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Good morning teacher, good morning classmates the legend of Mariangula takes place

in the city of Quito. This girl she was 14 years old

One day, her mother asked the girl to go buy her guts. But the little girl, who was very
restless, preferred to play with her friends and also spent the money from the purchase.
Later and the girl didn’t remember her order. After the game, when everyone was going
back to her house, she remembered the order, but it was already too late.

She knew that her mother would get angry and began to worry that while walking near
the century, she had a terrible idea.

That day there was a funeral and she thought of removing the guts from the corpse. She
made her way to the grave, and fearfully but determined, she executed her plans.
Afterwards, she left for her house.

Her mother complained to her, how long she had taken and, in a hurry, she prepared the
tripe and went out to the street for sale.

That night, there was a very good sale. The people who came to eat commented that the
tripe was very delicious, and many repeated the dish.

When the girl returned home, she thought she dad was saves from a beating. However,
she was able to sleep peacefully.

Already when she was in her bed, she began to hear strange noises, it looked like
footsteps that were approaching her room. The noises were getting louder and she,
Mariangula, clearly heard someone say with a voice from beyond the grave:

»Marianguuula, give me my guts that you stole from my holy grave. Those words left
paralyzed with terror, she heard each time that the footsteps were closer to her bed and
her creepy voice repeated forcefully. Scared to death, she scrambled under the covers
trying to scream for help, but she couldn't say a word.

She felt that cold, bony hands seized her by her legs and dragged her along, shouting:
"Marianguuula, give me my guts that you stole from my holy grave." The next day her
mother went to wake her up, but, although she looked everywhere for her, she could not
find her.

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