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Education, FL Teaching
Theory of Language Acquisition

SLA: its scope, research methods and goals

Differences / similarities between L1 and L2 Acquisition

Task 1
Read ‘The handbook of second language acquisition’ and note down short answers to the questions below [1
: 4-15].

1. What is the scope of SLA?

2. What research methods does SLA employ?

3. What do researchers’ fields of training contribute to SLA development?

4. What is the main focus in SLA studies? What studies are rare? Add some relevant information about
orientation and context of studies.

5. Why Study SLA?

Task 2
From our class discussion and from your own thoughts fill in the table to show differences / similarities
between First (L1 as a native language) and Second (L2 as a foreign language) Language Acquisition.
Conditions First (L1 as a native language) Language Second (L2 as a foreign language) Language
for language Acquisition Acquisition
Way of children 'get' their L1, subconsciously; 1. through informal, implicit learning the
acquiring a
same way children 'get' their L1,
2. through conscious learning, explicitly;

Education, FL Teaching
Theory of Language Acquisition

Task 3
Explain what difficulties in acquiring a foreign language a 5-year-old and 19-year-old children can
encounter in a country of their permanent residence, if their parents ask you about them as a language

I’m glad to tell you that your 5-year-old child …

Unfortunately, your 19-year-old child is likely to face some …

Submit your work completed to the Professor via Dispace

The handbook of second language acquisition / (eds) Doughty, C.J., & Long, M.H. Malden, (MA). Wiley-Blackwell:
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2005. 898 pp. See attached in the section ‘Recommended reading and internet resources’ of the e-

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