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1. Cau chi déng va cau bj dong (Active and passive sentences) 1. Cau cht dong (Active sentences): Cau chi dong 1a cdu trong dé chi ngit 1a nguéi hay vat thuc hién hanh dong. Ex: They built this house in 1486. (Ho xdy ngéi nha nay nam 1486.) ‘This book will change your life. (Cuén sdch nay sé lam thay déi cude dai ban.) 2. Cau bi dong (Passive sentences): Cau bi dng 1a cau trong 46 chi ngit 1a ngudi hay vat nhan hode chju tac déng cia hanh dong. Ex: This house was built in 1486. (Ngéi nha nay dugc xéy ném 1486.) Your life will be changed by this book. (Cuée dei ban sé duge cuén sdch nay lam cho thay déi.) a. Hinh thie (Form) Subject + be + pastpariiciple (+by + age Ex: This tree was planted by my grandfather. (Cay nay do 6ng t6i tréng) Ss be+ pp O (agent) . Cach ding (Use) Céu bi dong (passive sentence) duge ding: Khi ngudi hoac vat thyc hién hanh dng da rd rang. Ex: The streets are swept every day. (Nhing con dudng duge quét méi ngay.) [by street-sweepers] Khi khong biét hoac khong cn biét dén ngu’i hoe vat thyc hién hanh dong. Ex: Oil has been discovered at the North Pole. (Ddu da dugc tim théy & Bde Cyc.) [ai tim thay khéng quan trong] A lot of money has been stolen in the robbery. (Mét luong tién lén da bi méat trong vu cudp.) (khong biét ai da danh cuép] © Khi ngudi néi muén nhan manh ngudi hoac vat tiép nhan hanh dong. Ex: This house was built in 1486 by Sir John Latton. (Ng6i nha nay duge ngdi John Latton xdy dung nam 1486.) Il. Céch chuyén sang cau bj dong (Passive transformation) Mudn chuyén mét cau chi dong sang cau bi dong, ta thyc hién cdc buéc sau: Active eae eet V, Passive S$ by + agent e 1. Lay tan ngit (object) eda cau chi dong 1am chii ngit (subject) cia cau bi doug. 2, Déi dong tix chi dong (V,) thanh dong tir bi dong (V,). TENSE Ta ee PASSIVE STRUCTURE Present simple People speak English here. Present progressive They are painting the house. Past simple ‘Somebodycleaned this room yesterday. Past progressive My sister was baking the cakes. Present perfect He hasn’t worn the jacket for years. Past perfect They had destroyed all the documents when we arrived. Future simple Til tell you when the time comes. Future progressive We will be holding talks at this time next year. Future perfect You will have finished this report by Tuesday. Be going to We are going to buy her a gift. Modal verbs The manager must sign the cheque. Present infinitive T want you to do it as soon as possible. Perfect infinitive We hope to have finished the job by next Saturday. Present participle/ Gerund Perfect participle Having warned them about the bandits, .. (had warned (sb) ..] I don’t like people telling me what to do.’ am/ is/are + pp English is spoken here. am/ is/are being + pp The house is being painted. was/ were + pp This room was cleaned yesterday. was/ were being + pp ‘The cakes were being baked by my sister. have/ has been + pp The jacket hasn't been worn for years. had been + pp All the documents had been destroyed when we arrived. will be + pp You'll be told when the time comes. will be being + pp Talks will be being held at this time next year. will have been + pp This report will have been finished by Tuesday. am/ is/are going to be + pp She is going to be bought a gift, can, should, must,.. + be + pp The cheque must be signed by the manager. to be + pp I want it (to) be done as soon as possible. to have been + pp We hope the job (to) have been finished by next Saturday. being + pp I don’t like being told what to do. having been + pp Having been warned about the bandits, had bean waméd (by 6b).} yk Luu y: 861 khi get co thé dugc ding thay cho be dé dién dat nhing sy viéc gay bat ng ho&c-khé chiu. Ec There was an accident in the street but nobody got hurt. (G6 mé6t tai nan xdy ra trén dudng nhung khéng ai bj thong.) [= nobody was hurt] The eggs got broken. (Tring da bj vd.) = were broken] 3. Chi ngit cia cau chi dng thanh téc nhan (agent) ciia cu bi dng va truée né phai cé gidéi tit by. Ex: The President presented the medals. > The medals were presented by the President. (Hudn chuong do Téng théng trao tang.) Cha ngit I, you, he, she, it, we, they, one, people, someone, somebody, nobody, no one trong cau chi déng thu’ng duge bd. Véi nobody va no one, déi déng ti sang phi dinh. Ex: Someone left this purse in a classroom. — This purse was left in a classroom. (Vi tién nay da bi bé quén trong lép.) Nobody saw him leaving the room > He wasn’t seen leaving the room. (Anh ta da roi khéi phong ma khéng bi phat hign.) Luu yj: Ding with (khéng ding by) dé chi dung cy, cOng cy hoc nguyén ligu dugc sty dung. Ex He was shot (by the policeman) with a rifle. (Anh ta bj ban bing suing trudng.) The room was filled with smoke. (Cn phong ddy khdi.) * Vi tri cua trang ti hodc cum trang tif trong cAu bi dong - Trang t¥ chi cach thie thudng dimg gitta be va qué khit phan ty (past participle). Céc trang tif khac thudng ding sau trg dong tif dau tién. Ex: The problem has been carefully studied by the scientists. (Van dé dé duge cde nha khoa hoe nghién citu kj.) She had never been promoted if she wouldn't have changed her job. (Néu cé dy khong déi vite thi c6 dy da chdng bao gid duge théng chitc.) - Trang ti hoac cum trang tit chi noi chén diing truée by + agent. Ex: He was found in the forest by the police. (Anh ta duge cdnh sat tim thdy trong ritng.) - Trang tit hodc cym trang tir chi thai gian ding sau by + agent. Ex: The report was typed by the secretary this morning. (Ban bdo edo da duge thu ky dénh mdy sdng nay.) Cac cau triic bj déng dac biét (Special passive structures) 1, Dong ti véi hai tan ngit (verb with two objects) Khi déng tit chi dng c6 hai tan ngif - tan ngif gidn tiép (indirect object) chi ngudi va tén ngif tryc tiép (direct object) chi vat — thi cd hai tan ng déu c6 thé lam chii ngif cho céu bj déng. (a) Verb + indirect object (1.0) + direct object (D.O) Ex: He gave the police the information. 7 . 0 D.O (b) Verb + direct object + preposition + indirect object Ex: He gave the information —to_ the police. prep. LO > Dang bj dong duge nee lap bang hai céch: (a) tan ngit gidn tiép (indirect object) tré thanh chi ngif cua dong tif bi dong. Ex: The police were given the information. (Cénh sdt da duge cung cdp tin tite.) (b) tan ngit truc tiép (direct object) tré thanh chi: ngit cia dong tit bi dng. Ex: The information was given (to) the police. (Tin tite dé duge cung céip cho cénh sdt.) Vide lua chon gitta hai edu tric bi dong tay thudc vao diéu da duge néi truée dé, ho&e vao diéu cdn phdi nhén manh. Tuy nbién tan ngit gién tiép (indirect object) thu’ng duge ding lam chi ngif cla déng tir bi dong hon tan ngi truc tiép (direct object). Ex: They have awarded Andrew a prize for his essay. — Andrew has been awarded a prize for his essay. (Andrew duge trao gidi thudng cho bai tiéu ludn cia n6.) (phé bién hon ‘A prize has been awarded to Andrew for his essay.’] Gidi ti to di khi duge bé di truée dai tir lam tan ngif gidn tiép. Ex: Some flowers were sent (to) me by Harry. (Toi duge Harry giti tang vai béng hoa.) MOét sé dong tit thudng ding trong cau tric nay gém: allow, award, ask, give, sell, send, show, lend, pay, promise, tell, offer, teach, refuse, write. 3 Lutu ¥: Khéng ding cu tric (a) voi hai dong tu explain va suggest. Ex We explained the problem to the children [ NOT We explained the-childran-the-problem.| —> The problem was explained to the children. (Vén dé da duge gidi thich cho bon tré.) [NOT ] They suggested a meeting place to us. (NOT ] —> Ameeting place was suggested to us. (Ngudl ta da dé xuat véi chiing ti mét noi gp mat) [NOT We-wera suggested a masting piace | 2. Dong tu + tan nga + dong ti nguyén mau cé¢ to (verb + object + to-infinitive) a. Céc dong tir chi cém xtic hofe mong uéc: like, hate, love, want, wish, prefer, hope.. + object + to-infinitive + dang bi déng duge thanh lap bing cach ding dang | bi dong cia dong tir nae miu. * Be Hareaatamamenaestortake ee “> He wants photographs to be taken. (Anh dy muén nhang bite énh duge chup.) I didn’t expect the police to find my car. -I didn’t expect my car to be found by the police. (Toi khéng hy vong xe cua tdi dugc cdnh sdt tim thay.) Do you wish me to serve dinner now? Do you wish dinner to be servéd now? (Anh cé muédn bita t6i duge don bay git khong?) Néu tan ngif ciia déng tir nguyén m4u chi cing mét déi tuong véi chi ngit cia cau thi dang bi dong duge thanh lap khong cé tan ngit. Ex: He likes people to call him ‘Sir’ > He likes to be called ‘Sir’. (Ong dy thich duoc goi bing ‘Ngai’.) I prefer you to call me by my first name. > I prefer to be called by my first name. (T6i thich duge goi bing ten.) C&c dong tit chi ménh lénh, sy yéu cu, sy cho phép, 1di khuyén, li mdi, v.v.: ask, tell, request, order, advise, invite, allow ... + object + to-infinitive > dang bi dong duge thanh lap bang cach ding dang bi dong ciia dong tif chinh. Ex: He asked me to send a stamped envelope. 1 was asked to send a stamped envelope. (Téi duve yeu cdu giti mét phong bi cd dan tem.) ‘They advised us to come early. + We were advised to come early. (Chung t6i due khuyén nén dén som.) Her boss doesn’t allow her to use the telephone. She isn’t allowed to use the telephone by her boss. (C6 dy khéng dugc éng chi cho phép dung dign thoai.) He invited me to go out for dinner. I was invited to go out for dinner. (Téi duge mai ra ngoai an téi.) Dang bi dong nay cing duge ding cho m6t sé dong tir chi tri gide: believe, consider, think, feel, know, understand ... + object + to-infinitive (thutng la to be). Ex: They believe him to be innocent. He is believed to be innocent. (Anh ta duge cho la v6 tdi.) They knew him to be a dangerous criminal. + He was known to be a dangerous criminal. (Anh ta duge biét nhu mé6t toi pham nguy hiém.) ye Luu j: Advise, beg, order, recommend, urge + indirect object + to-infinitive + object cing C6 thé duge d6i sang dang bi dong bang that... should + passive infinitive. Ex He urged the Council to reduce the rates. (Anh ta kién nghi H6i déng gidm thué) — He urged that the rates should be reduced. (Anh ta kién nghj rang thué’ cdn phai dugc giém bot) > The Council was/were urged to reduce the rates. (H6i d6ng duge kién nghi cn phai gidm thué.) ¥, v 8. Dong ti + tan ng@ + dong ti nguyén miu khong to (verb + object + bare-infinitive) Cac dong tif chi gide quan: feel, see, watch, notice, hear, listen to ... + object + bare-infinitive > dang bi dong duge thanh l4p bing cach ding dang bi dong cia dong ti chinh va dng tit nguyéri mAu cé to (to-infinitive). Ex: We saw them go out of the house. > They were seen to go out of the house. (Ngubi ta thdy ho ra khdi nha.) I heard him run upstairs. + He was heard to run upstairs. (Ngubi ta nghe tiéng anh ta chay lén ldu.) > Dang bi dng nay cing duge ding cho d6ng tit make va help. Ex: They made him tell the truth. —>He was made to tell the truth. (Anh ta bj bude phéi khai ra su that.) You should help the old carry their heavy bags: >The old should be helped to carry their heavy bags. (Nguvi gia nén duge mang gitip nhitng ti nang.) > Let duge dung khong ¢6 to. Ex: They let us go. > We were let go. (Ching t0i duge dé cho di.) Tuy nhién Jet it duge ding 6 dang bi dong, allow thutng duge ding thay cho Jet trong cau bi dong. Ex: We were allowed to go. 4. Dong tix + tan ngi + danh dong tit (verb + object + gerund) Déng tit duge theo sau béi tan ngi + danh déng tit: see, hear, find, stop, keep . + object + verb-ing > dang bi dong duge thanh lap bing cdch ding dang bj dong cia dong ti chinh. Ex: He kept me waiting. I was kept waiting. (Tdi bude lang phdi cho doi.) ‘They has stopped traffic going into the scene of the accident. Traffic has been stopped going into the scene of the accident. (Ke c6 bi chdn lai khéng cho vao noi xéy ra tai nan.) ‘They saw the lorry running down the hill. The lorry was seen running down the hill. (Ngudi ta thdy chiée xe tdi lao xu6ng déi.) Khi tan ngit cha danh déng tit chi clng mét déi tugng véi chi ngi cia cau — dang bj dong duge thanh lap bang céch ding dang bj dong cia danh dong ti. ‘Subject + verb + passive gerund (being +pp) } Ex: He doesn’t like people laughing at him. > He doesn’t like being laughed at. (Anh Gy khong thich bi cudi nhao.) I remember somebody giving me a toy drum on my fifth birthday. -» I remember being given a toy drum on my fifth birthday. (Téi nhé t6i duge tang mét cdi tréng dé choi vdo sinh nhdt lin thit nam.) . Dong tit + dong tw nguyén mau/ danh d6ng tit + tan ngi (verb + to-infinitive/ gerund + object) Mot s6 cdc dong ti nhu: advise, agree, insist, arrange, suggest, propose, recommend, determine, decide, demand, ete. + to-infinitive/ gerund + object thudng duge dién dat ¢ dang bi dong bang ménh dé that (that clause). Ex: He decided to sell the house. —>He decided that the house should be sold. (Ong ta quyét dinh nén bdn can nha.) She suggested taking children to the zoo. She suggested that the children should be taken to the zoo. (Co ay goi ¥ rdng nén dua bon tré di sé thi.) . Dong ti + tan nga + bé ng cia tan nga (verb + object + object complement) Tan ngif truc tiép sau mot sé dong tircé thé duge theo sau béi mot bé ngir cia tan ngi (bé ngit cé thé 1a danh tit hoac tinh ti). Trong ménh dé bi dong, cdc bé ngit nay tré thanh bé ngit cia chi ngit va theo sau dong tir. Ex: They elected Mr. Sanderson president. > Mr. Sanderson was elected president. (Ong Sanderson dugc béu lam chi tich.) We believed him innocent. ~> He was believed innocent. (Anh ta duge cho 1d v6 tdi.) I will paint the door yellow. > The door will be painted yellow. (Ca ra vao sé dugc son mau vang.) ‘They regard Kathy as an expert. > Kathy is regarded as an expert. (Kathy duoc xem nhu m6t chuyén gia.) Dong tit + ménh dé That (verb + That-clause) Khi ménh dé that (that-clause) duge ding lam tan ngit cho céc d6ng tit agree, allege, announce, assume, hope, believe, claim, consider, estimate, expect, feel, find, know, report, rumor, say, think, understand, etc. thi dang bi dong cé thé duge dién dat theo os céch: +t ‘Subject + passive verb + to! Ohm Ihe Be verb + that-c Ex: People say that he is a good doctor. He is said to be a good doctor. — It is said that he is a good doctor. (Ngubi ta néi réing Ong dy 1a mbt bde si gidi,) We know that he was a spy. He is known to have been a spy. It is known that he was a spy. (Nguoi ta biét rang éng ta da ting la mét diép vién.) ‘eLutu y: Trong céch déi thi nhét (1) ching ta phai xét dén thdi gian xay ra hanh d6ng trong ménh dé that (that-clause) va ménh dé chinh (main clause). - Hanh d6ng trong ménh dé that (that-clause) xdy ra d6ng thdi hogc x4y ra sau hanh dng trong ménh chinh —> ding present infinitive (to-infinitive) Ex. People say that Henry is in love with Claire. — Henry is said to be in love with Claire. (Moi nguéi ndi ring Henry dang yéu Claire.) He didn't consider that she had a different idea. (Anh dy khéng nghi dén vigc 66 ay co y kién khdc.) — > She wasn’t considered to have a different idea They believed that she was living abroad. — She was believed to be living abroad. (Ngudi ta cho rang c6 dy dang s6ng 6 nuéc ngoai.) They expect that the strike will end soon. — The strike is expected to end soon. (Ngudi ta mong cugc bai cong sé sdm két thic.) - Hanh d6ng trong ménh dé that xay ra truéc hanh dng trong ménh dé chinh -> ding perfect infinitive (to have + past participle). Ex: They report that two people were injured in the explosion, —> Two people are reported to have heen injured in the explosion. (C6 hai nguéi dugc cho la da bj thong trong vy né.) The police alleged that we fad brought goods into the country illegally. —> We were alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally by the police. (Chting t6i bj cénh sat cho la da nhdp khdu hang héa trai phép.) 8. Cau ménh lénh (Imperative sentences) Cau ménh lénh (imperative sentences): Verb + object/Don’t + verb + object ~ dang bi déng duge thanh lap bang cach ding dong tit LET. Let. + object + be + pastparticiple | Ex: Write your name here. > Let your name be written here. (Hay viét tén anh & day.) Don't make so much noise. > Let not so much noise be made/ Don’t let so much noise be made. (Ding gay nhiéu tiéng én nhu thé.) * MO6t sé dong ti khong thé chuyén sang bi déng Ching ta khong ding cdu trac bi dong véi cdc ndi dong ti nhu: die ho&e arrive va cdc d6ng tit chi trang thai nhu: fit, suit, have, lack, resemble, look, like, hold, contain, mean.. Ex: They have a nice house. (Ho cd m6t ngéi nha dep.) [NOT A-nice-houseis_had_by them.] These shoes don’t fit me. (Doi giay nay khéng vita chan t6i.) (NOT Lam-net-fitted-bythese-shees:] Sylvia resembles her mother. (Sylvia giéng me cb dy.) [NOT Her-mether is resembles_by Sylvia.) They were having dinner. (Ho dang dn t6i.) (NOT Dinner-was_being-had_by them] This barrel holds 25 litres. (Thing nay chita duge 25 lit.) [NOT 26-ittres-are-held_by_this barrel. ] IV. Thé sai khién (The causative form) Thé sai khién (causative form) duge ding dé n6i rang ching ta s&p xép cho mét ngudi khéc lam diéu gi d6 cho ching ta, nghia 1a chi ngi khong phai la ngudi thuc hién hanh dong; chi ngi yéu cdu, sai bdo, cdu xin hoac tra tién cho ngu’i khée lam viée dé. Ex: He repaired the roof. (Anh dy sila mdi nha.) > anh y ty lam He had the roof repaired. (Anh dy nhé nguéi ta sita mdi nha.) — ngudi khée lam Thé sai khién c6 thé duge dién dat bang hai céch: chi dong va bi dong. 1. Chu dong ( (Active): khi muén dé ap ae ngudi thue hién hanh dong Ex: The manager had his secretary prepare the report. (Gidm déc béo thi k¥ cla ong dy chudn bj ban béo cdo.) I'm going to get Harry to repair my car. (Ti sé nhd Harry sila 6 £6.) i dong (Passive): khi khong mun hoac khong can dé cAp dén ngudi thyc hién hanh dong. Ex: You should have your car dats aaa. (Anh nén thudng xuyén mang 6 t6 di bdo tri.) I lost my key. I'll have to get another key made. (T6i da danh mét chia khéa. T6i sé phdi nhd ngudi lam chia khéa khéc.) > C&u tric have/ get + object + past participle cdn duge ding dé néi vé diéu gi d6 (thuong khong tét dep) xdy ra cho ngudi nao 46. Ex: We had all our money stolen while we were on holiday. (Chung t6i bi mat cdp hét tién khi di nghi mat.) [= All our money was stolen] George had his nose broken in a fight. (George da bi gay mui trong m6t vu danh nhau.) > EXERCISES |. Use the words in the box to complete these passive sentences. Use any appropriate tense. cause blow hold collect Invite notsteal show translate write invent spell surround build report _ murder . Anisland by water. I to the wedding but I couldn't come. Many accidents by reckless driving. A new dormitory in the campus at present. A lot of the trees down in a storm a few days ago. Some politicians by terrorists recently. ‘The concert at the university next Sunday. ‘This money box for five years. ). The electric light bulb by Thomas Edison. 10. The -ing form of ‘sit’ with a double t. 11. The accident ___ in the newspaper yesterday. 12. Mickey Mouse cartoons into sixty languages. 18. The election results on television at the end of this month. 44, This program by students at Stanford University. 15. Thank goodness! My jewellery in the robbery last night. I. Put the verbs into the most suitable passive form. 1. There’s someone behind us. I think we (follow). 2. A mystery is something that (can’t/ explain). 3. We didn’t play football yesterday. The match ___(cancel). 4. The television (repair). It’s working again now. 5. The church tower (restore). The work is almost finished. 6 7 8 Serer eyr . ‘How old is the tower?” ‘Tt (believe) to be over 600 years old. . If 1 didn't do my job properly, I (would/ sack). A: Lleft some papers on the desk last night and I can't find them now. B: They (might/ throw) away. 9. Tlearned to swim when I was very young. I____(teach) by my mother. 10. After (arrest), I was taken to the police station. 11. This road__(repair), so we have to take another road. 12, Two people (report)to____(injure)in an explosion at a factory early this morning. 13, [haven't received the letter. It (might/ send) to the wrong address. 14. The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They __(cook) for too long. 15. The examination papers are scored by machine. The students __ (tell) their results next week. lll. Put these sentences into the passive voice. . Should they help Jane with the sewing? . The mechanic is repairing Judy's car. Must we finish the test before ten? They use a computer to do that job nowadays. . Employers must pay all travel expenses for this training course. . Did her story take them in? PAR wpE 7. The bank manager kept me waiting for half an hour. 8. Has he spelt this word wrongly? 9. All his friends will see him off at the airport. 10. They used to drink beer for breakfast in England years ago. 11. Someone might have sent the letter to the wrong address. 12. They were cleaning the floor when I arrived. 13. They are digging the hole on the wrong side of the road. 14. They are going to steal your money if you're not careful. 15. Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion? 16. Alan's knowledge of art doesn’t impress me. 17. How do people make candles? 18. They can’t make tea with cold water. 19, When is someone going to announce the results of the contest? 20. Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake. 21. Where will your company send you next year? Who looked after the children when you were away? Look! Someone is feeding the seals. Kathy had returned the book to the library. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement. ‘The pollution in the city was affecting people’s breathing. Mrs Andrews hasn't signed those papers yet. Has Mr Andrews signed them yet? Is a student pilot flying that airplane? Where did they hold the 1988 Olympic Games? Do they make those tractors in this country, or do they import them? Change active to passive, paying close attention to special structures. Parents always give me proper encouragement. T remember someone giving me a toy drum on my fifth birthday. Someone saw him pick up the gun. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. Don't touch this switch. . He won't let you do that silly thing again. The real estate office will send you a copy of the sales contract. . I didn’t expect the police to find my car. I rarely hear her call her children bad names. , Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake. 11. I think they should have offered Tom the job. 12, People say that Arthur robbed a bank a long time ago. 13. They used to make little boys climb the chimneys to clean them. 14, They suggested banning the sale of alcohol at football matches. 15. Take off your coat. 16, They have sent that money to the poor families. 17. He recommended using bullet-proof glass. 18. She loves someone praising her all the time. 19. We believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police. 20. You need to have your hair cut. SBENERESS SPA agTAeyrs Se 7. The bank manager kept me waiting for half an hour. 8. Has he spelt this word wrongly? 9. All his friends will see him off at the airport. 10. They used to drink beer for breakfast in England years ago. 11. Someone might have sent the letter to the wrong address. 12. They were cleaning the floor when I arrived. 13. They are digging the hole on the wrong side of the road. 14. They are going to steal your money if you're not careful. 15. Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion? 16. Alan’s knowledge of art doesn’t impress me. 17. How do people make candles? 18. They can’t make tea with cold water. 19. When is someone going to announce the results of the contest? 20. Nobody informed the police that there had been a mistake. 21. Where will your company send you next year? Who looked after the children when you were away? Look! Someone is feeding the seals. Kathy had returned the book to the library. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement. ‘The pollution in the city was affecting people’s breathing. Mrs Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet. Has Mr Andrews signed them yet? Isa student pilot flying that airplane? Where did they hold the 1988 Olympic Games? Do they make those tractors in this country, or do they import them? Change active to passive, paying close attention to special structures. Parents always give me proper encouragement. I remember someone giving me a toy drum on my fifth birthday. Someone saw him pick up the gun. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. Don’t touch this switch. ._He won’t let you do that silly thing again. ‘The real estate office will send you a copy of the sales contract. . I didn’t expect the police to find my car. I rarely hear her call her children bad names. . Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake. 11. I think they should have offered Tom the job. 12. People say that Arthur robbed a bank a long time ago. 13. They used to make little boys climb the chimneys to clean them. 14. They suggested banning the sale of alcohol at football matches. 16. Take off your coat. 16. They have sent that money to the poor families. 17, He recommended using bullet-proof glass. 18, She loves someone praising her all the time. 19. We believe that he has special knowledge which may be useful to the police. 20. You need to have your hair cut. SBSNERELS PPNAIPE NES She (you/ pay) your electricity bill yet? : No, but I'd better pay it today. If I don’t, my electricity (shut off) by the power company. When (your camera/ steal)? ‘Two months ago. While I was on my holiday, my camera__ (disappear) from my hotel room. : Is the small lot behind your house still for sale? No, it_____(sell) since last month and a new house (build) on it next month. I (leave) some papers on the desk last night and I can’t find them now. It (might/ throw) away. What a nice garden! It (must/ take) good care of. : That’s right. We can see that the plants and flowers (water) everyday and the grass (cut) regularly. 7. Can you come to the police station? The man who __ (suspect) of stealing your wallet (arrest), and _____ (question) at the moment. The police hope he (identify), either by you or another witness. 8. The building at the end of the High Street is Barford Hall, which (build) in 1827. Today the Hall (own) by Bardale Council. It (use) as a warehouse when it (buy) by the Council in 1952, and it (not look) after very well. Since then a lot of work (do) on it, and these days the Hall (use) as an art centre. 9. The Eiffel Tower (be) in Paris, France. It (visit) by millions of people every year. It. (design) by Alexandre Eiffel (1832 - 1923). It (erect) in 1889 for the Paris exposition. Since that time, it (be) the most famous landmark in Paris. Today it (recognize) by people throughout the world. 10. Winton Castle (damage) in a fire last night. The fire, which (discover) at about 9 o'clock, spread very quickly. Nobody ___ (injure) but two people had to _______ (rescue) from an upstairs room. A number of paintings __(believe/destroy). It_____ (not/ know) how the fire started. 11. Repair work started yesterday on the Paxham-Longworth road. The road ___ (resurface) now and there will be long delays. Drivers (ask) to use an alter- native route if possible. The work ____ (expect) to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road (close) and traffic (divert). 12. In Paxham yesterday a shop assistant (force) to hand over £500 after (threaten) by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a ear which _____ (steal) earlier in the day. The car__(Jater/ find) in a car park where it (abandon) by the thief. A man (arrest) in connection with the robbery and (still/ question) by the police. VII. Choose the correct verb forms in this news report about a storm. Millions of pounds’ worth of damage (1)___ by a storm which (2)___ across the north of England last night. The River Ribble (3)____ its banks after heavy rain. Many people (4) from the floods by fire-fighters, who (5)___ hundreds of calls for help. Wind speeds (6)____ ninety miles an hour in some places. Roads (7)___ by fallen trees, and electricity lines (8)____ down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. ‘Everything possible (9)___ to get things back to normal,’ a spokesman (10)_. 1. a has caused b. has been caused ¢. caused = Prerer Wr WP 2. a. swept b. was swept c. was being swept 3. a.was burst b. has been burst ¢. burst 4. a. rescued b. were rescued c. be rescued 5. a. has received b. received c. were received 6. a. reached b. is reached c. were reached 7. a.has blocked b. blocked c. were blocked 8. a, were brought b. brought c. had brought 9. a. was done b. is being done c. is doing 10. a. said b. was said ©. say VIII, Reply to what people say. Use the subject in brackets. 1, A: The bus fares have been increased. (they) Bi What? You mean 22 elidel 2. A: Bicycles should be used for short journeys. (people) B: Yes, I agree. 3. A: A new source of energy has been discovered. (someone) B: What? Did you say that 4, A: This building is going to be knocked down. (they) B: Well, no one told me that 5. A: Eggs shouldn't be kept in a freezer. (you) B: Really? I didn’t know 6. A: Why isn’t litter put in the bin? (people) B: Exactly. Why don’t 7. A: Alot of money was stolen in the robbery. (the robbers) B: Really? The papers this morning don’t say that 8. A: The road in front of my house is being resurfaced at the moment. (they) B: What? Did you say that 9. A: A decision will not be made until the next meeting. (the board) B: Well, I’ve heard that 10.A: How is this word pronounced? (people) B: Sorry, I don’t know DX. Use the words in brackets to complete the sentence. Use the structure have some- thing done. We (the house/ paint) at the moment. Ilost my key. [have to___——__(another key make). When was the last time you (your hair/ cut)? . You look different. _________ (you your hai cut)? (you/ a newspaper/ deliver) to your house or do you go to the shop to buy one? A: Can I see the photos you took when you were on holiday? B: I'm afraid I (not/ the film/ develop) yet. ‘A: What are those workmen doing in your garden? B: Oh, we (a swimming pool/ build). 8. This coat is dirty.Imust_____——=_(it/ clean). 9. If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you (your ears/ pierce)? Saree a 10. A: My car has been serviced recently. B: How often (you! your car/ service)? X. Complete the sentences, using the causative form. 1. David went to the hospital. A nurse bandaged his arm. He had his arm bandaged. 2. Daniel is going to the dentist. He is going to fill his tooth. He is going to have the dentist 3. I didn’t recognize Sheila. The hairdresser’s dyed her hair. She’s had her hair 4. Pve been getting a lot annoying phone calls, so the telephone company is going to change my number. So I'm going to get the telephone company 5. Gabrielle broke her leg six weeks ago but she’s much better now. In fact ithe doctors should be taking the plaster off tomorrow. Gabrielle should be having the plaster ____ 6. Since Rowland made a lot of money, he’s not content with his little cottage, so an architect's designed him a fine new house. Rowland has had an architect 1 ‘This om gets too hot when the sun shines so Tim getting someanetofitblinds on the windows. I'm having blinds 8. Anne is walking around town while her photos are being developed. Anne is getting her photos _____. 9. We don’t really know what Shakespeare looked like. I wish he had asked someone to paint his portrait before he died. I wish Shakespeare had had his poitrait________. 10. My sister had always been self-conscious about her nose so she decided to go to a clinic for an operation to have it x. ita sstied AcGrosy tk a ot eeatlig ethers: Bact por in brackets. 1. We have to test these products. (be) 2. ABelgian called Etienne Lenoir made the first motor car. (by) 3. Nigel's passport was taken away from him by the police. (took) 4, They pay babysitters a lot of money. (are) 5. Ihope they'll interview me for the job. (to) 6. Amechanic is repairing Judy's car. (having) z 8 9. 1 L Li 1 . Tessa lost her way. (got) . Everyone agreed that the plan should go ahead. (it) ). When did they decorate your kitchen? (get) (0. They believe that he is living abroad. (be) 1. Pavarotti sang the song. (by) 2. Someone is cleaning the floor. (being) 3. Do you suppose your brother could have written such a letter? (been) 14, Laura had her brother repair her bicycle. (to) 15. Don't do that again. (be) Xil. Choose the correct answer. 1. We can’t go along here because the road a.isrepairmg _b. is repaired c. is being repaired d. repaires 2. The story I’ve just read Agatha Christie. a. was written b. was written by ¢. was written from d. wrote by 3. Why don't you have your brother the roof? a. repairs b. repair ¢. repaired d. to repair 4, The man died because medical help was not summoned. A doctor should a. behave called _ b. been called c. be called d. have been called 5. Something funny____in class yesterday. a, happened b. was happened —_c. happens 4. is happened 6. Many US automobiles in Detroit, Michigan. a. manufacture b. have manufactured c. are manufactured d. are manufacturing 7. A lot of pesticide residue can on unwashed produce. a. find b. found c. be finding 4. be found 8. We by aloud noise during the night. a. woke up b.are woken up —_c. were woken upd. were waking up 9, How did that window___? ~ I don’t know. a.getbroken —_b. broke c. got broken 4. broken 10. Some film stars__ difficult to work with. aaresaidbe b.aresaidtobe _c. say tobe d. said to be 11. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It everything in its path. a. destroyed b. was destroyed _ _ c, was being destroyed d. has been destroyed 12, Vitamin C by the human body. It gets into blood stream quickly. a. absorbs easily. iseasilyabsorbing . is easily absorbed d. absorbed easily 13. Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy ___at. a.belaughed —b. tobelaughed —_—_. laughing d. being laughed 14, John last week. a. had his house painted b. had painted his house c. had his father to paint d. had his house paint 15, Today, many serious childhood diseases __ by early immunization. a. are preventing b. can prevent c. prevent d. can be prevented 16.‘____ about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?’ ‘Not yet.’ a, Has been an announcement made _b. Has an announcement made ¢. Hasan announcement been made _d. Has been made an announcement 17. ‘Has the commitee made its decision yet?” ‘Not yet. They are still__ the proposal.’ a.considering b. been considered _c. being considered d.considered 18. I might watch this programme. It very funny. a. supposes to be b. is supposed being. . is supposed to be d. was supposed be 19. Do you get your heating every year? a. checking b. check c. be checked d. checked 20. Claude Jennings is said his memory. a tohave been lost b. to be lost c. to have lost d. to lose

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