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Chapter ] Cell : The Unit of Life Cee me Introduction ieadaccien ow © What is a Cell? You have learnt about the diversity of livin ae aes dod PM ad sor rganisine like microscopic bacteria to huge multiceBe | of hasic Gen Theor: aaa ng onganiams possess hfe and aye MSGS 77. coms mn consists of f organisms (ii) Multicellul: 1 will be acqui ts of the cell. unit structure called cell. An organism Accordingly there are two types ©! Prokaryotic Cells, organisms - e.g., Amoeba, Diatoms etc. ‘e.g. plants, animals etc. In this chapter, Yor oe are and functions carried out by the various Par (i) Unicellular lar organisms fainted with © Anoverview of Cell WHAT IS A CELL? sal euro Unicelluiar organisms are capable of (i) Independent existence ji) Performing the essential functions of Ife. te structure of a cell does not ensure Anything less than a comple! | structural and functional independent living, Thus, cell is the fundamental tunit of all living organisms. Robert Hooke studied and discovered the cell from a thin slice of cork But ‘cel’, Anton Von Leeuwenhoek was the first person who a ble of moving, such as bacteria, protozoa, spermatozoa and red blood corpuscles under his own designed microscope. Robert Brown discovered the nucleus of a cell. The invention of the t leading to the electron microscope revealed ‘erved few living cells capa microscope and its improvement etalls of the cell all the struct CELL THEORY n 1838, Matthias Schleiden, a German botanist studied a large plants and observed that all plants are composed of different f cells which form the tissues of the plant. At about the same ‘other scientist Theodore Schwann (1839), a British zoologist, nt types of animal cells and reported that cells had a thin umber hich is now known as the ‘Plasma membrane’. He also 32 Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner xxample, Mycoplasma, the smallest cell, are only largest isolated single coll is the egg of an ostrich. cells are about 7 jum in diameter. Nerve cells are some of Wiite blood cels columnar epithelial cells (amoeboid) {long and narrow) Mesophyfl cells Atracheid (elongated) (round and oval) ‘showing different shapes of the cells. etaitinccallial | © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner poe that take up the Gram stain are m negative ace tubules and istribution crease the ‘Scan the OR code fo further expination If motile, they have thin flamentous extensions from their cell -@ range in the number and arrangement of flagella. The flagellum is , hook and basal body. The filament is the longest portion and extends It is a hollow rigid cylindrical structure made up of the protein called ‘structure which consists of rings. view of a bacterial cell showing the detailed structure of the ‘and attachment of flagellum to the bacterial cell © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner “Nucleolus is present. } Protein synthesis takes place in cytoplasm, mitochondria and plastids. ii cae: Mem! (eg. mitoch reticulum, gol brane-bound organelles are present rondria, plastids, endoplasmic igi apparatus, lysosome etc.) Ribosomes are of 80S type: 70S type fibosome occurs in mitochondria and plastids. Centrioles are usually present. True or sap vacuoles are commonly found, e.g,, plant cells Thylakoids, if present are grouped inside chloroplast as granum. giant Plasmids are absent, Having double/two envelope system. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Plasma membrane Centriole Peroxisome Lysosome Ribosomes Mitochondrion Rough endoplasmic reticulum ‘Gytoplasm @: (a) Plant cell (b) Animal cell esi te i © scanned with OKEN Scanner remical studies done especi possible structure of plasm na membrane. The ché jentists to deduce the composed of lipids that are arranged Jar head towards the outer sides and ad) interact with water and are inner sides. The polar ends (he 1s or hydrophobic tail is non-polar tail of saturated hydrocarbon: saled that the cell membranes also possess protein and carbohydrate, ‘considerably in different cell types. In human beings, the membrane tely 52 percent protein and 40 percent lipids. membrane proteins can be classified as integral or peripheral. The face of the membrane while the integral proteins are partially or totally ‘proteins which run throughout lipid bilayer are known as tunnel proteins "proteins cannot be removed easily and their removal requires crude methods the membrane has been described as Protein icebergs floating in sea d model of the structure of cell membrane was proposed by Singer and Lipid bilayer + Fluid mosaic mode! of plasma membrane al © Scanned with OKEN Scanner living, rigid structure called the cell is have an additional no II varies in different groups. composition of cell wal al is generaly composed of chitin, a polymer of N-acetyiglucosamine 1 wall is made up of cellulose, galactans, mannans and minerals like ral is chiefly composed of the insoluble polysaccharides (cellulose) de nemicellose, pectin and proteins are also present inthe cell wall of two regions : primary wall and secondary wall Iorms a single layer of wall material. This layer is known as the primary ‘elastic and capable of expansion in a growing cell. It grows by addition of 3 one. Meristematic and parenchymatous cells have primary cell more layers of wall material are added internal to the primary wall which / These layers are called the secondary cell wall. Addition of secondary wall wall. Thickening of cell wall occurs particularly in cells that form the harder ified and suberised cell wall sin a plant tissue are held together by a thin, sticky, amorphous layer of s called the middle lamella. Middle lamella is chiefly made up of calcium fruits, the pectate compounds solubilize to a jelly-like material, making © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ae usual ‘oceur in They are usually thesis. The cistem ind brain. reticular system alongwith in cells involved in lipid synt iis of pancreas structures forming the ind are common res. They are also free of rane pound vacuolar struct ER structures found atc els and these are tne ony into two distinct compartments: 1 space enclosed by ER membrane fe the ER in the cytoplasm. absence of osomes on the ‘surface of endoplasmic reticulum, it (SER) : The endoplasmic rtioulum which Is free of ribosomes er ipder the electron microscope it appears as smooth tubular are also rich in smooth type of endoplasmic reticulum which is known of lipids and steroids, nracton by release and uptake of Ca®* ions. ER pass onto Golgi complex through SER. {RER) : The endoplasmic reticulum a rough granular appearance under the with the outer membrane of the nucleus. bearing ribosomes on its electron microscope. They © scanned with OKEN Scanner rranged near the nucleus in 2 Biye't . q of cisternae may vary in different cells but have a cells. Their size may range from 0.5 jum to 1.0 um in dia entrically arranged near the nucleus with distinct convex: cis O ans or the maturing face. The cis and the trans faces of ent, but interconnected. lat, interconnecting structures arising from the periphery of cisternae eb: rounded sacs present at the ‘edges of cisternae in clusters. These are ‘are large, spherical vacuoles produced at maturing face. These are filled F amorphous substances. Some of them function as lysosomes. ) Trans or maturing face Oo IQ oistera © scanned with OKEN Scanner forms: | vesicle-ike newly formed structures s contain inactive enzym called heterophagosomes or digestive vacuoles. fuse with already existing primary lysosomes. material to be digested containing undigested substances. Residual ry lysosomes. ‘contents to the outside tact with plasmalemma and throw their + formed by union of many primary lysosomes around old or dead with vacuolar membrane and digest them by autolysis or ‘called suicidal bags. The disappearance of larval organs during is due to autolys ‘space found in the cytoplasm. it contains water, sap, excretory Lusel forthe cel. These are also called sap vacuoles. py upto 90 percent of the volume of the cel. They are bounded brane called tonoplast. This membrane facilitates the transport ‘against concentration gradients into the vacuole, Thus, their erin the vacuole than in the cytoplasm 1 Amoeba, it helps in excretion. b es alms © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner uble membraned organelles distributed in the cytoplasm. us, they are stained by a vital stain Janus green to show a great degree of variability in their shape, size and of cylindrical having a diameter in the range of 4 jm (chow considerable degree of varibilty with shape upon the amount of work done by the es designated as outer and inner membrane. The outer boundary of the mitochondria whereas the inner called the eristae (sing :crista). Outer membrane is chemically r selectively permeable membrane has 80% protein and 20% ‘presence of two membranes, the organelle is partitioned | © scanned with OKEN Scanner sf mitochondrion (Longitudinal section) Ls. nerical or kno is studded with numerous SPI jes of Fernandez 2 or F, particles: 1} Inner membrane Per mitochon space (outer amber) Base Outer F,—F,-particle Inner membrane membrane Fig. : Detailed Structure of Cristae and Oxysome ies where food ‘are main sites of aerobic respiration. They are miniature biochemical factori substrates are completely oxidised to carbon dioxide and water. The energy liberated is stored in the form of ATP. These bring about the oxidation of carbohydrates, proteins on of fats. (ATP) produced in the mitochondria helps to perform various energy-requiring processes of ‘muscle contraction, nerve impulse conduction etc. Because of the formation of ATP, a are called power house of the cell. © Scanned with OKEN Scanner nof 10 HM. : val, cisoid or eve" ribbon-shaped in some plants: Ghamyomones, 0 green 22 9 20-40 POL callin the le having outer and inner bstances than ‘outer membrane rnclosed by the inner membrane Tetema contains a large number of organised flattened thylakoids which are arranged I Stacks like the piles of coins called ne intergranal thylakoid ‘also double membrane-bound organel less permeable to Sul erent grana are connected by flat membranous tubules called the stroma of the thylakoids enclose a space called a lumen. ast contains enzymes required for the synthesis of carbohydrates and circular DNA molecules and ribosomes. The » contains small, double-stranded ‘chloroplasts (70S) are smaller than the cytoplasmic ribosomes (80S). Outer membrane Inner membrane Granum a © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ls of indefinite length. They are in myosin also. They form an lid, unbranched, rod-tke fib but have filamentous proteir furrow during cell division. hollow filaments of acidic proteins. They are involved in tin and in forming a basket around nucleus. ‘containing two cylindrical structures called centrioles, which are ricentriolar material called centrosphere or kinoplasm. These two d in the centrosome at right angles to each other. all eukaryotic cells like animal cells, fungi and algae but not found in © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner ‘Theyare longerinsize. 3. Flagella are commonly found at ‘oneendof the cel. . Flagellahelpin locomotion. | outer mtochoncrial membrane in presence of (2) Cristae (4) Porins and cardiolipin jated with mitochondria? (2) Elementary particles in matrix ~ Division through fissions in storage of proteins in maize? (2) Chloroplast (4) Aleuroplast concerned with photophosphorylation? (2) Piastochondria (4) More than one option is correct ne MRNA to form (2) Ergasome or Polysome (4) Plastidome ~ lll © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner = and led histones. It also contains RNA proteins are the packaging protein that are associated with ‘called chromosomes. | nucleus contains a definite number of chromosomes of definite ‘human cell has approximately two metre long thread of DNA ssomes (23 pairs of chromosomes). cal halves, the chromatids which are held together at one point called ‘as a narrow region called primary constriction, of the chromosome. On d res are present known as kinetochores. Ends of chromosome are ‘of chromosomes and prevent their shortening or chromosome loss. e, chromosomes can be classified into four types: centromere): The centromere is present at the centre and thus ome into two equal arms (Isobrachial). They appear V-shaped. (submedian centromere): The centromere is present slightly away ‘or nearer to one end of the chromosome. As a result, chromosome centromere): The centromere is present vey cose to one end itforms one extremely short and one very long arm. They appear J-shaped © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner of the cell membrane. noes across the membrane. ipids show flip*o mon carbohydrates are the hexose, hexosamine and fructose. The asymmetric with polar ne associated lipids are hilic and hydrophobic they contain both hydrop sealed amphipathic L°- rmed by invagination of small carrier vesicles for ytosis as e of materials in the form of pes ie., pinocytosis and phagoc’ Endocytosis is of two ty Jo cole cal crinking process, 25 fhid materials having high molecular weight fats, insulin, lipoproteins, etc., in the form of globules of fluid enter the on of plasma membrane. Globules of fluid materials are called pinosomes which ‘plasma membrane inside the cytoplasm inthe frm of small pinocytic vesicles. Ils bulk intake of large sized solid particles by the cell using the plasma called cell eating process. It occurs in all protozoans and in special cells of Of blood the reticular cals of spleen etc. Its pinched off from the hagocytic vesicle. This will de the cytoplasm in the form of food vacuole or pI by lysosomes. © scanned with OKEN Scanner tin: Itconsist8 of two types of fibrils Ze., perinucleolar chromatin fibre: tus intranucleolar chromatin fibres which penetrate into’ nucleolar matrix 'DNA).Ithelps in synthesis of RNA and ribosomal units. cleoll for ribosome synthesis. In hi je number 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22. 1uman five chromosomes are known as satellit CHROMOSOME ° ‘or Giant Chromosomes : In some organisms, the cht i a 9 ;, the chromosomes assum bs pies were described by Ruckert (1892). These are present in prima invertebrates. These are diplotene bivalent chromosomes joined chiasmata. © Scanned with OKEN Scanner vy gland calls of of order In salvar aint (181) hs doe ‘studies have been made I ‘and henoe, their nur ~—chromonemata_ Chromomeres mosome: A. A typical polytene chromosome. formation of a poiytene chromosome and its dark bands number of chromonemata and their chromomeres. orton of polytene chromosome showing a puff. ofa species of a plant or the animal are characterised by a set of ‘constant characteristics including the number of chromosomes, relative size, © scanned with OKEN Scanner © Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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