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Final Output in SW 110: Social Welfare Policies, Programs and Services

Here are some general steps you can follow to create a policy brief in relation to social work:

1. Define the problem or issue

 Start by clearly defining the problem or issue that your policy brief will address. This
should be a concise statement that describes the social issue or problem that you want
to address. (e.g. Lack of affordable housing for low-income families)
2. Provide background information
 Provide some context and background information about the problem or issue. This
could include statistics, research findings and historical information.
3. Identify Stakeholders
 Identify the stakeholders who are affected by the problem or issue. This could include
individuals, families, communities, organizations and government agencies.
4. Describe the current policy or practice
 Describe the current policy or practice that is in place to address the problem or issue.
This could include laws, regulations, programs and services
5. Identify gaps or areas for improvement
 Identify the gaps or areas for improvement in the current policy or practice. This could
include gaps in services, inequities or areas where the policy is not effective.
6. Make recommendations
 Make specific recommendations for how the policy or practice could be improved.
These recommendations should be based on research and evidence-based practices.
7. Provide a conclusion
 Summarize your key findings and recommendations in a conclusion. This should be a
concise statement that highlights the importance of your policy brief and the urgency of
addressing the problem or issue.
8. Add references
 Include a list of references to support your findings and recommendations


 Overall, a policy brief should be concise, clear, and focused on a specific issue or
problem. It should be written in a way that is accessible to a wide audience, including
policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.
 You should use Cambria fontstyle size 11
 Submit your output on or before May 31, 2023.

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