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Name : Eka Agustina

Class : X.10
Number : 11

In the mid of October last year, at school, I and my friend, Silvi were at the student
cooperative to buy snacks. The situation in the student cooperative at that time was quite
crowded, because it was break time.
When I arrived at the cooperative, I went straight to the snack area to choose the snacks
first. I didn't even realize that I was separated from her at that time. After chose the snacks I
wanted, I was interested to buy ice cream too. While headed to the ice cream area, I saw a girl
who looked very similar to Silvi from behind who was picking out an ice cream. It didn't take
long, I immediately approached her and asked "Silvi, do you want to buy ice cream too?". I
asked while held the girl's shoulder. But I felt awkward, because there was no response from the
girl. And when she turned her head, I was shocked and quickly removed my hand from her
shoulder. At that moment, I felt very embarrassed because it was not my friend, Silvi. But it was
a senior who looked similar to Silvi from behind. Not wanting to hold the embarassment for too
long, I immediately apologized to the girl and quickly went to find Silvi. Unfortunately when I
paid for the snacks, I met the senior with her friends again and they laughed at me.
At that time, I wanted to drown myself in the ocean because I was so embarassed. Since
then, I've been more careful to not mistaken on anyone ever again.

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