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A AI Centre of Excellence

K J College of Engineering & Management

Computer Department

Voice Assistant
Python is a suitable language for script for Voice Assistant using Python. The query
for the assistant can be manipulated as per the user’s need.
Speech recognition is the process of converting audio into text. This is commonly
used in voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, etc. Python provides an API
called SpeechRecognition
Libraries used
Pyttsx3:- This module is used for the conversion of text to speech in a program it
works offline. To install this module.
Tkinter:-This module is used for building GUI and comes inbuilt with Python
Speech Recognition:- For Application of voice assistant, one of the most
important things in this is that your assistant recognizes your voice. This converts
voice into text
Web browser:- To perform Web Search. This module comes built-in with Python.
Ecapture:- To capture images from your Camera. To install this module.

Wikipedia:- As we all know Wikipedia is a great source of knowledge , we have

used the Wikipedia module to get information from Wikipedia or to perform a
Wikipedia search.

Working Principle:
Program recognize speech command from user using microphone
Command is parsed and after searching command necessary information is
extracted, then this text is converted to audio and output on google
As many possible command functions can be added to make voice assistant more powerful.

Applications : Very useful for automation of office work

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