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Replace The Personal Pronouns With Possessive Adjectives:

1. Where is (I) am book?

2. Here is (we) our teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she) her brother.
4. (They) Their father works in a car factory.
5. (You) Your laptop is very expensive.
6. (He) His favorite hobby is tennis.
7. (I) am husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it) is historical monuments.
9. Leila likes (she) her dog!
10. (It) is name is Bobby.

Complete the sentences, Possessive adjective.

1.- David lives in Paris with his friend Paul.

2.- Paul, Steve and Mark are in their house

3. She is in her car

4.- My name is Aliette.
5.- My cousins are in their dog.
6.- My son is with his friend.
7.- Mary's family, are in her grandmother`s house.
8.- My brother is a doctor his car is pretty.
9.- It's my dog; he is a male and his name is Scooby.

Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. Here are the options: my, your, his,
her, its, our, their.
1. I like (I) my hat.

2. She lives with (she) her brother.

3. I have (you) your pen.

4. I know (they) their mother.

5. She likes (he) his shoes.

6. The teacher has (she) her book.

7. I buy (we) our food every day.

8. He loves (the radio) his music.

9. She wants (I) am money.

10. I like (Dave and Tanya) their bicycles.

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