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POEMS: Lifes Brief Candle The Dead Crow The Lake Isle of Innisfree

Prepared by: Teacher Nuha, SAMBBST (2011)

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Lifes Brief Candle

By: William Shakespeare

Lines from the poem (Barisan ayat dari sajak) To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day *Creep to move forward very slowly *Petty not important *Pace footsteps / movement *petty pace movement is slow To the last syllable of recorded time,

Literal Meaning (Maksud tersurat) Time in the future (Masa di waktu akan datang) Time moves very slowly & quietly (Masa bergerak sangat perlahan dengan senyap)

To the last breath of a persons life (Sehingga saat terakhir seseorang bernafas) The phrase The last syllable of recorded time also means the end of time Our past has tricked us; we have foolishly believed in the wrong things, which now lead us to our downfall & death (Perkara lampau telah memperdayakan kita; kita sangat jahil & bodoh kerana percaya kepada perkara yang tidak benar, yang kini membawa kepada kejatuhan & kematian kita) The word fools in this poem refers to people who forget that they will die one day Death turns our body into dust. (Kematian akan menukar badan kita kepada debu) The persona wishes that his life would end

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools *lighted - shown / lead

The way to dusty death. *Dusty covered in dust Out, out, brief candle!

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Lines from the poem (Barisan ayat dari sajak) * Brief lasting only a short time Life's but a walking shadow,

Literal Meaning (Maksud tersurat) (Persona mengharapkan kehidupannya akan berakhir) Life is temporary like a shadow. Life is meaningless. (Kehidupan hanya sementara umpama bayang2. Kehidupan tak bermakna.) A shadow only appear when there is light. A shadow is dark, meaningless and has no purpose. Life is like a bad actor (Kehidupan seperti Pelakon yang tidak berbakat & teruk lakonannya") Who plays his part on stage in the time given to him (yang memainkan peranannya di atas pentas untuk satu tempoh masa yang diberikan)

a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage *strut to walk proudly with your head up & chest out to show that you think you are important *fret to be worried, unhappy & unable to relax *the stage refer to the world which is just a platform for foolish people to do meaningless things And then is heard no more:

it is a tale Told by an idiot, *a tale - a story *an idiot - a foolish person full of sound and fury, *Fury extreme anger that often includes violent behaviour Signifying nothing. *Signifying a sign of something

This bad actor will quickly be forgotten once he leaves the stage (Pelakon yg teruk lakonannya ini akan mudah dilupakan apabila dia meninggalkan pentas) Life is a story told by a fool, a person who knows nothing (Kehidupan adalah sebuah cerita yang disampaikan oleh seseorang yang bodoh & jahil, seseorang yang tidak tahu apa2) Life is full of emotions & feelings (Kehidupan penuh dengan emosi & perasaan) Life is actually short & worthless (Kehidupan sebenarnya adalah pendek & tidak bernilai)

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More information about the poem:

1. The word 'To-morrow' is repeated three times to suggest that time

moves very slowly from day to day. 2. Life is compared to a candle. A candle is a symbol of life because it has a short life span. A candle only burns for a short while and will die out sooner or later. A candle can be put out anytime. Similarly, life can also end suddenly. Life does not last forever. 3. Life is too short like a shadow because a shadow can disappear.

The Dead Crow

By: A. Samad Said

Lines from the poem He saw a dead crow in a drain near the post office. *crow burung gagak *drain longkang/parit He saw an old man gasping for air *gasping tercungap-cungap (kerana kekurangan udara bersih) and a baby barely able to breathe *barely able to breathe sangat susah untuk bernafas in a crowded morning clinic *crowded - penuh This land is so rich. *the land the country Why should we suffer like this?

Paraphrase The persona saw a dead crow in a drain near the post office. *the persona the voice in the poem The persona saw an old man who need to breathe clean air

The persona saw a baby who had problems to breathe easily.

The persona saw the old man and the baby at a clinic in the morning. The clinic is full with patients. *patients - pesakit The country where the persona lives is wealthy because it is rich with natural sources. Even though the country is rich, the people are ill due to environmental damage and pollution. The persona wants clean air which is

I want clean air

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Lines from the poem for my grandchildren I want the damned fools to leave the forest alone.

Paraphrase free from pollution for the future generation The persona wants the irresponsible people who cut and burn down the trees to stop destroying the forest.

*damned a swear word that people use to show that they are angry with somebody/something *fools a person who you think behaves or speaks in way that lacks intelligence or good judgement *the damned fools the irresponsible people who cut down trees and destroy forests Lines from the poem Paraphrase I want the trees to grow, The persona wants to see the trees to grow, the rivers run free, The persona wants to see the rivers flow freely without water pollution, and the earth covered with The persona wants to see the earth grass. covered with green grass. Let the politicians plan how we Let the politicians / authorities plan may live with dignity, how the people in the country may now and always. live with dignity by taking steps to protect the environment. *dignity nobility (bermaruah) What is the poem about?
1. The poem discusses what will happen if the environment is damaged. 2. The persona is sad because the people become ill and have breathing

problems although the country is rich. 3. The people are sick because the air is dirty and the environment is destroyed. If the people are ignorant, selfish and continue to pollute and damage the environment, they may not be able to continue living in it.
4. A crow is used as a symbol in this poem. A crow is a tough bird which

feeds on rubbish/wastes and is able to live in a dirty place. In this poem, the persona found a dead crow which died due to a very bad

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environment. This shows that the country where the persona lives is badly polluted and can cause even a tough crow to die. 5. The future generations are represented by the baby and the older generations by the old man. 6. The persona hopes that everybody should play their role to protect the environment.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

By: William Butler Yeats

Lines from the poem I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made.

Paraphrase The persona will get up and go to Innisfree, There will be a small house made of clay and wattles. *wattles sticks twisted together as a material for making fences, walls, etc. There are nine rows of bean plants and a home for bees in the personas garden

Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee

* a hive a structure made for bees to live in And live alone in the bee-loud The persona wants to live alone in the glade. small house which is located in an open area where he can only hear the *glade a small open area of grass sound of the buzzing bees. in a wood or forest And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, The persona will have some peace in Innisfree. The persona can feel the peacefulness relaxingly. *feel the peacefulness relaxingly merasai ketenangan dengan tenteram
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Lines from the poem Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; The midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow *midnight tengah malam *glimmer to shine with a light thats not bright And evening full of the linnets wings. *linnet a small brown and grey bird Lines from the poem I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore

Paraphrase The peacefulness starts when the morning is filled with mist and the persona can hear the sound of crickets; The persona can feel the peacefulness in the afternoon when the sun shines brightly. The shines from the sun looks purple. At midnight, the sky shines
from the moonlight and the stars. The persona can see a glimmer of light on the far shore.

The persona can also feel the peacefulness in the evening where he can hear the sound of birds.

Paraphrase The persona will get up and go to Innisfree. He will stay there for days and nights The persona hears the sound of the lake water lapping by the shore *the sound of the lake water lapping the sound made when the water touches the shore (tebing tasik) gently and regularly, often making a soft sound. The persona will think strongly about Innisfree whenever he stands on the road in the city where he lives

While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep hearts core. *roadway a road *pavement the side of a road for people to walk on *deep hearts core strong emotion felt by the persona

This poem is about a persons desire and imagination to leave the city and go to a peaceful place in the country. He wants to escape the harshness of modern living. In this poem, the persona wants to go to a small island in the Learn these poems with the aid of pictures and videos @ Page | 7

middle of a lake. It is called the Lake Isle of Innisfree. The persona wants to live by himself in a peaceful place. He also wishes to be close to nature. He thinks of the things that he will do there. He will build a cabin and plant vegetables. He even imagines the sounds he will hear and the things he will see in Innisfree. The poem is about enjoying the beauty of nature and enjoying the peace and quietness the countryside can give us.

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