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The Adjprog.exe and Keygen.exe files are infected with Malware.Generic

(scan with Malwarebytes).

As a writer, I advise you to be careful when using this software. Scan your computer
with an antivirus or anti-malware update, after using this software. Risks that occur in
the use of this software, are your own responsibility.

About Malware.Generic
Short bio
Malware.Generic.{id} are generic Malwarebytes detection names produced by
Malwarebytes 4 and Malwarebytes business products. These generic malware
detections are due to our new automated signature system called BytesTotal and DDS
engine that are based on Machine Learning technology with 100% autonomous learning
which don’t require any human interaction to correctly identify malware.. These
techniques are part of Malwarebytes’ Katana engine and were developed for automated
mass detection of wide ranges of malware and adware. The id-nr usually contains
several digits.

Types of infection
Based on closer determination, items detected as Malware.Generic can be categorized
more precisely based on their behavior. Malwarebytes uses the underlying threat
categories: Adware, Fraudtool, Hijack, Ransomware, Riskware, Rogue, Rootkit, Spyware,
Trojan, Virus, Worm.

The Malwarebytes’ Katana engine detects unknown threats as Malware.Generic by
using generic detections, Machine Learning, and other Artificial Intelligence techniques
to protect users from malware that has not yet been researched and classified.

If you are sure to continue using this software, and you already have a good and up-to-
date security system, I recommend:
1. Turn off the internet connection when using this tool.
2. Immediately delete the file after it is used to reset the printer.
3. Scan your computer to make sure your operating system and data are safe.

Risks arising from the use of this tool are your own responsibility.

Password .rar = openme

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