Script - Do You Like To Exercise

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INTERVIEW SCRIPT Interviewer: Are you an exercise fan? Rob: Yes. | love to run. | run in the morning before | work, and | run on Saturdays and Sundays along the river and through the park. Interviewer: Are you a fan of exercise? Martin: Not really. Interviewer: So Rita, would you consider yourself a couch potato? Rita: No, I’m not a couch potato. Absolutely not. | just . . . | hate to exercise. Interviewer: So do you actually have a routine that you follow? Herb: Every day, yes. We go out . . .| go to the park and meet people who are in my age group. They are eighty, sixty, seventy. We have quite a number of eighties and one ninety-year-old. And we either walk or we run for about three and a half miles. Blanche: And | go to the park when I’m not .. . no, three days a week | go to the pool and walk in the water, and the rest of the time | go to the park and walk. Interviewer: How often do you do Tai Chi? Martin: About once a week. Interviewer: So do you feel exercise is important? Martin: Yes, | think it’s important. Interviewer: But not enough to do it more often than once a week? Martin: Well, to be honest, I’m very lazy. That's why. | wish | could do more exercise. Maybe | should, starting from today.

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