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Fiche 16

A. Fill in the chart

Base verb past pp Base verb past pp Base verb past pp
put start repair
smoke paint sit
organise help know
bring study catch
come fly answer
give fix sing

Relative pronouns
A. Rewrite these sentences using the words given:

1. We will book our rooms in the hotel . we stayed during our last summer holiday there. (where)
2. Jamal got married to the woman .He met her when he was studying medicine in Russia. (whom)
3. We will meet in the room . Its door painted green. (whose)


B. Fill in the gap with the appropriate words in the list:

Should - should have – can’t –can’t have – must- needn’t

1. We …………… revise well in order to get good marks in the national exams.
2. Students …………………….cheat in their exams. It is one of the rules in my school.
3. They ………………………………stolen Hatim’s mobile phone . stealing is not good.
4. You ………………….. take extra-hours because your level is excellent.
Phrasal verbs
A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verb. Make changes when necessary:

taken off - b – looking for –put out – looking forward to– put up with

1. When we arrived at the airport, the plane had already ………………………… .

2. I finished my studies two years ago . Now , I am …………………………a job to help my parents.
3. We are really tired. We are ……………………………. having a holiday.

A. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form:

1. So far, a lot of immigrants (come )…………………. back to their home countries to spend their summer holidays.
4. Two students were fighting when the teacher (arrive) …………………...
5. While I (explain) ………………………….. the lesson , Abdrahman was texting his girl friend.

Writing :
task :Complete this paragraph

I like watching TV for these reasons. First,……………………………………………………………………………….

Fiche 16

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