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Ingles II Tema:
My Daily Routine

Elizabeth lizbel jurado


Fiorela Patiño Vicente
Good evening, How old are you? Valeria, my name is LUIS,
written L-U-I-S.
During the day First, I always get up early at 7:00. So, I take
a shower. Afterwards, sometimes I have breakfast with my
mom and my sister, but many times I usually eat breakfast
alone. Then, I enter my virtual classes in 9:00 am. Then,
lunch at 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon. after lunch I play with
my sister for a while and then I do my homework and study.
Twice a week I have a basketball practice. Before dinner,
always I watch a movie. Then, I have dinner at 9:00 p.m.
Usually before resting I listen to music on my phone because
it makes me feel relaxed. Then I go to bed at 11:00 p.m. m.

That's what I wanted to tell you, I hope you answer this

email, take care bye.

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