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1. Do you like rainy days ? Why ?
 Of course, yes. Rainy days may bring a pleasant feeling, and it’s a great time for me
to curl up on my bed, binge-watching my favorite TV series.
2. Does it rain much in your city ?
 Not too much. Because I live in the tropical country, so it does not rain a lot. Rainy
days only occur during the wet seasons but not every day. Sometimes, rain will
appear suddenly due to the storm.
3. Would you like to live in a dry or wet place ?
 Although I mentioned that I love rainy days before, I enjoy living in a dry place at all.
I dislike humid environment because it make me feel uncomfortable when I go out. In
contrast, dry weather can enhance all outdoor activities, and it’s a good time for me to
plant some of my favorite trees.
4. Would you change your plan if it rained ?
 Sometimes, it depends on the occasion. When my appointment is not so important,
like hanging out with friends or doing shopping, I will cancel and wait until the
weather stops raining. However, I still go if it is the important ones, such as going for
a checkup or studying.
1. Do you like learning languages ?
 Absolutelty. Learning different languages can enhance my communication and my
career path, as I will find jobs easily. Furthermore, if I am fluent in foreign languages,
I can travel around the world without a help from translator.
2. What language can you speak ?
 Apart from Vietnamese, which is my mother tongue, I also learn English and French.
I learned English when I was 6 years old because it was a compulsory lesson in my
primary school. Until now, I could use this language fluently to communicate with
others. However, I’m just a beginner in French, you know, French is also an optional
lesson based on my preference because its pronunciation sounds great.
3. How did you learn the languages that you know ?
 As I mentioned earlier, I learn English at school and in extra classes. With other
languages like French, I always keep up with my study plans due to some language
learning apps, namely Duolingo and Elsa Speak, which can improve my speaking
skills and create conversations with native speakers.
4. Do you think that English is difficult to learn ?
 I don’t think so. I’ve been used to learning English since I was a kid, so I didn’t find
it struggle at all. But, to be honest, it took me a little time at the beginning to acquire
pronunciation as well as grammar.
5. Do you think foreigners should learn your country’s language when they arrive
there ?
 Oh, from my perspective, I don’t think it’s necessary. Since English became an
international language, there are a plethora of individuals who are fluent in English,
including Vietnamese. If foreigners have a chance to learn my mother tongue, I think
they just need to learn some common words, such as “Xin chao” or “Cam on”.

1. How do you keep healthy ?
 Honestly, I always wake up early to do exercises with my father in order to enhance
my state of health. Moreover, I rarely eat salty and sweet foods because I want to
improve blood circulation and keep my body in shape.
2. What are your favorite sport ?
 Well, I’m not keen on sports, but I’d say badminton. I first knew about this sporty
game when I was 8 years old. I play badminton because it can bring numerous
advantages, such as pursuing a healthy lifestyle, burning lots of calories and
enhancing team spirit.
3. Are there health class in your school ?
 Maybe it’s PE class. The Vietnamese education system only organizes PE as a
compulsory lesson for physical fitness and to enhance students’ mental health to
prevent them from obesity. However, my school doesn’t provide me with nutrition
resources or teach me about the importance of taking care because they just
concentrate on academic studies.
4. What sports help people stay healthy ?
 Wow, it depends on people’s choices, but from my experience, I will choose
swimming. As you know, these days, humans tend to have a sedentary lifestyle due to
their hectic schedules. Moreover, swimming is a sport that is available in many
places, then it will alleviate stress levels, manage weight, and provide a pleasant
feeling during a hot day.
5. Is it easy for people to excersise in your country ?
 I believe not. At the present time, adults are required to work more than 9 hours a
day, and students tend to study in some extra classes to prepare for their exams.
Therefore, they would feel tired and want to take a rest when coming home instead of
going out for excercise.


Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future.

- What it is: flight attendant – the job that vital for people who is responsible for
ensuring the safety, security and comfort of passengers during the flights such as
serving food and drinks. I think it’s an important job on board.
- How you can find this job: I recently knew about this job when I was on my first
vacation by plane. At this time, I was impressed by the beauty and appearance of the
flight attendants. This opportunity then gave me a chance to explore more about this
interesting job and it became my dream.
- What skills it requires: I have read many articles about flight attendants that if
people want to become filght attendants, it requires lots of important skills. One of
the main skill is language, especially English, and participants need to have a
language certificate before entering the interview. The working environment of cabin
crew always needs to have lots of conversations with foreign passengers, so English
is obligatory. Besides, swimming is one of the major skills, too, in order to prevent
the plane from landing on the sea.
- And explain why it is an interesting job: This is an interesting job, because when I
was a little girl, I always imagined myself as a flight attendant in the future. I feel that
it will be great when I wear an aviation uniform with a nice appearance and serve
passengers with the best services. Moreover, doing this job can meet my need to
travel and discover new countries without spending money.


1. Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions ?

 In my opinion, I believe yes. As you know, young children are required to reach their
goals by their parents to pursue a career path or achieve high marks. So it’s a good
opportunity for children to make their decisions that can affect their future.
2. What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation ?
 Students will decide whether to pursue higher education or find a job with a suitable
salary. For instance, studying to reach a higher degree may bring lots of advantages to
students’ career paths, and they can get a high salary with a good working
environment. Meanwhile, applying for a job can enhance students skills and
3. Who can children turn to for help when making a decision ?
 Of course their parents and teachers or friends. As parents can support and have a
deep understanding from their kids. Teachers may provide advice from their
knowledge to help students make a right decision. Moreover, friends also a way to
help us because they are at the same age, the same thinking and understanding so they
can help us to choose what is the best.
4. Do you think advertisements can influence on our decisions when shopping ?
 Definitely, advertisements play a vital role in people’s choices. When people go
shopping but don’t know what to buy, advertisements will give them an introduction
to many products, what they look like, and how much they cost. Also, people can’t
escape these advertisements because they're colorful and attractive.
5. Do you think the influence of advertising is good ?
 Partially. As I mentioned earlier, it helps consumers buy the products they want easily
without thinking for a long time. However, it also manipulates the consumers’
choices and making them buy the advertised items.
6. How do people make an important decision ?
 Wow, it’s quite difficult for me, but I think it depends on the importance of the
situation. If people want to make a decision about their job, it may involve a lot of
uncertainty and risk. Therefore, they need to seek an advice someone they trust who
can weigh the pros and cons to help them.
7. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country ?
 I believe it’s marketing. Because more and more companies are requiring proficiency
and creativity from their employees. That is the reason why young people are chosen
to work in the marketing field as they can catch up with the latest trends and come up
with new ideas.
8. (2.2). What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your
country ?
 It contains lots of disparities. First, high-income required people with higher degrees,
special skills and have the ability to become leader. Moreover, high-income may
allow people to take their careers to new heights and broaden their horizons. In
contrast, low-income jobs don’t need emloyees to have qualifications. Therefore, they
just receive low salary which can’t afford them to pay for their living expenses.
9. (8). When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their
future careers ?
 I think the age of 17 may be the best. As you know, there are some students who can’t
afford to go to universiry, so in their late teens, they need to choose a suitable job to
earn money. For those who go to university, the age of 17 will give them many goals
as they can choose their favorite careers easily.
10. (9.) Which jobs have the highest salaries ?
 Occupations that require knowledge and degree such as doctors, lawyers, to name a
few. These jobs include lots of specialized knowledge because they have an important
impact on the community. Furthermore, jobs that depend on geographic location also
earn high salries, too, such as soldiers, because they have the responsibility to protect
the peace of their country.
11. (10). Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills ?
 Maybe drivers. This job pretend employees to have safe driving skills because they
have to transport goods and passengers through difficult and dangerous roads, if they
don’t have the qualifications they may cause accidents. Although they don’t receive
high salaries because this job doesn’t require a degree.
12. (11). Do you think it is important for secondary schools to offer career advice to
students ?
 I don’t think it’s crucial. Children aged 12-14 don’t have a clear definition of a career,
they just at the age of playing and exploring. Early career advice makes them not
have their own direction, they just follow the career path about which they are

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