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Title Crowdfunding Website using Blockchain

Abstract This project aims to develop a crowdfunding platform utilizing blockchain

technology for increased security, transparency, and efficiency. The platform will
enable users to create fundraising campaigns, contribute funds, and track project
progress. Blockchain's decentralized nature will eliminate intermediaries, reduce
costs, and enhance trust among participants. Smart contracts will automate
campaign management, ensuring funds are released only when predefined
criteria are met. The website will provide a user-friendly interface, secure
payment gateways, and real-time project updates. The implementation will be
based on Ethereum blockchain, leveraging its smart contract capabilities and
robust ecosystem. The project aims to revolutionize the crowdfunding landscape
by leveraging blockchain's unique features for a more efficient and trustworthy
fundraising experience.

Key Features: -User-friendly interface for campaign creation and contribution

-Decentralized platform ensuring transparency and trust - Integration of secure
payment gateways for seamless transactions
-Real-time project updates to keep contributors informed
-Smart contracts for automated campaign management and fund release
-Utilization of Ethereum blockchain for its smart contract capabilities and
established ecosystem
-Enhanced security and reduced costs due to the decentralized nature of
-Potential for global reach and inclusivity
-Revolutionizing crowdfunding through increased efficiency and trustworthiness

Technologies - Ethereum blockchain

Used: - Solidity (smart contract programming language)
- Web development technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Secure payment gateway integration
- Database management system (e.g., MySQL)
Conclusion: The proposed crowdfunding website utilizing blockchain technology has the
potential to transform the way crowdfunding operates. By leveraging blockchain's
security, transparency, and efficiency, the platform aims to create a trustworthy
and efficient environment for fundraising campaigns. With its user-friendly
interface, real-time updates, and smart contract automation, the platform offers a
seamless experience for both campaign creators and contributors. This project
seeks to revolutionize the crowdfunding landscape by harnessing the power of

Title: Intelligent Chatbot for Personalized Product Recommendations based on
User Requirements: Streamlining Shopping Experience for Technical
Abstract This project presents an intelligent chatbot system that offers personalized
recommendations for technical products, primarily focusing on mobile
phones. The chatbot engages in conversation with users, collects their
preferences, and understands their specific requirements. Leveraging
machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, the
chatbot analyzes a database of product data to generate tailored
suggestions. Users can also ask questions and receive detailed information
about different products. The system aims to enhance the shopping
experience by providing accurate recommendations and facilitating
informed decision-making.
Key-Features -Personalized Recommendations: The chatbot utilizes user preferences and
requirements to generate tailored suggestions for technical products, with a
primary focus on mobile phones.
-Conversation-driven Interface: Users engage in conversation with the
chatbot, providing information about their preferences and receiving
realtime recommendations.
-Database Integration: The system incorporates a database of product
information, including specifications and user reviews, to extract relevant
data for recommendation generation.
Technologies Used -Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP algorithms are employed to
understand user input, process conversations, and extract relevant
information for recommendation generation.
-Machine Learning: Machine learning techniques are applied to analyze user
preferences, match them with product data, and refine the recommendation
algorithm based on user feedback.
-Database Management: Efficient database management techniques are
implemented to store and retrieve product information, ensuring quick and
accurate responses.
Conclusion The intelligent chatbot presented in this project offers a user-friendly and
efficient platform for personalized product recommendations. By combining
machine learning and NLP algorithms, the chatbot streamlines the selection
process for technical products, particularly mobile phones. The integration
of a comprehensive product database and interactive conversation
functionality enhances the overall shopping experience, providing users with
accurate recommendations and detailed information.
Title: Automated Resume Segregation and Sorting for Efficient Candidate
Abstract: This project introduces an automated app/website system for efficient
resume evaluation and sorting. By extracting information from uploaded
resumes, the system segregates and categorizes relevant details, aiding
employers in effectively reviewing candidate profiles. Employers can easily
access sorted resumes, apply filters, and focus on suitable candidates based
on specific criteria. Machine learning and natural language processing
techniques are employed for accurate information extraction and database
structuring. The system continuously learns and improves its sorting
capabilities, adapting to employer preferences over time, resulting in
enhanced efficiency and time savings.
Key-Features: -Resume Segregation: The system automatically extracts and segregates
information from uploaded resumes, including courses, skills, work
experience, and other relevant details.
-Efficient Sorting: Employers can easily search and filter candidate profiles
based on specific criteria, streamlining the evaluation process.
-User-Friendly Interface: The app/website provides an intuitive interface for
employers to define their requirements and preferences, ensuring a seamless
sorting experience.
Technology Used: -Information Extraction: Advanced techniques for information extraction,
including natural language processing algorithms, are employed to identify
and categorize relevant details from resumes.
-Machine Learning: Machine learning algorithms are utilized to improve the
accuracy of information extraction and continuously enhance the system's
sorting capabilities.
-Database Management: Efficient database management techniques are
implemented to store and retrieve resume information, ensuring quick access
and efficient sorting.
Conclusion: The automated resume evaluation and sorting system presented in this
project offers employers a user-friendly and efficient solution for managing
candidate profiles. By automating the segregation of information from
resumes and providing intuitive filtering options, the system enhances the
efficiency of candidate evaluation. Leveraging machine learning and natural
language processing techniques, the system continually improves its sorting
capabilities, adapting to employer preferences over time. Overall, the system
facilitates a streamlined resume evaluation process, enabling employers to
identify suitable candidates based on courses, skills, and other pertinent
information with ease.
Mini Project Group 10:
Prashant Singh
Nishant Patil
Mark Tuscano
Sania Tuscano

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