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Conversation Starters

I love it when... Houseboat or treehouse? Discuss.

My favourite kind of party is: If I made a documentary, it would be about...

I wish somebody would invent... I wish I knew how to...

The most positive thing that happened this

This year I’m going to...

It really annoys me when... A recipe for happiness:

The last risk I took was… My simple pleasures:

In ten years’ time... The last wedding I attended…

The best surprise I ever had was... In 5 years’ time…

5 things I’d like to do in my lifetime. The last online video clip I watched was…

The last time I really laughed was… Camping or Hotel? Discuss.
My hero/heroine is… The best compliment I received was…

Things I try to avoid… Favourite ‘feel-good’ films…

Before the end of the year I’d like to… Favourite recipe…

I’m a ‘geek’ about… Shopping heaven/Shopping hell?

The last time I danced… What obligations do you have this week?

If I could travel back in time… The best night out locally:

The best advice I’ve ever been given: I get obsessed about…

If I could have one single super power, it would

Recommendations? Films, books, albums…

Barcelona or Rome? Discuss. Things which confused me as a child:

How to make this place better… The most useful thing I learnt at school:
If I could be someone else for a day, I’d be… Favourite animal related story:

If I had an extra hour in each day to myself, I

The last problem I solved was…

If I could start my own company it would be… I could never give up…

My priorities at the moment are… My worst holiday experience…

Take Away or Restaurant? Discuss. Things I’m afraid of:

The biggest changes that have happened in my

Three years ago I was…

Things I have achieved so far this year… What I love about where I live is…

My last adventure: Something I’d like to change right now:

The last great meal I had was… My chances of survival on a desert island are…

An object I can’t throw away: Places I’ve visited this year:

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