage of the swing
An airman was towing a CF104 out of the would have immediately corrected the situation
hangar . In trying to adjust the brake pedal and a 'no sweat' landing roll would have been
which is onthe left hand side of the instrument completed . In any case, we must be constantly ~-~s~ '
,.deOH ~ ' ~ _ ~ V~~~~
panel, he reached down on the right hand and on the alert to catch any flaw in our instructing
pulled out the canopy jettisonhandle by mistake . Comet removed . Other contributing factors technique . What do some of you old Harvard
As it was in the open position at the time, it Inst_ructo_rs think?
were lack of proper loading area to a11ow free
fired and fell to the floor . movement of loading vehicles and lack of a
The accident was assessed as carelessness senior NCO as shift supervisor, Provision for
onthe part ofthe airman . There are mitigating a safe loading area should be of paramount DOUBLE TROUBLE
circumstances, however . The canopyinitiator concern .
is safe-tied by :neans of a ma~intenance safety Would you believe it? Two similar accidents
pin located on the right side of the cockpit under similar circumstances to the same pilot
behind the seat but it was not installed at the within an inte rval of a week-landing with
time the canopy was jettisoned . Because dif- gear up!
ficulty had been experienced in installation, a The pilot was an instructor with nearly
5000 hours flying, On both occasions the student
modification had been ordered to enlarge the
hole in the cover . This had not been embodied s~ow our pilot and instructor were on a final circuit of
in this aircraft although action has since been a three-hour dual night flying practice simu-
After an eight-hour operational exercise lating a single engine landing, in an Expeditor .
taken to have a11104s modified according to EOs .
ding at night, a Neptune pilot was diverted In both situations the pre-landing check was
land on a 5000 foot runway covered with pools carried out at the proper position and the
of water . The pilot made a normal approach undercarriage was left in the UP position as
The student pilot was on his third solo ex- and touched down in a good position . After per single engine procedure, to be lowered
ercise in a Harvard . lie had been airborne about 1500 feet on the landing roll, because of later on crosswind or final, The downwind
for about forty-five minutes andhad completed a shorter than usual runway, he applied brakes . leg in both flights had been extended furthe r
several "circuits andbumps ." This one seemed In doing this so soon after touchdown, before than normal to conform with circuit traffic
to be going normally like all the rest when, he had slowed enough to allow sufficient weight ahead, In the distraction of checking the other
just after touchdown, the aircraft started to on the wheels, the port tire locked, causing traffic and observing the procedures of the
swing left . Since the commencement of flight skidding and the port tire to blow . As the studentpilot, the instructor neglected to closely
training he had been instructed that the first Neptune skidded over the pools of water, the monitor the student in the important under-
action to correct a swing was rudder and no buffeting of the rudder during reverse, and the carriage check .
An AMU crew had just finished loading a brake . He accordingly applied right rudder intermittent hydroplaning led the pilot to In both accidents the control tower tapes
C119 which was parked in a hangar in close and no brake, but it didn't seem to help much, believe he was releasing sufficient pressure attest to the fact that the tower had broadcast
proximity to a Comet . The corporal in charge so he applied power and backward pressure on fr~~m the brakes . In being so fooled, he did not the usual cautionary about checking the under-
announced that he was going to double check the control column . The Harvard became realize the port tire was skidding , carriage down and locked just prior to landing .
the load in the C119 and instructed one of the airborne, the tail wheel dragged and the right In both cases acknowledgement was received .
airmen to take the forklift outside . The airman wing stalled . First the right wing, and then However the pilots did not remember that they
started the forklift and carefully avoided the had given the prope r re sponse . Could this be
booms of the C119 . However he forgot about so routine that pilots do not even think of what
the Comet until just before he hit it. Out of the they are saying and consequently not a very
corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the effective procedure? Perhaps the tower con-
Comet wing, but it was too late, and a valuable troller, on the odd occasion, could change the
aileron was severely damaged . words around, Instead of the usual "check
This accident was causedby operator error geardown and locked" he might say "how many
and lack of adequate supervision by the shift wheals have you got ." Maybe this would shake
NCO . The operator and shift NCO should have the odd pilot out of his lethargy and ensure that
recognized a potentialhazard whenthe aircraft he physically checks the gear rather than just
«~ere parked so close together, and had the making the correct automatic response .

y2 23
Cont~ibuted by : F jl GA Saull S4FS, MAC



A Chipmunk instructor requested and re- A Dak was being towed into a hangar . The
ceived permission to proceed to the satellite corporal in charge was riding the brakes inthe
field to practice some circuits . Since there cockpit . An LAC was operating the hangar
were no tower facilities or crash equipment, doors, another was watching the wing tips and
landings were not permitted . However, he a third was driving the mule . The towed air-
briefed his student to do a'touch and go' landing . craft had proceeded well inside the hangar
The student landed long and was just starting to when, by coincidence, the driver stopped just
apply power for takeoff when the instructor before the Dak wing carne in contact with the
decided there was insufficient runway remain- tail of a T33 which was also in the hangar . All
ing . He retarded the throttle and applied assumed that the driver had seen the T33 and
brakes, but the tail started to rise . lle applied that was why he stopped . Actually the driver
more back pressure onthe control column, but stopped to have a piece of ground equipment
r moved out of his way and, once that was done,
started to move again, A sergeant who was
not part of the towing crew, but happened to
be in the hangar, yelled but it was too late ; the
Dak struck the T33 causing damage to the
starboard aileron of the Dak and the rudder ~` 1
the T33 .
The assessment states that this grou
accident was the direct result of contravening
the requirements of the EO 00-50-19 in that
it was too late-the Chipmunk ended up on its
toofewairmen were employed andthatthe NCO
nose .
in charge was not properly positioned to super-
The factthatthe instructor didnot overshoot
vise the operation . This coupled with the fact
before it was too late is obviously an error in
that the area was not cleared of GSE prior to
judgement .
commencing the operation, indicates a "poor
But more serious than this is the disregard
show" all a _round ,
of o rde rs in atte mpting to land whe re he wa s
well aware he should not . Reading between
the line s , it make s one wonde r how many time s
this had been done before by this pilot and
perhaps many others . Also, of perhaps even
more serious consequence is the effect this
can have on the student's sense of air disci-
pline . Had nothing happened this time, later,
when solo, the student would probably see
nothing wrong with doing the same thing even
though he also was well aware that this was
contrary to regulations . If this philosophy
should become general, our Air Force could
become saturated with aircrew who regard The Cloud Hopping Hemstitcher is closely related to the Ground Lovinq Variety . Its most
flying orders and regulations as something distinguishinq habit is an unexplicable desire to remain in the "Cleai' regardless of clear-
ance altitude . It has been encountered where least expected, mostly at other birds' altitudes
which must be tolerated but can be ignored as
with disastrous results . It is very shy and will dip down or up to its cleared altitude when
long as you don't get caught .
observed too closely. Both varieties are very dangerous especially when poor visibility pre~
This accident happened on April Fool's vails .
Day-maybe it was just a joke ? Open season prevails year round-should be reported on siqht .


RocEe D~Han2ta., F,H .S .C,, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa, 1963
Storting his final approach at about 1500 feet, a
pilot finds himself heading into a stiff wind . Because
the wind provides a substantial part of the necessary
airspeed, he throttles back his engines . Suddenly, a
few hundred feet above the ground, the wind dies.
Only a fast increase in power prevents the airplane
from stalling and crashing . Right?

Or is this right? Starting final into a stiff wind the

pilot finds he has to carry extra power to bring his
plane up to the runway . Suddenly, a few hundred feet
from the ground, the head wind dies out. Only a fast
decrease in power prevents the aircraft from over-
shooting .

Or how about this version! Starting final into a stiff
wind the pilot finds he has to carry extra power to
maintain a normal glide path toward the runway .
Suddenly, a few hundred feet from the ground, the
wind dies. Only a fast increase in power prevents the
airplane from stalling and crashing .

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