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'hello' +3


'$' +20.95+7.99


'$' +(2095+799)/100


'iteam (' + (1+1) + '): $' + (2095+799)/100

'iteam (2): $28.94'

"I'm learing javascript"

"I'm learing javascript"

'i\'m learning javacsript'

"i'm learning javacsript"

alert(' hello \nman')

popup hello


alert('how is he\"mala asked me\" \phe is fine\"I replied\" ')




'purpose of backtick'


`iteam (${1+1}): $${(2095+799)/100}` No of iteams('+(1+1)+')total cost $'+(5+3)

'iteam (2): $28.94' 'No of iteams(2)total cost $8'

`some `no of iteams(${1+1}) cost $:${5+3}`

text` 'no of iteams(2) cost $:8'

'some \ntext'

"use\'...' by default... if we need interpolation use`...`"

"use'...' by default... if we need interpolation use`...`"

Class 05
1. Variable = a way to save values
2. Re-assign a variable
3. Created the cart Quantity feature
4. Shortcuts for re-assigning and best practices
5. Naming conventions and best practices
6. 3 ways to create a variable: let , const, var
7. Ex 2.42

Variable re assigning shortcuts

+=2 ; variable =variable +2

-=2 ; variable =variable-2

*=2 ; variable =variable*2

/=2 ; variable =variable/2

++ ; variable =variable + 1

--; variable =variable - 1

Naming Conventions

camelCase --- cartQuantity

PascalCase --- CartQuantity

kebab-case --- cart-quantity (not work in JavaScript work in html,css)

snake_case --- cart_Quantity (not work in JavaScript work in other)

'const' cant change this where as 'let' can be chaned

Class 06- BOOLIAN

1. Boolean values (true,false)
2. If-else statement
3. Comparison operation(>,<,=,….)
4. Logical operators
5. Truthy and falsy values
6. Shortcuts for if else statements

Greater than >

Less than <


Equal to ===

Not equal to !==

Rock Paper Scissers

Divide 0 to 1 into three parts (0 to1/3 ; 1/3 to 2/3; 2/3 to 1) and assignee each part for R/P/S

Order of operation

2. Comparison
3. Logical operation (AND--&&-- Both are true;
4. OR || any one is true ;
5. NOT ! flip the value)

In if else all elements will be present only inside the curly brackets called ‘scopes’

‘Var’ will not obey scopes

‘Truthy’ value

False – 0 ‘’ NaN undefined null

All other are truthy value

Shortcuts for if-statement

? – ternary operator – replace for if-else

&& - Guard operator - replace if

|| - Default Operator –

! – not

const result = 7 ? 'truthy': 'falsy';

console.log (result)//shortcut fot 'if - else'

6 && console.log('res'); // shortcut for 'if'

const message = 8 &&`hello`

const currency = 0 || 'USD'
Class 07- FUNCTION
Function , return?
Function allows to reuse code

Class 08- OBJECTS

1. Objects = group related values together
2. Added a score to rock paper scissors
3. Built-in objects (JSON, localStorage)
4. More details (null, auto-boxing ,references)
5. Shortcuts( destructuring , shorthand property, shorthand method)

inside the object you can put multiple values, it is another type of value

( red – object; blue- values; pink- property)

const product ={
name : 'socks',
price: 1090
1. Let us group multiple values together
2. Let us use multiple values together

Object + function = method [math.random(), console.log()]

1. math.random()
2. console.log()
3. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
a. Similar to JS object
b. But with less features
c. More universal
4. localStorage
5. 401K

projects in-complete
objects group multiple values to gether
localStorage.setItem('score',JSON.stringify (score));

Class 09- Document Object Model (DOM)

Lesson learned
1. DOM
2. document.querySelection(…)
3. .innerHTML
4. 3projects using the DOM
5. Onkeydown=””
a. More details about string + window object

Another built in document object

The document object represents/ models the webpage.

document.body.innerHTML = 'hello';
document.title ='good job !';

onclick = click

onkeydown = key press

Onscroll = scrolling

onmouseenter = hovering over

onmouseleave = stop hovering over and many more

window – represent the browser

Projects to be completed
1. Last two

Class 10- Rock-paper-scissers

Lesson learned
1. Review CSS , and added CSS to project
2. classlist
3. finished Rock Paper Scissors
4. Organize JavaScript and CSS code into separate files

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