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Improvements for the multimedia centre

The purpose of this report is to propose ways in which facilities and services at
the multimedia centre can be enhanced, and also to suggest where savings can be
made. The recommendations are based on the opinions of students that
completed a questionnaire.

Technological issues
Some students have complained that the technology is out-of-date. Others claim
that the recordings are poor quality and that the memory on the computers is too
small for so many programs.

There, however, are a number of solutions to these problems. The out-of-date
technology can be fixed by updating our current operating systems to newer
ones. It is hypothesized that the poor quality of the recordings is due to the
outdated speakers, so new ones should be bought. The memory of our computers
can be enhanced by adding USB flash drives to them, this is both efficient and

Service issues
Many students have stated that the multimedia centre is often stuffy and
crowded. Others have complained that people occupy the computers in order to
talk to their friends, thus unabling others to study. Sometimes when something
goes wrong, there is no one available to help. Oftenly it is very loud, so some
students complained that they can't hear themselves think.

An expansion of the room is recommended, constant monitoring and supervision
of the users could prevent misuse. This constant monitoring could also solve the
problem of there not being anyone to help in the event of malfunction. Students
should be instructed to be quiet while in the room.
Our inquiries have resulted in the categorisation of the newfound problems into
two groups, technical ones and service ones. Solutions to all those problems
would be expanding the currently used space, purchasing new equipment and
hiring more staff with basic IT knowledge.

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